Sunday, 13 October 2024

Round 5 Uni - 2 (Hermia Capp)

Hermia Capp
Previously at Hermia Capp's: After moving to college, Hermia tried picking things up again with Puck Summerdream, but sadly it didn't work out. She decided they'd probably stay just friends from now on  and moved on to Randy... In the meanwhile Hermia ALSO got top of class twice. Will she keep up her college performance and end her college years as a valedictorian?

Before we find out we'll tackle Hermia's favourite colour - which is purple!

She also has the want to gain a skill point - and for convenience's sake I got her a Thinking Cap, making Hermia a thinking Capp!

Or well, gain charisma - which she REALLY needs to improve her grades!

Might as well go out to shop for some clothes now.

Let's hit the Veronaville Market!

Where Hermia changed her mind...

... and bought jewellery instead!

It looks good on her!

Next she wants to go on a date.. Oh Randyyyyyyy!.....

Though it would be nice if Veronaville would stop being Veronaville for a second - but nope.

Alas, poor Adrian.

After rolling for the fight outcome...

... Hermia officially started off her date with Randy.

It doesn't take long...

... before...

... Hermia goes down on her knee.

Randy is elated!

Very elated!


Their relationship upgrade was celebrated in the clothing booths.

Time to go back home...

... and officially have Randy move in here.

After using a couple objects to adjust Randy to be in the same college year as Hermia...

I also gave him a couple of favourite colours.. kind of hard to settle on one when his daily attire consists of tie-dyes.

With the date at an end...

... it's time to grind up charisma once more!

And while Hermia gathers that skill point, Randy is off to class.

With the house to herself, the first thing Hermia does is spot the bouquet Randy left her.

It doesn't take long however for her class to start as well.

Randall got back - and decides to work on his assignments.

Then it's Randy's turn to practise in the mirror, while Hermia beelines for the chess table.

And look and behold - Hermia also earned herself a logic skill point there.

After dinner together...

Bed time was upon them.

The next morning, Hermia went out early.

At Globe Street...

... she would call up Tara - a girl she'd like to befriend.

After inviting her over as well, Hermia manages to walk into her sister Juliette.

"Gerbits! Gerbits! Goooo Gerbits!"

After hanging out with Tara and making friends...

...  it was time to return home.

Hermia namely rolled the want to earn another skill point.

The last one she needs for charisma to be eligible for top tier grades!

Randy gave cooking a shot and messed it up.. maybe the dining coupon Hermia found in the mail may come in use some time.

After finishing some college assignments...

... Hermia went to class.

No, Hermia is NOT at home.

NOW she is at home.

What's not at home however, is fresh food.

Guess it's leftover spaghetti tonight.

Followed by some us-time with Randy.

... that is, if it weren't for this rando stomping in and beelining for Hermia.

Welp. Hermia got arrested.


Welcome to the Secret Society!

This is the place where drama happens, friendships are broken and enemies are produced!

If you look real close, you can see Hermia doing the secret handshake with Maura, who is one of the secret society members who got Hermia involved.

After placing some extra lightning, it's time to go back home.

Goodbye everyone!

Apparently the secret society energised Hermia completely, so I guess we can do an assignment.

We also hire an exterminator - apparently there are still bugs on the spot that were around already when 
Juliette and Puck were still living here.

Time for the exams!

And afterwards Hermia makes it to the Dean's List once more, while it's now Randy's turn to attend his exams.

After taking care of the bugs...

... Hermia goes to the grocery shop.


At the coffee place behind, she meets up with her old high school friend Ralph Enriquez!

The two enjoy some espresso together while they catch up again.

At the front of the store two old familiar faces also meet up again... but this time it's less amicable.

In the end Benedick managed to kick Kendra in the butt.

Luckily for Kendra Benedick has no body skill.

Back at home, daily life as usual.

With Randy passing to his senior year...

... Hermia making assignments...

... Classes to attend...

... More assignments to make...

... and some cooking and free time.

When the night falls however.

We hit Veronaville!

Where the fighting is never far away.

Our fiancés don't let that mind them however.

Ah of course Carmen Patch got involved.

Too bad Patric isn't the best person to make enemies with if you value your life - Carmen got a close call here...

Hermia got the full call here - but in a positive sense of the term.

While Hermia and Randy officially start their date, Patric and Carmen go for the rematch.

Patric won again, obviously.

At least it was less of a close call for Carmen.

Randy and Hermia take their date to the next level...

... while Carmen takes her fighting to the next level, this time taking on Adrian Lewis.

Poor Kent having to watch his husband being beaten up - and he thought he married OUT of the feud.

The good news is that he didn't have to watch Adrian get killed.

While Randy is off to use the bathroom, Hermia catches up for a bit with Titania Summerdream.

Afterwards she and Randy go for some late summer ice cream.

Indoors meanwhile, Titania got chased by a dog.

Bye Titania!

Hermia and Randy meanwhile also cut their date to an end.

Indoors it is Carmen Patch once again getting in a fight.

This time she got her ass handed to her by Carla McCullough.

Back at home, Randy is in the mood to work on his Term Paper...

While Hermia rolled the want to gain a skill point - which she needs to be eligible to get an A+! Encouraged by the llama mascot she got the skill point!

Randy also got the term paper done...

... which means that Hermia and Randy earned a private school cheer performance by Lucky the Llama.

Shut up Lucky, we're trying to sleep!

The next morning.

After some cereal...

... our lovebirds hit the books to up their grades. 

Hermia rolled the want to hang out with someone.

Because Randy had classes to attend, Hermia went for the professor instead.

Afterwards Hermia decided that she need to work on her term paper as well...

... a process that got interrupted by her own classes.

"No she's at YOUR class, remember?"

"No I don't have a car!"

"Why yes, we're both at home. We do have exams tomorrow tho so don't be too long."

It was long enough for Randy to make a new best friend.

While Randy takes care of dinner...

... Hermia takes care of her term paper.

The two turn in for the night...

... though Hermia's will be short due to the college's infamous night time exams!

After grabbing some food, she's on her way to the moment it's all about. Will Hermia Capp become valedictorian?

Randy meanwhile got lucky that his exams were planned at regular hours. What a plot twist.

He even had some time to play the bass, which earned him a creativity skill point!

Hermia returned at the moment Randy had to leave for his exams...

... and she did it! Not only did she become valedictorian, she ALSO graduated Summa Cum Laude! In fact, she's the only person so far who is at college and also eligible to graduate Cum Laude... Maybe Beatrice Monty, if she makes the Deans List every time on her way out... but that's a maybe.

While waiting for Randy to return, Hermia hits the chess table.

She got one skill point...

... but as she's approaching a second logic skill point in one go, Randy returns - including a Dean's List mention!

For now we'll say our goodbyes to Hermia and Randy, as it is time to move on to the next college household - which are the former Teen Townies. 

We'll see Hermia and Randy again after that, as it will then be time to move all graduates back to Veronaville.

To be continued

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