Saturday, 16 April 2022

Round 2-3 (Summerdream Family)


Summerdream Family

Previously at the Summerdream Family: Puck Summerdream's party was the main event of the night - he managed to have his Very First Kiss with his sweetheart Hermia Capp and then they both agreed to officially start dating together.
Oberon and Titania also tied the knot after being lovers for ages, and now a new family addition is on the way...
The party sadly, was ended with a visit from the police...

We're picking things back up where we left it - Puck just learned his mechanical skill point as the morning struck. With not much time left for sleep he'll just have to do with some coffee today.

The school bus arrived, and it was time for Puck and Bottom to go to school.

With the kids out of the way, and Oberon and Titania going downstairs to tend the plants, sooo...

You thinking what I'm thinking?


With a little one on the way and Oberon and Titania finally married, I decided to seriously cut down on Titania's former bedroom, and instead make the front half of it a bathroom and a hallway connecting it all together, and redesign the thing to fit the style of household heir Bottom, with Puck's bedroom being slightly rearranged to make the door fit.
Bottom's former bedroom has been merged with the former bathroom to mirror Puck's bedroom as the new nursery, whereas Oberon's bedroom has been stylistically merged with Titania's and toned down to make room for another bathroom and hallway, making the upper floor have a mirroring floor plan.

And then it was time for the latest addition to the family...


Say hello to little Quince Summerdream!
His personality is:

Neat: 8
Outgoing: 8
Active: 1
Playful: 0
Nice: 8

He's a bit inbetween Puck and the other Summerdreams when it comes to his personality. It's also a bit more extreme, which I always like over the 4/5/6 point personalities most family bin Sims have.

Oberon rolled a want to hire a maid, not a bad choice with a house this big and with a new child in.

After which Puck came home, and brought along his classmate Mallory Mace.

Sadly for Mallory Puck has work to do.

Later on it was Bottom who got back home, and she got to make a phone call.

Puck makes it back home, and indeed, he got the promotion - staying up studying definitely paid off for him. Time for a celebration! But not with the Monty boys, Puck hasn't forgotten what happened last...

Puck caught up with Hermia immediately, as the pinball machines got really popular with the other partygoers.

Later on the teens at the party made a hangout circle in the backyard as Titania tries to teach little Quince how to talk. Overall the event was a success.

The next morning!

School time for Puck and Bottom as Oberon got back to workign on his... 'plants'.

Eventually he took over for Titania in teaching him to talk, and right after Puck got home from school...

... Oberon taught his youngest son successfully how to speak.

Thne it was time for Bottom to bring along a friend from school, Sharla Ottomas this time around.

The two of them hung out and played some pinball together, and then it was time for Sharla to go. 

Puck's ordered pizza arrived right as Bottom was taught how to do homework by her father. The family enjoyed the slicey goodness and then they went to bed.

The next morning, after Titania covered the night shift for Quince to set her sleep rhythm for work.

Puck wanted to have some bonding time with his little sister and they went out in the yard to swing her around... Bottom's stomach didn't do well afterwards though.

So close to being potty trained after learning how to walk and talk already...

After their days off in the midweek are over, it's time for Oberon and later on Titania to get to work and make money. Which they REALLY need to pay the bills. Fingers crossed Oberon can bring home a promotion for some extra.

Puck once again brings back a friend from school, Keith Cormier. His homework state is a bit.. less though. Though at least I now installed a mod that redoes the homework system, so his grades aren't as bad as you'd expect...

In a regular game, the grades go up by 3 levels if a student is up-to-date on their homework, if they're behind 1 assignment it stays the same and if they are 2 or more homework assignments behind they lose 3 levels.
This mod changes it up so that a homework assignment is automatically deleted when a student comes home, and the percentage they've completed of it (plus their mood) influences how their grades change. 
Kinda like how Sims 3 is working. 

Next, Oberon got a work event...

... Oh god. BIG BONUS!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Just a small update though - added some doors to the backyard and add a grill next to the kitchen as well.
But that money is more than enough to support the family for ages to come!

Then Bottom got home, with an A- report card and Dora Zuimelhof! No wonder she looks so excited.

Welp, a second chance card. Let's go for my strategy of taking the more reasonable option, those tend to get the better outcomes more often, but it doesn't help that the Slacker career is a bit... unreasonable to begin with XD

Nice - that worked out well. More money is always neat.
So guess what I'm thinking about?


Titania wanted a car, and Oberon wanted a piano, so I got them those. 
The old wedding area had to be moved around, but I made sure to make the new area look far more festive!
And the Summerdreams have reason to be happy, for Quince has been potty-trained!

The evening was a cozy time, another pizza was ordered and in the end Puck made friends with Keith...

... And Bottom made friends with Dora.

When Titania's off to work, only Oberon remains to get little Quince out of bed. Luckily he's all skills taught be now.

Oh dear, third one this round!

Titania got 1 Charisma skill point and 200 cash, though sadly I didn't manage to take a screengrab of it.

In addition she also got a promotion! Her skill-grinding in the afternoon paid off.

The next morning, it was time for Quince's birthday. 

But before we get to celebrating that, somebody's going to visit a community lot.

Puck still needs to buy himself a mobile phone.

Not much happened there though, so he got back home soon....

... to Oberon making a list of people invited to the party.

Puck added a few who Oberon didn't know into the mix, but as he did so he saw disaster happening...

... And the chaotic part of me is all for it.

The fighting managed to halt for a bit when it was time to blow out the candles.

Quince Summerdream, aged up to a child! 

Titania tries to salvage the mood at the party a bit, but overall there are more minuses than pluses floating above the heads of the guests.

Oberon finds his way out and away from the chaos.

Overall... It wasn't quite it.

Quince wants to make a friend, so Bottom decided to invite Desdemona Capp over once more.

Time to see if Quince also has that magic touch to make lots of friends. Being outgoing and nice will certainly help.

Soon enough it was time for Desdemona to go home.

The Summerdreams, except Titania who was at work, needed some time off to let the events at the party sink in, and eventually went to bed.

1am, Titania came home, but with the final stretch of Autumn being in the air she decided it couldn't hurt to stay up and make some use of the fall spirits enhancing her learning and earn one more skill point.  

Et voilá. Time to go to sleep.

Bottom got up early that morning and played some piano, the tunes she played welcoming in the cold spirits of Winter.


But before we see what those spirits will do to the  Summerdream household, we'll move on to the next family. That should be Goneril Capp's family, but I am considering to change the order I am playing in, so that with every household I play I will switch to the other side of the canal.

To achieve this, I'll either:

1) Move Antonio Monty earlier in the rotation; or
2) Switch around Bianca/Goneril and Antonio/Regan

So I feel like polling those two options with:

3) Just keep the order as it was and live with it

So, here's the POLL. If you have any opinion, feel free to answer it.

When the results are in, I can make a choice on who to play next...

To be continued

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