Friday, 11 March 2022

Round 1-10 (Ramaswami Family)

Sanjay and Priya are ready to settle down and start their life together!  Will they settle in the beautiful town of Veronaville or will they find out they should've gone for something like Riverblossom Hills to make their happy home?

Sanjay and Priya are a recently married couple who share a big ambition to make it big together. In contrary to Regan and Cornwall though, their ambition is fueled by a thirst for fame rather than money, which provides an interesting contrast.
Will they be able to find the base for their dreams in Veronaville however?

As always, let's first take a look at their personalities and LTWs

Sanjay wants to become a Rock Legend, and luckily he's already in the right career path for it! Considering both he and Priya are popularity Sims building ties shouldn't become an issue, though I do hope both will roll wants or autonomous actions to get the skills needed to get there? Sadly his personality points are a bit bland, like most Seasons premades :c

Priya's dream is to reach the top of the Journalism career, and she is working in that path as well! She'll probably progress through that the same way as Sanjay, though at least her personality is *slightly* more interesting than Sanjay's... not shown though, is that Priya's interests are literally all at 5 XD

First I'm giving them both their wants to kiss each other...

... After which I send Priya to work, which means Sanjay has the house to himself.

He wants to have a new friend, so he greets the first walkby, who happens to be Cyd Roseland (he's getting really popular isn't he?)

Not soon after a group of walkbys comes by, which gives Sanjay more opportunities to make friends.

It doesn't take long for Sanjay to fulfill his want with Cyd.

Though next it's time for him to get to work.

A few hours later, Priya arrives at home, and she has the house to herself.

Sadly the walkbys don't seem to show up for a good bit,so she just dances around for a couple of hours...

But then, a few of them finally pop up!

After some time of socialising with Gretchen Stompel, Sanjay gets back home. 

And while Priya made a friend out of Gretchen...

... Sanjay gave Kent Capp a call to make friends with him too, just as he desired to.

The evening just went it's way since then...

... and after all the visitors were told to say their goodbyes...

... Priya and Sanjay went to sleep.

The next morning arrived and luckily the pair both rolled some skill wants, which I locked in for the next round, as the autumn hue has lightened the skies at the Ramaswami house as well.
Only one household in this introduction round remains: the Zuimelhofs, who are based on my longest-lasting Sims 3 family - Nora Zuimelhof is in fact the only Sim I played from birth til death and she is featured as a teen in this playthrough :3

To be continued

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