Sunday, 3 December 2023

Round 5-1 (Capp Manor)


With an entire year played, it's time to introduce some new blood into Veronaville.

At the start of this playthrough I moved the Pets and Seasons bin families in the town.

This round the Bon Voyage and Free Time bin families will be added into the Veronaville mix.

Which means we'll be seeing...

... the Travellers...

... the Picasos...

... and Julien Cooke in town! 

A new highway has also been built that connects Veronaville to the Downtown area near SimCity.
I like the idea of adding a rule that Sims can visit there to hang out, but only by car or taxi. 

With that all said and done, let's get this show on the road, shall we? Time to see what has happened at Capp Manor!

Capp Manor
Previously at Capp Manor: After Juliette made the right connections at college, Hermia was able to be brought back to life. Then Consort kicked the bucket, leaving Hal, Desdemona, Ariel and Adrian without adult supervision until Tybalt returned from college, and then got engaged with his uni sweetheart Amy Platz. 

With two birthdays, a marriage and Juliette's imminent return from the VUL coming up, this post is the longest so far in the history of this blog! Let's get to it!

First things first - I used hoodchecker to clean up some stray data in my neighbourhood and for some reason all graves were noted as being part of the college neighbourhood. So hoodchecker prompted me to pick a new place for them to go...

... I picked the Santa Maria Cemetary.

... Which meant that Tybalt had to go to the 'Filthy Monty Half' of town...

...  to retrieve the graves of his ancestors.

Tybalt also made a visit to the St John Churchyard...

... to return the Summerdream's graves there. A diplomatic gesture I'd say.

Back at Capp Manor, the rest of the family enjoys a calm Sunday morning breakfast.

Tybalt and Amy had a late meal together...

... while Ariel decided to work on her charisma - and got the point!

Amy is still on the lookout for a job in Politics, but sadly the newspaper has no good offer.

Nora walked by - Hal's crush on Nora is officially dead now that the two has been getting at each others' throats.

Amy went online to look for that job - but alas, no luck again.

Having plenty of time in the weekend, she takes the car...

... and visits the Veronaville Market.

There she goes to do her wedding shopping!

Amy buys some jewelry to complete the look as well.

Tybalt will adore her at the altar.

Back home she goes!

... where Ariel has finished another of her paintings!

The household has a delicious lunch together.

Or well - At least Ariel is enjoying it.

The afternoon is quiet, things go their way, while Adrian has a phone call from his father. Maybe he could finally have an actual parental figure back in his life?

Hal also receives a call while Desdemona brushes up her creativity skill!

After hanging up the phone. Hal cooks some spaghetti for the Capps - when suddenly little Bonkers gets cornered by a wolf!

At the time we get the aging note spam it escalates into a FIGHT! 

Bonkers lost...

After dinner Ariel decides to actually make use of the fireplaces all over the manor.

In the meanwhile, Tybalt and Adrian decide to play around on the grave site while Desdemona is a bit more productive and plucks some weeds.

It's nightfall however, and the ghosts soon pop up to haunt the grounds - time to go inside!

Hal wants to go out, and because Tybalt is the only blood-related adult on the lot he has to go and ask him. Tybalt is less keen on letting Hal walk loose. 

Upstairs, Ariel scores her 9th Creativity skill point! One more and she's maxed out the skill - and she's only in her early teens!

Also upstairs is Consort - who is happy to see his old bed is still there.

Amy wants to make friends with Nathen Custer - a call does wonders for that.

While Amy is busy calling, the fireplace Ariel lit SET THE DRAWING TABLE ON FIRE!!

Tybalt tries to call the fire department but... 

Frustrated by the landline phone being taken, Tybalt grabs for his cellphone instead!

Multiple firefighters were needed to get the fire out, but nobody got hurt.

Well, except for Tybalt's body odour perhaps.

Ariel finished another painting just before going to bed.

The rest of the Capps soon follow suit.

