Saturday, 7 May 2022

Round 2-5 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp
Previously at Goneril Capp's: the hectic household did it's best to stay running with this many children around. The children seemed to do well, with Hal even making some friends along the different households, but drama might be lurking near this household - as Peter Ottomas has shown interest in Goneril and she did go along with his advances... Will the new life that might be growing within her keep her commited to the family she already has, or push her away from the hecticness?

But besides the main scoops there's also the daily life that goes round and round. And that includes getting ready for school and work.

Though Ariel made her first main life event by being taught how to walk by Albany.

Le Work

And le School Bus

Which leaves Albany and Ariel home alone... Which means catching up on sleep for both of them.

Time flies when you're asleep and soon Miranda came back home with a classmate: Mallory Mace.

Miranda starts hanging out with Mallory and then it's time for her brother and sister to come home.

Ariel in the meanwhile just learned how to talk! She's making good progress on her life skills so far.

Miranda decides to get out of the crowded house to hang out with Mallory.

Like any teenager she needs a cellphone of her own.

And then it is time to focus on her power want, and her new friend is the target!


Of course have I updated her biography accordingly.

The M&Ms go on a date...

... and certainly don't waste time getting to know each other.

All was a success!

At the time the girls got back home Regan called, for some sisterly bonding.

... Dangit. 

Fun fact - while I was playing this I had a cold or a flu as well... And while typing this over a week later I still got really bad coughing... I do hope it didn't turn into pneumonia or something.

For now I've sent Goneril and Miranda to bed, to get some needed rest.

It pays off at once!

Just in time for Goneril's baby bump to show up --- The fifth child is on their way!

The baby bump of course means Goneril's on maternity leave. Which means her career has to be put on hold once more...

The kids do have to go to school though. Which makes me wonder what Hermia is doing all the way out here?

Peter Ottomas walked by - so I couldn't resist taking a bit of a risk by having him asked to come in...

Playing with fire while Ariel is being bathed.

Goneril and Peter managed to stay discreet enough though, for Albany hadn't figured out a thing by the time Miranda got home.

The unsuspecting Albany is making a talk with Peter while Goneril is taking an afternoon nap, and then the school bus drives by once more with a double delivery.

The notification that Ariel's birthday is coming up! Of course. More chaos to deal with. 

But before that Goneril, Miranda and Desdemona have a mother/daughters bonding moment.

As Ariel is building on her drawing skills, Miranda noticed her cousin Juliette and Nora Zuimelhof walking by - reason enough to chat a bit with them.

Goneril meanwhile decides it's time to sneak up of the house a bit...

... And at the Veronaville Market...

... She and Peter have their first actual date, and Goneril's first date overall that wasn't arranged by her family.

Eventually their lips meet...


Well, kinda, considering Peter's infamously high face.

Both had a good time :3 Though they're standing quite close to Regan's house :o

For Goneril it's been a better time then what she's having stuck at home.

Peter... is being a bit less discreet though.

... Oof... 

Albany is none the wiser though.

Albany has taken the night shift again when it comes to little Ariel.

Good morning Capp family!

The young 'uns are off to school once more as Albany makes the beds for his kids.

The day went by, Oberon Gossamer came over for a visit, and Miranda got home from school eventually, albeit with slipping grades once again.

The other kids aren't doing too well either in school. 

But this evening there's another event planned...

All Capps and Summerdreams are invited for Ariel's Birthday Party!

Time to blow out the candles...


With Ariel a bit older I gave her bedroom a bit of an update - though I left the crib around for her new sibling.

And here's a close up of the birthday girl :3

After the main event there was plenty of entertainment, like Teenage Werewolf Romance Movies - Of course Juliette and Miranda indulged themselves.

If you're not much into romance - like, you prefer some action - then betting on the Cornwall vs Kent match might be more of your thing. I 'm inclinded to believe that Oberon and Titania bet on the wrong horse...

Overall the guests were entertained!

The next morning...

... It. Is. TIME...


It's a boy!

Hal and Desdemona are excited to meet little Adrian Capp!

Albany is the one who places the newborn in his crib.

Being pregnant no more, Goneril is more than ready to get to work once again! And the kids are off soon after.

Albany tried to have some sleep... But too bad for him - Adrian had different plans.

Miranda got back home once again with a classmate - this time it's Chris Cho.


Miranda has brought home both of the Worms in one round.

Ariel seems to be truly creatively gifted!

Ariel immediately goes after her father to help with her homework, whereas Hal brought home Quince Summerdream.

Before he gets to play with his classmate, Hal goes out to give his mother the welcome home hug <3

Miranda is playing around with Chris a bit after they made it to friends, as Goneril is sneaking off once again...

... I can see some fireworks in this room already XD

Goneril manages to buy a cellphone before hell breaks loose...

... but it doesn't take long for her to call Peter over with it. Goneril seems to be so in love that she doesn't seem to notice some other things going on behind their backs.

