Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Round 1-7 (Antonio Monty)


Antonio Monty's Family

Recently widowed, Antonio must either give up his job at the family restaurant and use his savings to raise his twins Beatrice and Benedick, or hire help and keep the job he loves. What will be his role in the family feud that may have cost him his wife?

Antonio Monty, second child of Patrizio and Isabella, was happily married to the love of his life Hero, a dream that came to a tragic end when she was found dead under such mysterious circumstances that the cause of her demise couldn't even be determined.
In his attempts to find answers he keeps watching the rivalling Capp family with suspicion, but will Beatrice and Benedick learn prejudices from Antonio's ways as well?

As always, let's first take a look at their LTWs and personalities

Antonio Monty
Sorry Antonio, but the family restaurant comes first. I could see him doing well on educating the children though. 

Beatrice Monty
No LTW yet because of her being a child, but it's pretty interesting to see Beatrice's personality being much different from her genetic personality, noticably her losing 3 points in playfulness...

Benedick Monty
... Whereas Benedick has the same personality he and Beatrice were born with. I wonder what the implications of that were.

The family is very short on money, so the first thing I do is to send the kids to school, follower by Antonio going to his job. This family will need that pay check.

I'm sorry Sanjay, but nobody's at home to greet you.

Everybody's back home. Sadly the kids didn't bring any classmates with them.

The kids are playing together to destress from their school days.

As the kids are doing their homework, Antonio is practising his painting. He could both use the extra money and the skill for his job.

When the kids made their homework I realised that the original dining layout wasn't going to work, so I moved it around a bit. Benedick, it's been 11 already, go to bed!

... What the kids do NOT know is that one of their wants to have a pet will be fulfilled soon - sat hello to little Maxx Monty!

Antonio must've thought that adopting a dog may help the kids cope with the loss of their mother a bit better! What a good father :3

And what a good puppy! :3

Of course a puppy does need some supplies - Just going for the basics for now.

And I even typed in a biography for him, too!

With the exception of the puppty adoption it wasn't an eventful day for the Monty family - but will the upcoming days bring some more action to them? We'll have to find out in the future - but first we'll move on to the first bin family and play Cyd Roseland's first day in Veronaville. Who will he choose -  Bianca Monty or Kent Capp? 

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...