The next morning...

... Hal wakes up to apply for scholarships! Sadly he isn't eligible for any... 

So it's time to show I got the Favourite Colour mod installed after! 

For this household I gave people the following favourite colours: 

Tybalt - Orange
Amy - Green
Hal - Black
Desdemona - Pink
Ariel - Green
Adrian - Blue

Back at Hal - he lost his want to actually go to college. And the wants he has now don't help - they're all for the long term!

Amy has no luck yet at finding a job.

So she instead gives Nathen another call.

Desdemona finishes her painting juuust in time...

... for the school bus to arrive.

With the kids gone, Tybalt and Amy have the house to themselves - Amy uses that time to practise her charisma.

Followed by her and Tybalt having some quality time in the hall - when suddenly a familiar face approaches.

Juliette, who picked up the stray garbage outside, walked in, saw the couple, and back out again.

She got rid of the garbage and then headed out again...

... to the Veronaville Market to do some shopping.

Juliette met with uncle Cornwall and aunt Regan there.

She even made best friends with her uncle!

Back to her original mission: to get rid of the awful outfit she aged into and get some better outfits in her favourite colour: Turqoise. 

After paying the cashier...

... Juliette goes to the mirror to update her appearance.

She plays some darts there...

... before going back home.

While Tybalt and Amy got busy in the bedroom, Desdemona got in a pickle at school.

Desdemona managed to work her way through it.

Hal also found himself in a situation.

He... did a bit worse.

Juliette wanted to earn a skill point - and I felt like going along with Creativity this time.

1pm - and the teens are back from school!

Hal, still having the same wants, commits to skip on college and just enter adulthood the basegame way.

Among the party guests is Carla McCullough - and wait, Hal has some chemistry with her!

While Hal goes a bit too fast, his parents get into a fight!

Goneril wins this round.

Luckily nothing happens otherwise.

Hal in the meanwhile managed to sweeten Carla up a bit... AND ACTUALLY GOT THAT FIRST KISS!

He still doesn't roll the college want though - so cake it is!

Time for Hal to turn into a physically healthy grown-up!

Cornwall attacked Kent - just your average Capp family party.

Nothing happened - it does help that Cornwall lacks any body skill whatsoever.

Another fight between Goneril and Albany happened. 



Albany Norman, the first casualty of a fight in Veronaville!

And Goneril is looking really pleased with herself!

A Good Time? The Birthday Boy's mother just killed his father!

... what is it with Goneril and Albany getting in messed up situations on Hal's birthday, this is the second time this has happened.

... I guess that because Albany is no longer a Capp he'll be buried on the public cemetery. 

R.I.P. Albany Norman

The party guests left the Manor...

And a specific one was met with the police at her house, ready to pick her up and put her in a jail cell, where we'll play her at the end of her round.

We move a bit forward when I realised we should assign Aspiration Benefits to some of the residents of the manor. Like Hal...

... Like Tybalt...

... Amy...

... Juliette...

... Desdemona...

... and Ariel. Anyone but Adrian basically.

After midnight, while everyone left for bed, Amy decided to search for jobs once more - but no luck once again.

Ariel woke up in the middle of the night, upset by her father's tragic death.

She went down to have some breakfast, followed soon by Hal.

For Hal this meant losing his fit physique - and he looks rather grungy in those PJs.

Hal also took the time to finally put a collar on Bonkers.

Then it was 6am - and the rest of the house woke up.

Desdemona, wanting to earn some money, decided to also hit the job search - but no luck for her either.

The family is slowly but surely starting up...

And once the young folks are out for work...

... the grown-ups work together to clean up the yard.

After a healthy lunch...

... the front porch is prepared for the main event!

The guests are here!

While they're all socialising, Juliette burns the pie she was about to serve.

More socialising happens while we're waiting for Adrian to return from school.

Kent and Cornwall took this opportunity to dish out at each other again!