Goneril wants to go on a date again - so that's what we shall do.

Peter has officially fallen in love with Goneril!

And they're making out! I repeat, make-out has occured! Albany has officially reached second place.

Isabella seems... less than pleased with what's going on. She hasn't realised yet this is the perfect dirt to use against the Capps.

Though Goneril and Peter might be in trouble soon with how indiscreet they've been with their romance nowadays.


... Fireworks for all to see!

Except the cashier, I guess she thinks herself as too young for this.

Woohooing was enough for Goneril to get the big hearts for Peter.

I guess ending the date at the climax is the most appropriate timing.

Goneril needs an alibi though... So she goes and buys some jewelry for herself...

... And some new clothes for Hal, Desdemona and Ariel. 

I feel as if the cashier would rather have Goneril gone and out after what just happened.

As we go back home we get a look at the new family portrait.

No closet? We got a walk-in! 

Soo, you thinking what I'm thinking?


Desdemona *finally* got out of her fairy girl phase and dressed in something a bit more appropriate for a girl her age.

Ariel tried on her new dress as well. The diamond pattern combined her pink as a toddler with the yellow she got as a child.

As soon as the clock hits 6, Albany picks up the phone, ready to get theparty ready.

Once again, all Capps and Summerdreams are invited to watch both Hal and Adrian age up.

PETER! What's it with you picking the worst moments to deliver flowers for Goneril?

None of the guests seemed to have paid much attention to him though, and soon...

... Adrian aged up into a boy!

Next it was Hal's turn to blow out the candles.

He embraced his inner Dustbin Broke upon hitting puberty.

Now that he is a child no more, Hal has to choose an aspiration. 

Using my Aspiration Calculator, Hal has rolled Family, just like Beatrice and Benedick Monty last time.

Giving Hal a makeover - he looks much more refined now, like a true Capp. 

Albany then decided to clean some things up from the party when it happened...

... Dangit Peter!...

Goneril has apparently been napping all party long. She's in for a rude awakening...

"Goneril, what is this rose bouquet brought by this Peter fellow?!"
"--- Al--.. I-.. uh, I can explain?"
"You've been seeing this Peter behind my back?!"

Witnessing her father extend his arm and slap her mother in the face... It made Miranda realise she should've told them sooner. Now because of her lack of action her brothers' birthday party would be marked like this. 
She should open things up to them now. The truth would be a bitter pill to swallow for everyone, but... It might be a neccessary evil for the family members to eventually heal from the betrayal.

"I knew... For some time now. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner."

Both Miranda and Albany looked at Goneril. 

"... Why..." Albany uttered. "... B- betrayal..."

Miranda looked at her father as he walked out of the room. The gaze in his eyes looked... broken. Shattered.... Guilt overcame her mind. It was her fault, wasn't it?



It wasn't her fault...

... It was Goneril's!

"What kind of mother ARE you?!?!"
"Miranda Goneril Capp, what has GOTTEN INTO YOU?! Don't treat your mother like that!"
"A REAL mother wouldn't TREAT her family the way YOU did!"

Meanwhile, Albany didn't make it far out of the living room - he collapsed  right next to the birthday cakes of his sons. The festivities around him seem like a vague impression from a world far far away.

"This Birthday Party Rocked! Goob job! 

Final Party Score: Not Bad".


... There are some aspects of this game I will NEVER understand.

Albany's mental wellbeing was being salvaged by the Therapist. Albeit not in the most flattering way.

The children were all off to their beds by now, but their night would devastededly be cut short.

Things between Albany and Goneril turned physical again. Consort, having witnessed things were up, made a plan of the future of Goneril Capp and her household. Titania Summerdream stuck around too, having seen things that Consort missed and keeping the tempers lowered.

The children were awakened. Their personal belongings were packed. 

The taxi arrived. Ready to bring the family members to their new homes. 

It was decided that the children would be better off living with Consort, for Goneril had betrayed the trust of her entire family and was to be considered a less suitable ward than the current head of the Capp line. Goneril wasn't disinherited however, and she was allowed to keep the house.

Miranda, seeing the fragile mental state Albany was in, insisted on staying with him to support him. With neither of them having any income as of the present, the two of them were sent to live in the flophouse.

The morning after, the divorce was made official. Is it coincidence that their marriage turned cold just as Winter was about to start? Maybe it is. But with the family splintered across three households, every bit of warmth they can find is needed to get them through the winter.

And we shouldn't forget that Goneril's relationship with Peter is far from granted to work out - he also has a family and a marriage of his own that are at stake. And in contrary to Goneril his marriage to Samantha has not been arranged by the family - they married out of love. Only time will tell how this situation will shape up the future of Veronaville...

To be continued


  1. Wow! What a mess Goneril and Peter have created!

  2. They certainly did that... I love it >:D


Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...