Saturday, 23 March 2024

Round 5-9 (Miranda Norman)


Miranda Norman
Previously at Miranda Norman's: Miranda grew up into an adult and started writing novels to make a bit of a living. Now that her aging father Albany has been killed by her mother Goneril, Miranda has to rely on that income. Can she restore the Norman family name in honour?

Just like the rest of town, Miranda has a favourite colour - Black in this case.

She starts her day off working on her novel!

It takes a long morning, but Miranda eventually finishes her work...

... and sadly it didn't do so well.

After chatting with Trista Shaw, Miranda found herself a warehouse discount offer! Considering her financial situation this could work out really well!

Time to try for a new novel. Third time's the charm right?

Miranda also felt like buying herself a new lounge chair - so here we go!

Time to hit the write-grind so hard, a creativity skill point is cut out of the rocks.

Sadly the writing spree must come to a halt when David Ottomas calls up...

... followed by Desdemona Capp...

... and Bottom Summerdream - no Bottom, we're not going Downtown.

Ooh, Miranda is also close to maxing out her interest in Film & Literature!

But with the night falling already it's time to hit the shower and go to bed.
With Albany no longer around I also redecorated the room a bit.

The next morning it's time to pay the rent!

Off to the write-grind once more!

Curtis Ryan called - so Miranda talked a bit and made best friends with him...

... which was plenty of opportunity for Trista to hijack the PC.

Guess we should call up Mallory Mace instead then...

... oof.

Fine - we'll read a book then.

And work on the body skill for a skill point - always handy to stand up against Goneril.

Then came the want to chat with Mallory once more - time to invite her over!

*Thanks to Trista blocking the stairs, Miranda could not reach Mallory to greet, causing her to walk off again*


Good - this time there's no Trista to block the place.

Time to catch up!

Annnd... no more wants towards Mallory popped up. Dangit!

After taking care of some needs and hoping for any other interactions to happen in vain, it's time to say our goodbyes and hit the hay.

The next morning...

Miranda hit the PC once more to write and made some progress on her novel...

Eventually Miranda decided she should focus on a date with Mallory, in an attempt to make up what fell flat yesterday.

There she is!

And this time Miranda actually had the want to go on a date!

While the date started off quiet, Mallory rolled a VERY interesting want, especially for a Romance Sim.

But as things got a little more steamy, the thing rerolled.

Time to get the date going!

And guess what? Mallory rolled for the marriage want again, while Miranda has it as a fear...

Oh well, they eventually rolled wants to hit the sheets instead.

Dangit Regina! PRIVACY!

After the deed was done Victor Lillard called.

Sorry Victor, the date goes first!

I felt like it also made sense for Miranda to ask Mallory to move in - especially because Sims cannot roll wants to ask others to move in (only marriage, and I don't think Miranda's ready for that yet)

One look at Mallory's LTW teaches us that it's in a similar vein as Miranda's of woohooing 20 Sims... I may have to consider a No Jealousy Token mod or something, I think these two feel more like the type to have an open relationship...

Time to end the date officially!

After some dinner, Miranda jumps back to her novel...

... while Mallory delivers some flowers...

... and got a job offer from Regina - sorry Regina, but Mallory prefers to stick to her job as a Slacker.

While Mallory purchases a loveseat...

... and watches some TV, Miranda got another skill point...

... and a finishes novel to boot! Time to tell the world her story on her father's demise.

Oof. Not again.

Oooh nice!

Time to take care of the book...

... and give Mallory a favourite colour!

With the bestseller novel want fulfilled, Miranda decided she wanted another skill point. Hitting the TV exercises it is!

After getting her body a bit more in shape, she joins Mallory in bed.

The next morning Mallory has to get up early...

... for her carpool has arrived!

When Miranda wakes up she showers off that workout sweat, followed by a good breakfast.

In the meantime the landlord has fixed the computer, which means Miranda can start on her next novel!

A big writing rush later and Miranda has hit the maximum hobby enthusiasm for Film & Literature!

While Miranda is still grinding her writing, Mallory has answered the phone to catch up with one of her downtown friends.

Oh. Sorry man, no time.

And sorry Victor, no time for you either.

Mallory has other plans in mind: asking her partner on another date! Let's hope we can avoid that fear of marriage...

The fears are there, but at least there's plenty of time to build it up.

Mallory picks up the pace - but Miranda still has that fear...

Time to make out!

And do the woohoo!


... well this is awkward.

Out, Regina! Out!

... why doesn't she get the memo?

Time to find someplace else to get busy at!

Perhaps some ice cream will do the trick to set the date up the proper trajectory again...

Time to build up the momentum again!

Uhh, I don't think that's how dressing booth woohoo is supposed to work.

Much better!

That's what the cashier thinks as well.

Well done!

Time to call it a night and get back home!

Mallory is VERY exhausted.

Now that the two are getting off their pink cloud, it's time to get grounded again with some scrumptious flophouse cafeteria slop.

While Mallory has a shower, Miranda delivers another bouquet!

... well, one more Woohoo cannot hurt right?

Time to sleep tight!

Because the next morning we'll be leaving the two of you to move on to the next family! And considering Mallory has brought in a good stash of dough, maybe we'll be saying goodbye to the flophouse as well!

Before that we'll be catching up with Tybalt and Amy and see what they've been up to after moving out of Capp Manor!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...