Sunday, 3 April 2022

Round 2-2 (Monty Ranch)

Monty Ranch Residents
Previously at Monty Ranch: A visit to Romeo from Juliette for a hot makeout session went awry as Mercutio and Tybalt got themselves violently involved! After the latter three left to cool off, Romeo developed his romantic interest in Hermia, who also tagged along, as the elders played chess all evening.
Also of note: Hermia Capp eventually chose Puck Summerdream. The Monty boys witnessed it and were not amused.

We left the Monty family in the early morning, right when they woke up...

The boys got ready for school, and when the clock struck 8am the bus arrived... 
But why are the elders outside of the rather inefficiently designed ranch as well?


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


The part where the benches were behind the open patio have been changed into a hallway that connects the other two hallways. The part behind it with the urn room, Mercutio's bedroom and the bathroom and empty room have been converted into a nursery, both boys' bedrooms and two slightly smaller bathrooms.
The chess room has been converted into a toilet instead, whereas the TV room and Romeo's bedroom have been changed up into two empty spare bedrooms, and the former bathroom is where now the TV area/living room is.

I've also added an additional room on top of the nursery, which currently hosts the urns of Claudio and Olivia Monty, but could later on serve as a second master bedroom.
The other deck, on top of the mostly unchanged main master bedroom, now has a bar as well.

And in the back yard I've added a little graveyard site. I've used a few modded objects to retrieve the graves from the Monty ancestors and placed them there.

With the new house done and the boys at school, the elders went to visit the Stratford Strip.

One thing happening there: the Isabella found her love for Patrizio once more. Unless those hearts are for that townie over there, but I doubt it. 

The Monty elders also did a bit of shopping in there - Patrizio bought a magazine and Isabella purchased a new game.

The two of them cuddled behind the strip for a bit to watch clouds together.

"Pardon me, you doing alright here?"

And after a yummy barbecue, where Carmen Patch and Adrien Lewis REALLY didn't get along...

... The elders returned home.

After which they went for a nap, and then the boys got home.

Isabella, wanting to make best friends with her grandchildren Beatrice and Benedick, invited them over.

This time around, it was Romeo and Mercutio's turn to go to the Strip.

Mercutio bought himself a cellphone to call Nora with to try and befriend her, while Romeo tried to chat up a townie girl.

... Romeo didn't do well.

Romeo eventually settled with catching up with Oberon Summerdream when Mercutio made it to friendship.

Time to go home.

With Antonio and his children at the scene, Isabella decided to give Benedick some love first.

"Harder grandma, harder!"

Patrizio focused on his mechanical skill, while the boys were having dinner.

Romeo then focused on his homework, when suddenly...

Having some romance focused wants, Romeo decided to see if he could score with Chris Cho randomly walking by. 

No Oberon, Mercutio is ASLEEP.

Eventually the date was cut short, but overall Chris was happy.


The boys got off to school, which was the cue for Isabella to make a move on Patrizio.

Things ended up in the bedroom.

Both elders had a wonderful time.

And then Romeo and Mercutio got home.

Mercutio brought home his new classmate, David Ottomas. Right before going off to work he made friends with him.

Isabella rolled the want to befriend townie April Hutchins, which is where the phone's power struck again, while Romeo is doing some homework.

Here's where Isabella first-hand experienced the effects of retrieving the graves. Her bladder didn't make it.

Next it was David Ottomas being scared by Isabella's late mother.

If I recall correctly Romeo got startled once as well, but after that the Montys managed to sleep peacefully through the night.

Isabella, still wanting to make best friends with Benedick, invited him over right before school.

As Benedick arrived, Bianca and her lover Cyd walked by. All were let in.

After making best friends with Benedick, Isabella hit off quite well with Cyd, and they ended up as friends.

The day passed, and Bianca scored enough with Cyd to make their romance mutual.

Romeo and Mercutio got home.

For Mercutio, school wasn't a priority - throwing a sports party was!

While the party was still building up, Romeo got a chance card at his job!

Romeo doesn't have any cooking skill, so sticking to the dishes paid off for him.

(hmm... what if somebody could make a mod that makes having certain skills influence on the outcome of those cards? Imagine someone with 10 cooking skills points getting the back outcome? XD

Patrizio fulfilled his want to learn about fire safety!

Mercutio made it to the age where he's ready to leave for college!

The party was a success and with so many relatives it was considered a family reunion as well!

Mercutio checked his scholarships before getting ready for bed.

Romeo meanwhile, wasn't tired yet, and visited the strip to buy himself a phone.

Not much happened there though, and Romeo returned home soon enough to go to bed himself.

The next day it was time for Mercutio to depart for college.

As Mercutio left, an old friend of Patrizio and Isabella arrived! Their butler from back when they ran a B&B, Don Treadwell, was rehired by the Monty clan!

Insert funny number joke here.

Another school day was over for Romeo, while the elders were having lunch with April Hutchins.

The elders then left, to pursue a big want of Patrizio's

Obtaining a family dog!

Isabella, meanwhile, was heavily triggered by her Capp radar. (Crappdar?)

The elders got back as Romeo stepped into the carpool!

Romeo got another chance card!

Membership to a secret games club! That is neat!

... And somehow he also got a promotion? Even more neat! Back to work though young man, your new hours are right now!

This time around, it was Silvia Monty's ghost that took her turn to haunt Monty Ranch. At least Patrizio didn't pee his pantstowel because of his mother.

After Romeo got back, he immediately focused on his homeworks, while his grandparents and dog got ready for bed.

This marks for the final night at Monty ranch...

As the winter has come, and the time is now to move to the next family in the rotation: the Summerdream family!

To be continued

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