Saturday, 17 August 2024

Round 5-15 (Traveller)

Traveller Family
After a few years of astounding success in his law career, Trent realized the life of a working man wasn’t for him. He decided to take his modest fortune and travel with his family to explore the world... Starting with Veronaville, apparently.

As the Travellers have just moved in to Veronaville, it's time to introduce them first...

Trent wants to become a Criminal Mastermind, yet the only job want he actually locked in was to become an Adventurer... to be honest, an adventurer sounds pretty fitting for his character. He likes the colour brown.

Trisha meanwhile would rather become a Celebrity Chef - good thing that her job want matches it! She likes the colour green.

Tina meanwhile doesn't have a LTW yet... but personality-wise she seems to mostly take after her father... Will she also develop such an adventurous spirit? Pink is her favourite colour.

Up next it's time to show off their house! With the kitchen and master bedroom wing...

... the office and Tina's bedroom...

... and the view on the back of the house, and the backyard!

This was Antonio Monty's old place, but now it was made into something more detailed, which is always good.

Let's first start hunting for jobs! Looks like Trent is in luck already...

Trisha.. less so.

Trent and Tina already manage to rake in some skill points!

Level 3 start! Always good.

And Trent is eligible for a promotion too, if the family can build some connections in Veronaville.

Tina already seems to be working on it, even if it's just with a stray dog.

Hopefully we can adopt him some day! 

After a simple family lunch (uh Trent, the dining table is over here)...

... it is time to go out...

... and hang out at the Stratford Strip, to try and meet some locals!

Trisha already has a want to make a new friend...

... but first she wants to swing Tina around.

Tina hangs out with Cunedagius Capp, while Trisha gets to know Trista Shaw.

Meanwhile Carmen Patch found herself a new target to harass!


That's what you get Carmen! You'll eventually get the favour returned!

To be fair, their age difference is actually smaller than you realise - Cunedagius is only on their first day as a teen while Tina still has to age 4 days this round.

It doesn't take long for the two of them to become friends!

With those relationships settled, it is time to go home.

Although... Trisha still needs to make a friend.

Nothing a phone call with Trista cannot fix. (I guess their similar names are a match made in heaven xD)

Time to earn a skill point for Trisha while the rest is enjoying some food. 
Some logic would help an eventual culinary career.

If it weren't for Bottom Summerdream crashing in to shove, that is...

Attempt 2 was more fruitful.

Oooh! Time to call a taxi!

Better hurry up, taxi...

... aaaand considered stood up before the taxi could even leave. Ughhh.


Nope, Trista isn't there. Might as well call the taxi...


Maybe this trip wasn't for nothing after all! Yay to the powers of coincidence!

... Also why is Jessica Picaso wearing a Santa Dress? Gotta fix that when playing them next post.

Back at home...

Trent and Tina...

... put in some solid skilling efforts!

Then it was bed time for little Tina.

Trisha grabbed the telescope again - this time she discovered a star!

Time to hit the hay as well now.

The next morning!

The Travellers have pancakes together before Tina has to attend her first day at school. 

Next fellow newcomer Matthew Picaso calls up - this could be an opportunity for Trent to make some friends of his own!

Meanwhile Trisha becomes the jobhunter again - yet again she catches no prey.

At least she is more successful at cooking up logic points - just as the carpool arrives for Trent.

Dangit, it's Bottom again!... Note to self: Get that mod where the town shover is randomised.

Tina is back home!

She enjoys herself some afternoon cartoons while Trisha gains another logic skill point.


With Trent still at work it's dinner for two.

This is followed by Tina doing her homework while Trisha does the dishes.

It doesn't take long for the ladies to do their own thing and then for Trent to come home.

Ooh Hotensio Roseland! Someone Tina's age! Also no hobby stalker, Trisha won't talk to you!

Horatio walked off at once after being greeted. Tina and Trent then had a father-daughter gaming session...

Before Tina went to bed again and Trent practised some public speaking in front of the mirror.

After midnight Trisha went on the job hunt again when Trent got that charisma skill point!

Sadly for Trisha there were still no job openings for the culinary career. Time to call it a night...

... and then start another day!

Of course the day starts with a family breakfast.

Daughter and father are messing around, when the school bus arrives..

Time to get going, young one!

Trisha gets a call from Patric - always good to strengthen those bonds.

After that she grabs the telescope once more, while Trent practises his speeches again.

Trisha gains a fourth point!

To celebrate, she takes care of the bills. Yippee.

Afterwards she checks the newspaper, but no luck.

Trent and Trisha have some leftover pancakes for lunch, before it is time for Trent to work.

Trisha not having a job DOES give her more time to make friends around town... if only it weren't for the fact that said friends *do* have jobs.

Welcome back, Tina!

While Trisha is catching up with Victor, Tina notices a classmate of hers walking by...

Tina and Minola Roseland greet and hang out.

... which in the summer of course means a water balloon fight!

While the girls are playing in the backyard, Trisha officially makes friends with Victor!

Or well, playing... that won't always go too well...

With Minola leaving to go home, Tina decides to watch some TV...

... up until Trent comes home - with a promotion!

Trisha also got a creativity skill point, fulfilling a want!

After father and daughter bond for a little bit...

Everyone goes to bed once more.

This brings us to the next morning...

At the family breakfast Tina and Trisha become best friends!

"Sorry bud, Trisha is busy reading books."

Which she is - and it brought her a cooking skill point!

Sadly there were no job openings for Culinary, still.

Because Trent has the day off as well, he and Trisha have the opportunity for some quality time together.

After a lovely dance...

... things get more physical...

... VERY physical.

"Mummy mummy look at my grades!"


The lovebirds decide to end their date...

... while Tina hangs out with her classmate Calista Phelps.

A bit of chatting later and they're friends!

After a rough losing streak of rock paper scissors against Calista, the latter has to leave while the former gets the well-known aging notification! Next round we'll see Tina become a Teena.

Before that happens though, Tina asks her mother for some homework help.

Dad meanwhile has hit the books again.

Not without result, however - as he has earned a cleaning skill point!

As for Tina.. she wanted to make at least one more friend in Minola Monty.

Aah, the wonders of phoneline technology, innit?

If only the powers of online job searching were as effective.

Or even newspaper jobhunting.

Guess we'll have to call it a night.

By the next morning the Autumn dawn has struck at the Traveller house - which means we'll leave them here. Will Tina ever stumble upon that stray dog again? Will Trisha finally find that job in the Culinary career? We'll figure out next season!

Before that we'll meet and play the other new residents of Veronaville, followed by the college rounds and then we'll see Goneril in jail!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...