Friday, 18 February 2022

Introducing the Town


From the very first time I really got into The Sims 2 Veronaville has been my favourite neighbourhood of the game. Whereas most simmers enjoyed the soap opera that is Pleasantview or the utter insanity that lies in Strangetown, I always had a weak spot for the whole family feud, the Shakespearean references et cetera that could be found in Veronaville. 

After my previous save had some trouble with the save, I decided to give the town a new shot. As limiting the gameplay to just the Monty, Capp and Summerdream clans will cause the families to intertwine rather quickly, I am adding some of the stealth bin families into the mix as the seasons pass by to add some fresh blood into the mix.

For the first round I added the Pets and Seasons families to the town, plus a recreation of my first true Sims 3 family, the Zuimelhofs. (Nora's Sims 3 incarnation was in fact the very first Sim I've played from the cradle to the grave. They will always have a special place in my heart.)

For the first round I will play each household for a day, until the first Autumn strikes. After that I'll play each family rotationally for a full season (4 days). In that system I am also using a custom age span: Babies will age up after 2 days, Toddlers will ast for 3 days, Children and Teenagers will get 9 days, followed by Adulthood lasting 36 days. For Elders the influence of the aspiration meter will be felt more heavily - the luckiest and happiest Sim could last over 30 days in their senior days, whereas the worst case scenario has a Sim die of old age after only 2 elderly days...

With all that being said, it is time to meet the families!

Capp Manor Residents
Juliette Capp has fallen for Romeo, golden child of the rival Monty clan. Can the Capps set aside their grudge and put Juliette's happiness first?

- Consort Capp, in charge of the Capp clan until Juliette grows up
- Tybalt Capp, will defend the Capp name at any personal cost
- Juliette Capp, heiress whose decisions will impact the future of the town
- Hermia Capp, Juliette's confidente with romantic choices of her own to make

Monty Ranch Residents
Patrizio Monty never forgot Consort Capp's broken promise. But now his grandson Romeo has fallen for the Capp heiress. Will the Elders live to see the two families united?

- Patrizio Monty, bittered patriarch leading the Monty clan
- Isabella Monty, cornerstone of the Monty's success
- Mercutio Monty, unlucky joker who cares for his family
- Romeo Monty, heir with a romantic mission

Summerdream Family
The Summerdreams' kindly nature and zest for life have cast a romantic spell over Veronaville's youth. But will there be any magic left for Puck?

- Oberon Gossamer, will his career focus cost him the love of his life?
- Titania Summerdream, what measures will she take to find inner peace?
- Puck Summerdream, can he carve his path inbetween the entangled family webs?
- Bottom Summerdream, will the young heiress keep the magic alive?

Goneril Capp's Family
Goneril's husband Albany wanted a big family, and he got it. Will their offspring carry on the Capp traditions, or smash the establishment to smithereens?

- Albany Capp, can he balance his strictness with enough heart?
- Goneril Capp, will she grow weary of her offspring?
- Miranda Capp, how rebellious will she truly be?
- Hal Capp, not as aggressive as he looks
- Desdemona Capp, what's with the interest in fairies?
- Ariel Capp, just another member of the Capp family?

Bianca Monty
Bianca Monty is happy to be out on her own, but can she find someone to make a family with?

- Bianca Monty, will she find love in the right or wrong places?

Regan Capp's Household
Regan and her husband Cornwall are preoccupied with their careers, but Bianca Monty's affections for Regan's brother Kent have the household on alert. Will Kent have the courage to break the vendetta?

- Regan Capp, determined and ambitious, but at which cost?
- Cornwall Capp, lover, friend, or business partner?
- Kent Capp, can the black sheep be accepted among his peers?

Antonio Monty's Family
Recently widowed, Antonio must either give up his job at the family restaurant and use his savings to raise his twins Beatrice and Benedick, or hire help and keep the job he loves. What will be his role in the family feud that may have cost him his wife?

- Antonio Monty, will his grief turn into hatred?
- Beatrice Monty, can her bright side keep her father's head up?
- Benedick Monty, the quiet, brooding type...

Roseland Family
Cyd and Porthos are the founders of the Dognatchi technique, which introduced the world to canine physical training through mental discipline. Together, they prove that Sims and dogs can achieve amazing and inspirational results!

- Cyd Roseland, just a canine trainer or is there more for him?
- Porthos Roseland, focused to break his record.

Ottomas Family
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to give this family the strength it needs to live in Veronaville?

- Dora Ottomas, support and family rock, but for how long?
- Peter Ottomas, will his urges be just for Samantha or lies betrayal ahead?
- Samantha Ottomas, will this pregnancy push her over the edge?
- David Ottomas, will his family push him to, or pull him from his own dreams?
- Sharla Ottomas, just there for now, but when will she start to roar?
- Tommy Ottomas, will he learn to adapt to younger siblings when the time's there?

Ramaswami Family
Sanjay and Priya are ready to settle down and start their life together!  Will they settle in the beautiful town of Veronaville or will they find out they should've gone for something like Riverblossom Hills to make their happy home?

- Sanjay Ramaswami, will he build a musical legacy?
- Priya Ramaswami, will her average interests bless or curse her written ambitions?

Zuimelhof Family
Renowned doctors Carla and Dave have been reassigned to take lead of the Veronaville medical services. Will their fresh perspective in the town heal the tensions among the residents or will their treatment cause bad side effects?

- Carla Zuimelhof, too curious for her own good?
- Dave Zuimelhof, what rest will this bumbling dad find?
- Nora Zuimelhof, will her nerves get the better of her?
- Dora Zuimelhof, how different is the cloth she's made of?

Next time we'll start off with the residents of Capp Manor! 

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Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...