Saturday, 28 September 2024

Round 5 Uni - 1 (Monty)

Beatrice & Benedick Monty 
At the evening after the first aging at Antonio's, Beatrice and Benedick both moved out to college. Beatrice's partner Amar Larrea joins them as well.

Speaking of Amar, he's an Aquarius, his aspiration is Family and he wants to have 6 grandchildren, just like Beatrice.

It's a match!

The two immediately pick up their romantic activities where they left off.

It doesn't take long for them to fall in love!

Benedick, who tried to clean up the place a little, decided to take the love birds along...

... for a trip to the Mediterranean Tower.

Benedick scoped the room...

And decided that the girl with the animal hat, Chloe, was really cute.

Beatrice and Amar decided to go upstairs to enjoy the upstairs view on the campus.

One of the dormies enjoyed a different view up there.

Amar had ulterior motives however...

Beatrice said yes, of course!

While on the way downstairs there was another expression of an intense relationship going on.

Dang Sophie...

It does help with your case you don't have body skill.

After chatting Chloe up a little bit...

... Benedick decides to treat Chloe to some coffee.

Afterwards, everyone got out... just as another fight broke lose!

Back at the Monty Bungalow, Beatrice decided she wanted to major in Culinary Literature - which does fit her being a Monty.

Amar shared the same ambition.

Soon after changing their majors, Beatrice and Amar had to go for their first class!

Benedick followed a bit later, having not yet decided his major.

After returning from college, Amar went on to take care of the hedges...

... while Benedick took care of the ringing phone - oh hi there aunt Bianca!

Benedick also made best friends with his stepbrother Thomas.

Uncle Cyd was a bit more interested in hanging out downtown.

Benedick moved on to the chess table, where he gained a logic skill point!

I decided to give Benedick the Culinary Literature major as well - because his LTW matches with that degree.

This time it was Amar's turn to get the logic skill point.

Benedick felt like taking things a step further with Chloe - sadly she wasn't up for it herself.

He went to continue with the hedges instead.

Oh hey Sophie what are you up to?


... I suppose this one was still intended for Romeo.

Guess we'll have to sleep a bit before deciding whether to give it back to Romeo or not.

The next morning...

After some breakfast together...

... Beatrice wanted to invite over her professor, who wasn't up for it.

Benedick talked a bit with Chloe, get to know her a little better.

The rest of the morning was chill - and soon it was time for class once more.

While Beatrice went to take care of the bills, followed by a jog...

Benedick and Amar hung out together and became best friends!

Next Benedick picked up his cellphone again to ask Chloe on a date downtown.

While waiting for the taxi to arrive, Benedick had a bad interaction with Kendra McCarthy - after which they declared each other enemies!

Which makes it a bit more awkward when you consider that Beatrice is friends with her and that Romeo went on a date with her on the day Patrizio died.

The taxi arrived on time and soon Benedick and Chloe found themselves on their way...

... to the sculpture park!

Welp. Not the best start for a date...

That's a BIG oof.. though I guess all the fights with Consort and Hal Capp didn't do Benedick any favours.

Benedick used some smooth talking he may have picked up from Romeo however..

... and soon things went for the better.

Uh Minola, what are YOU doing here at this time?

Up next was the bubble blower - when a date's biggest nightmare shows up on the lot! 

The hearts were flying...

Is it me or are things getting heated in here?

Benedick puckers his lips and shares them with Chloe!

After a toilet break, the two share a burger...

... and soon the date is over.

Benedick calls over a cab...

... but Mrs Crumplebottom still has her share of words to him about that date.

Benedick was unimpressed.

Beatrice was impressed.

After having returned from his date, Benedick hits the books to actually work on his cooking skillset.

Oh look, Chloe has gifted some flowers!

While Amar eats the food, Benedick learns more about it.

Soon after he joins Amar and Beatrice at the dinner table...

... when a random cheerleader barges in and runs amok!

Beatrice was not happy with other girls spying on her naked fiancé.

After dealing with that, it was time to go to bed... followed by the infamous nighttime exams the VUL is famous for.

Everyone passes for their exams!

Beatrice decided to celebrate with a jog around the campus!

Benedick meanwhile keeps working on his cooking skills.

Amar joins him to work on anger management - which may be useful when dealing with aggressive Capps.

After gaining... 

... those skill points...

... class was upon the household.

Afterwards Benedick got a call from one of Chloe's friends who also felt like hanging out with Benedick.

While Benedick wasn't up to it himself, he did feel like making some other family and friend groups to hang out with eventually.

You know what, know that we're thinking about hangout groups...

Let's have the twins go downtown, see what we can get up to there.

The twins decide to get a bit crazy and try karaoke!

If only the other patrons would appreciate it.

Afterwards the two have some drinks at the bar.

Beatrice even decides to slip behind the bar - not to be helpful, but instead to juggle with the cups.

The bartender's ability to keep his face in check is unmatched.

It was getting late however - time to take the taxi again!

Home sweet home...

... where Amar is handling the phone - and apparently really good friends with a Downtownie.

Sorry Samantha, but it's LATE.

Beatrice gets another logic skill point...

... before everyone hits the hay once more.

A new dawn breaks.

And there's no more food.

... unless you count Beatrice's inventory, nyeheheh.

Beatrice herself and Amar feel like hitting the chess table first however, where he gets another skill point.

Benedick decides to invite over Chloe once more - and I guess why not have her friend over too.

Well, it happens to be Amar's friend as well!

Meanwhile a streaker decides to invite himself in!

"Aaah, you're NAKED!"

Benedick seeks out Chloe in the bedroom however...

And look - they're best friends!

Chloe's also not too shy to make a move of her own.

Benedick feels a bit bad about turning down Chloe's friend Serdar - so it's time to invite him over too!

Serdar is all fine with it.

A bit of chitchatting later and the two are friends.

Not much time to hang out together however - the classes begin again once more!

Oh hi aunt Bianca!

Beatrice got called by Kendra McCarthy - hopefully Benedick doesn't overhear that call...

Before it's time to sleep in for the night...

... it's time to fix the grocery problem and visit the Golden Apple!

While Benedick goes and actually does the groceries...

... Amar buys Beatrice an espresso.


After Benedick grabs himself some coffee too, it's time to go home.

Yay Hermia!

Once back home...

... the manfolk have some late dinner, while Beatrice is working the cookbooks once more.

After Amar had to deal with a fake call...

... and Beatrice with a real call...

... it was time to hit the hay...

... because more nighttime exams were on the way!

Luckily everyone was well-rested enough to pass to their junior years - and with autumn breezing over the VUL as well it's time to once again move on to our next college household - Hermia Capp!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...