Saturday, 7 September 2024

Round 5-16 (Picaso)

Picaso Family
Matthew has found his soul mate and Jessica has found hers! How will life go for them now that they are married and in Veronaville? Should they focus on their careers or create a family first?

Just like the Travellers, the Picasos are new in town so we should introduce them first: 

Jessica pretty much just wants to stay together with Matthew til their elder years. She's a family Sim with a pretty balanced personality, with friendliness being her main outlying trait. She likes the colour white the most.

Matthew is a former gamer who craves a good friend group and is REALLY sloppy... He wants to become a pro athlete, yet somehow is in the military? Maybe because they wear a lot of green there, which is Matthew's favourite colour.

The bottom floor was decorated by Matthew, with greens and browns forming an earthy palette...

... while the top floor has more of Jessica's hand, with a cozy white-cream decor.

Before we can really play them it's OFF TO WORK YOU TWO!

You're already late yet we need the money.

With some extra cash in the pocket we can get started with these two.

Jessica met up with Bottom Summerdream some time in an earlier household - and she wants to make more of their relationship... And to be honest it's really hard to realise that Bottom and Jessica are actually about the same age now!

One long phone call later and we aren't quite there yet...

Jessica jumped in the yard to catch herself some bugs and I got the note it's her destined hobby!

Matthew meanwhile has been doing the mechanical books in the background and got himself a skill point!

Time to invite over Trent Traveller to work on that friendship want...

Maybe Trisha wants to come over as well?

Jessica also got lucky catching a bug.

Juust in time to let the visitors in.

Jessica starts talking about the years of her youth... Trisha isn't too interested however.

Matthew and Trent hit it off more however.

There we go!

Sorry lady, we're not interested in going Downtown.

While Trent is off using the toilet for a second, the Picasos and Trisha are chatting together a bit.

Afterwards Jessica serves some spaghetti for a late dinner with their guests.

Aaand Jessica's hand is glitching out.. Oof.

After saying goodbye to their guests...

... Matthew and Jessica find some quality time for themselves.


... they find themselves in the bedroom, trying for Jessica's dream of having a baby!

Dangit Adrian Capp!

The next morning the couple gets up very early...

... for the carpool for Military personnel arrives at 6.

After a hard day as Elite Forces, Matthew receives the news that he got a promotion!

He immediately hits the books again to try and become eligible for another promotion.

... if it weren't for Mystery Sim interrupting.

Jessica went on a hike meanwhile and brought back home some poison ivy itches.

Dangit Adrian!

Matthew got a skill point from his book, meaning he can get promoted once more!

Jessica caught another bug...

... while Matthew made friends with Victor Ryan!

Afterwards the phone went to Jessica, who finally made friends with Bottom Summerdream.

I noticed Jessica wanted to get a gardening plot...

Let's first start this thing off small and see where it goes? It could be an alternate food source for when the kids are born and Jessica may quit her job?

Jessica hits the shower real quick before Matthew finishes the food.

... That doesn't entitle you to fart on your wife's meal however, young man!

Despite that setback, Jessica hit the mechanical books as well and got her a skill point, making her eligible for a promotion, too!

Having some time left, the two spend some quality time together...

... quality time which eventually ends in the bedroom trying for a baby again!

One early morning later and it was just Jessica who had to get up to work...

With his wife off, Matthew eats him some cereal...

... and also finishes the leftovers of Jessica.

One call with Trisha later...

... and Matthew still isn't friends with her. Huh.

Jessica meanwhile got herself that promotion!

Good timing, Bottom!

While Jess got some catching up to do, Matt takes care of the bills.

Afterwards Matt cooks his wife some grilled cheese!

A family lunch together...

... followed by some chores in and around the house!

Hello there Victor!

And.. uh hi Tybalt? I guess he's conspiring with Adrian against the Picasos?

Matthew wants to meet some new folks.

Let's see who is hanging out at the Veronaville Market?

... a vampire is. ew. gross. get it out.

While Matthew meets with David Ottomas...

... Jessica just managed to avoid seeing Oberon Summerdream transform in favour of a toilet break!

She does make a chat with him afterwards, however.

David and Matthew hung out a bit, but things seem to get to a halt right now...

At least there's room for some quality time at the clothes shop.

Back home, the two newlyweds eat some leftovers...

... followed by some quality time in the sheets once more!

I noticed the sudden steep drop in Jessica's bladder motive.. could she finally be pregnant?

The next morning it was time to get up early once more!

After some quick cereal together...

... it was time to get to work once again!

While at work Jessica's sprinkler does a good job keeping the garden watered!

When back however, it is ultimately Jessica herself who has to keep up with pulling the weeds, while Matthew enjoys a call with Trent Traveller.

I also noticed that Tybalt's newspaper theft distracted her from planting on the final gardening plot.

Fixed it.

After lunch...

... and a bit of extra watering...

... it is time to go on another hike!

Matthew in the meanwhile has to deal with the dirty bathroom.

He rewards himself afterwards with a call to David Ottomas.

Not poison ivy againnn!

After putting away David...

... Matthew gets him and Jessica dinner together.

One more try in the bedroom can't hurt right?

Ooh a penguin! Funnily enough this one appeared during the Summer.. huh!

The next morning Jessica is keeping up with her garden when the carpool arrives... But the morning glow happens to be gold-brown, meaning it is time to finish up the Picasos for now and move on to our next and final move-in - Julien Cooke!

To be continued

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