A close call! If it was Tybalt on the offense we'd have had another casualty :o 

That doesn't stop Hal from punching Nora Zuimelhof in the face!

At least Hermia and Randy are spreading the love instead. Oberon looks at them in approval.

Tybalt and Amy manage to calm the crowd a bit by officially exchanging their vows and sealing them with a kiss.

Look people, there's cake!

Juliette, as the new official head of the Capp family, brings her cheers to the newlyweds!

Quince Summerdream shows off his bravery after drinking the champagne - I noticed lots of people either deciding to leave, or rush for a toilet, so it's time to unlock the house doors.

A blessed wedding overall!

With Tybalt and Amy married, it's time for them to move out...

Good-bye Amy and Tybalt.

"Oh hi, thanks for cleaning up mum."

Cordelia's neat nature also extends itself to the bedroom and bathrooms.

With Juliette being officially in charge and not having a job-related LTW, I feel it'd be appropriate for her to join the family business - and look! There's a job opening!

Juliette finally has the master bedroom to herself.

In the middle of the night Ariel woke up once more - so she decided to work on her painting once more.

Desdemona, eager to earn money once more, looks for job in the newspaper as well, but she's less lucky than Juliette.

I guess it's off to the school benches instead once more. Juliette is also off to her first day...

... which means Hal has the entire manor to himself.

He invites Ralph Enriquez over...

... and while waiting for him to arrive, Hal handles the bills.

Juliette got a hobby event on her very first day of work.

Pizza is too much of a Monty thing, and it pays off!

Desdemona also got a hobby event at school.

Her attempt to look cool pays off less...

Hall goes out to clean up the rubbish bin Nora Zuimelhof kicked while the girls return from school.

Hal then takes on the garden, while Ariel and Desdemona take the car...

... for a visit Downtown!

They hang out together for a bit when Ariel rolls a want to prank somebody...

She doesn't really know the Montys that well, but she's heard some unsavory stories about them. so Bianca it is.

Bianca wasn't happy but she just walked off.

Desdemona decided to spice things up by freestyling for money - she really wants to rake in that dough, doesn't she?

Most people were amused by the spontaneous entertainment - but Mrs Crumplebottom decided to publicly dish out on Desdemona.

She and Ariel decided to call it a day and head back home.

Back at Capp Manor, Juliette comes home from work - yet sadly not with a promotion, despite having the skills for it.

Juliette decides to go cooking - but sadly the Capps have run out of groceries.

Time to visit the Veronaville Market once more.

Juliette pays for her groceries...

... insults a Monty while they're there...

And soon enough she's back on time for the aging notifications - looks like it's time to plan a party for Adrian!

Hal arranged the invites and decides to freshen himself up in the bathroom before the guests arrive.

It's party time!

Adrian blows out the candles...

... and because his aspiration meter is still rock bottom he gets no cinematic. I hope his sour situation with his parents doesn't give him trouble later in life...

Anyways - as a teenager Adrian gets an aspiration - and using my Aspiration Calculator it'll be Fortune for him.

Not everyone has been able to grab cake yet, when Oberon decides to turn into his Werewolf form!

I decided to give Adrian's bedroom an upgrade as well now that he's entered puberty. Even though the wallpaper's still unchanged, some blue accents and sporty decorations were added to emphasise his favourite colour and hobby.

Hal meanwhile decides that Titania Summerdream is quite the looker and flirts a bit with her - of course the boy gets rejected.

Of course Cornwall and Kent get in a fight again.

This time it was Cornwall to get the upper hand.

Despite the fight and the lack of cinematic the party was still a moderate success.

Desdemona and Ariel are the only ones awake enough to clean up after them. 

Soon enough they go to bed as well.

The next morning is upon us - Adrian has rolled for a lifetime want!

The summer's over however, so after the ghosts of Cleopatra and Anthony Capp have jumped back into their graves it's time to call it quits and move on to the Monty compound for the next post!

To be continued

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Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...