Saturday, 14 September 2024

Round 5-17 (Julien Cooke)

Julien Cooke
After having his wonderful recipe stolen by his rival, Zebest Quizine, Julien decided to start anew. Will his new life lead him to more culinary creations?

Julien Cooke is the last one of the new Veronaville residents this year. After the Zebest situation ruining his life efforts, Julien is more motivated than ever to become a celebrity chef.

In order to gain new inspiration for his new masterpiece, he decided to buy the land of the Old Silo Farm and bathe himself in the rural life.

Julien set up camp around the old silo, while using the inside to store some stuff that really shouldn't be put outside, and as a place to go for shelter if the weather gets too rowdy.

Julien spent his entire first morning working on his cooking skill - the grudge against Zebest still lies that deep.

After brushing up his cooking skills, Julien decides to visit the Stratford Strip in order to meet some new people.

Maybe he can build his culinary reputation as well by grilling some burgers?

Aaaand Carmen Patch strikes again.

Luckily Dora Zuimelhof manages to fight her off - Welcome to Veronaville, Julien.

Dora's training this round hasn't caused any lethal consequences, luckily.

Julien, meanwhile, is too busy enjoying his burgers...

... and playing some pinball.

He talked around a bitto, though nothing really interesting happened.

Back home...

... I noticed that Julien often walked AROUND the silo to reach the door, instead of just heading straight to it, so it's time to block that route.

After dancing to some music, Julien's carpool arrives.

He still got to do some networking in order to be eligible for a promotion, however.

Time to spend his first night out camping.

The next morning...

... Julien spent his first breakfast of the season with cereal in the morning summer sun!

Julien wants a date, though.. and I think he once walked into April Hutchins at a community lot earlier this round.

If only April wasn't at work...

Time to instead take a taxi...

... to Sue's Secret Kitchen - the place where Cuisine experts hang out.

There Carl Conley, the Cuisine Expert, is!

Before we start to work on our cooking, Julien wants to get himself a Shaken-Not-Stirred.

After that it's time to start cooking...

Looking good so far!

The moment Julien puts his finishing touches for the food contest, Carl puts a move on Brenda Sims, a local pizza delivery person.

Time to put Julien's cooking skill to the test.

Oof, Carl brought a baked alaska, only master chefs can make those...

The judge...

... tries...

... all...

... dishes...

... before deciding who to give the grand prize...


Brenda is the winner!

I guess Julien learned the hard way he has yet to make a new mindblowing recipe.

Julien decides to protest the outcome by having a plate of his own dish and enjoying every bite of it.

He also hangs out a bit with the other cooking aficionados...

... before heading back to Veronaville.

Julien dances some of the stress away...

... before grilling himself hot dogs for lunch.

He finishes his sausage just in time to leave for work.

Julien's still not eligible for a promotion, however.

Sleep well Julien!

A new dawn is breaking.

Julien enjoys himself some cereal.

And this time April IS available for a date.

Let's go Downtown!

At the park Downtown...

... it's first time to get to know each other.

It doesn't take long for April to get a good impression and offer Julien a job - sorry April, but he's already working in his dream field...

I guess she took that offer rejection not too well, as she's a bit more reserved afterwards.

Meanwhile, Sharla Ottomas FINALLY managed to gain a crush on someone! Guess love eventually DID blossom between her and Orlando.

Julien and April meanwhile found the stereo - so of course dancing ensued.

Things would've gotten well.. if it weren't for the traditional Capp vs Monty fight!

Cornwall won against Bianca!

No heads were chopped in the process however.

April meanwhile seems to have warmed up to Julien.

Warmed up enough...

... to push those lips together.

In the afterbliss it doesn't take long for the hearts to start floating!

After some more romantic gestures...

The date comes to a dreamy end...

Time to go back home!

Where Julien can work on his newly rolled want to earn *any* skill point!

Logic, anyone? Now he is eligible for a promotion!

After having a look at the bouquet April has bought him, Julien calls up...

... Brenda the fellow cuisine enjoyer, and actually makes friends with her!

Now he's certainly going to get a promotion!


Dangit, 4pm.

Work wasn't 'business as usual' this time however, as the burger machine decided to kick the bucket.

Julien put in some good effort, and got himself promoted!

With a new promotion come new skill responsibilities however...

... so back to the chess table it is!

He's on a row!

That is, if his energy wasn't so low... and Julien got the daytime shift now, too.

Time to quickly shove in some leftover cereal...

... before starting off his first shift as a waiter!

Welcome back home!

Now be responsible and pay your bills!

After grinding the logic skill...

... Julien calls up--

Oh, the hobby stalker is offering him a magazine deal - no thank you!

Anyways, Julien wants to become best friends with Brenda - and for that to happen they need to become friends again!

Afterwards he calls April and invites her over to visit!


That kiss was also enough to put them into best friend mode, fulfilling another want of Julien's.

After having burgers for dinner together *ahem*...

April and Julien go indoors for some romance...

... and while slow dancing together, Julien closes in on her and whispers three words in her ear: "I love you."

The two lovebirds soon say their goodbyes and with April gone, Julien sleeps in for the night.

The next morning it's autumn at the Old Silo Farm - which means the time has come to let Julien Cooke and with him Veronaville be, and move on to the VUL next post, where we'll see how Beatrice and Benedick Monty will fare during their first years at college!

To be continued

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