Saturday, 23 April 2022

Round 2-4 (Antonio Monty)

The poll I put up at the last episode has spoken. 

It's only one vote, but hey, that's better than zero :3

Said vote has asked for Antonio Monty to be played next, so that is what we shall be up to this episode.

Antonio Monty
Previously at Antonio Monty's: the household was on a tight budget as Antonio had to go to work to make enough money to cover the upcoming days off. During the day not much has happened, but during the night Antonio made a decision that hopefully should keep the family spirit high: he adopted a little puppy named Maxx! 

To begin with I rearranged some of the openings to make more room for the dining table to work properly. It was very needed here.

Beatrice was the first to discover the new puppy. She looks so happy!

Benedick found Maxx not soon after, and he is in awe too!

There wasn't much time for the kids to play, for the school bus arrived soon, leaving Antonio on his first day off.

Having nothing to do that day, Antonio starts to walk to a community lot. He's been lonely as of recently, and he feels it might be a good idea to get out a bit more again.

The Stratford Strip though... Not the best bunch of Sims - Carmen Patch and Edward Mellon fighting and a Capp in the back. Time to give Pentameter Parkway a try instead...

Much better! More Monty's!

Although... First thing that happens is Goneril Capp headbutting Isabella Monty.

Antonio is quick to tell Goneril such behaviour is not to be tolerated.

Doesn't stop Goneril from attempting a rematch, whereas Bianca kicked some Cornbread ass indoors. I assume that's his comeuppance for all the times he's bullied her friend Kent. 

Isabella proves once more she is NOT to be trifled with, as Antonio meets a few people.

Consort ass? Kicked. 
Just as Antonio got to hear how much Dave Zuimelhof used to go fishing in his younger years.

Then it was time to return home.

Lunch time...

And once Antonio got back to painting, the school bus got back.

Antonio got an extra skill point...

... And soon after he sold the painting for 51 Simoleons. Every penny counts in this household, as Beatrice is catching up with Bottom Summerdream.

In the evening Benedick asked his father to help him with his homework, a question which a good Knowledge Sim cannot refuse.

Soon it was bed time for the household.

The next morning...

... I believe Maxx has that infamous bug, where a pet is incapable to eat from the food bowl. As in, even with the pet control cheat on clicking on it doesn't do anything. 
If anyone knows a fix for it please help me out. 
Til then feeding him treats every few hours will have to suffice.

Also the twins became best friends just as the school bus arrived.

During Antonio's arting session a certain Cyd Roseland walked by. Considering he has witnessed him and Bianca being lovebirds at a Monty party, it might be a good idea to let him in and make a chat.

And soon the kids got home. Benedick brought Dora Zuimelhof home and got a golden report card!

As for Beatrice, she brought home Sharla Ottomas, who also happens to be on Benedick's want list to make friends with.

After the girls have left, Antonio cooked dinner for the twins and Cyd.

Benedick gave Dora a call and made friends as Beatrice bonded with Maxx once more.

After which it was time to sleep once more.

The next morning - Beatrice rolled the want to earn a skill point, so cooking it was. After that the family had cereal for breakfast together. 

The kids got on the school bus as Antonio gave Maxx all the treats.

Then it was time to go out once more. 

Oof. All the remaining Capp siblings have gathered.

Antonio chooses for the peaceful approach and just hangs out with Priya Ramaswami over some grilled food.

As for Carmen Patch, she managed to make another enemy out of Regan Capp. Sheesh. Scorpio's, amirite?

A witch appeared!

Sadly she flew away before Antonio could have a chat with her. So his Knowledge Sim heart vented its frustrations on Goneril Capp.

Back home, the school bus arrived with Beatrice, Benedick and the young Quince Summerdream!

The kids bonded with each other (Sharla Ottomas got invited over too) as Antonio did his arting.

Time flies in Veronaville, and puberty is coming up soon for Beatrice and Benedick!

Antonio helps out his daughter with her homework, fulfilling a strong want of hers.

But for now everyone goes to sleep for the night.

On Friday morning the kids watch cartoons right before going to school. 

Because it's Friday Antonio has to do his job at the family restaurant once more. One week of frugality is over and soon the money will come in once more.

Aha, a chance card! I remember this one from my last playthrough, and Antonio earned 20k through it!

... Or not...

Thank god they don't had much money to begin with, they'll just have 0 for now, until Antonio returns home. (though in hindsight I should've paid those bills first)

Home sweet home...

It's not just the twins' birthday coming up...

Maxx is a puppy no more! He's so cute! :D

It's also time to throw the twins a birthday party, now that their birthdays are here.

All the Monty's and Summerdreams are invited! (even though Bottom went off immediately. dangit kid bed time hours)
First is Beatrice...

Who ages up into a healthy teen in.. a sports outfit? I guess those few times she jumped rope did the thing, hahahah.

I've put in her personality and her interests in my Aspiration Calculator, and Beatrice turned out to be a clear Family Sim. For the TO's I went with the ones that just popped in.

Then it was Benedick's turn to blow out the candles.

Here Benedick proves once more that sudden growth spurts cause awkwardness in physical movements.

Benedick's result from my Aspiration Calculator is also Family, albeit a much closer call for him.

The teens now also have their Lifetime Wants. Beatrice wants to have 6 grandchildren. Which should be fairly doable if she can find the right partner and stay alive in Veronaville for long enough.

As for Benedick, he wants to reach the top of the Culinary career! Which fits in perfectly with the Monty family's theme! Good.

The party was a success overall! Time to give everyone a good rest.

The next morning Beatrice stretches her arms out, just as the colds of winter have embraced the Monty House.

Will Antonio be able to overcome the financial limitations of the family through hard work? What will their teenhood have in store for Beatrice and Benedick? And.. will Antonio ever be able to find love once more?

To be continued

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