Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Round 1-11 (Zuimelhof Family)

Zuimelhof Family
Renowned doctors Carla and Dave have been reassigned to take lead of the Veronaville medical services. Will their fresh perspective in the town heal the tensions among the residents or will their treatment cause bad side effects?

The Zuimelhof family is the only household from the get-go that's not premade by Maxis in any way, shape or form. Carla was the Sim I made in the longest Sims 3 playthrough I have ever done, Dave was her husband who she married down the line and Nora was their daughter and the only Sim ever who I played from birth to death. 
Dora... well she was never there originally, but I *did* make some remakes of the family before down the line, one of which was for a Sims video series which I never got to airing, which was where Dora was added into the mix, and she's stuck around ever since.

For the heck of it, this is a picture of Nora's original appearance in The Sims 3 
(honestly, this picture is over 10 years old O_O I played them in 2011 iirc)

But now it's time for a new incarnation. 

As always, let's first take a look at their LTWs and personalities

Carla Zuimelhof
Chief of Staff - which does fit well with her medical career which she originally had in Sims 3 too. She's a few promotions away from reaching it, so the odds are in her favour.

Dave Zuimelhof
Golden Anniversary isn't exactly what his Sims 3 counterpart had, but it does fit in nicely with his current situation - if both he and Carla won't roll wants for others, or others roll them for them, all should be fine.

Nora Zuimelhof
Marry off 6 kids... Oh dear... The original Nora only had twins; which means this time she has to get much more busy, and hope none of her kids die prematurely as part of the feud.

Dora Zuimelhof
Childrens only have the Grow Up aspiration, but Dora seems to be doing great, thanks to her friendships with Hal and Sharla. When it comes to her personality she is the complete opposite of Carla. I wonder what will happen when she reaches puberty?

First things first: Nora and Dora are off to school while Carla and Dave kiss each other to fulfill some easy wants.

Not soon after the carpool for them arrives as well, and they could certainly USE that money.

Poor Cornwall tried to give them a welcome to the town and stumbled upon an empty lot. That is, if Carla's choice doesn't send her home early...

... Nope, just extra charisma skills. Here's hoping she won't roll wants to gain charisma, rather than mechanical or cleaning, which she'll need for her career.

... Guess Cornwall got lucky after all...
"Oh yes! I got an A! Woop woop!"
 "... who are you?"

"Oh. I'm Nora Zuimelhof. Me and my family moved in here earlier today."
"Cornwall Capp. We live opposite to the market."
"Nice to meet you Cornfield."

Despite their rough start both Cornwall and Nora hit it off and got into a good conversation together.

And not soon after Dora got back from school as well; after being invited home with her classmates twice she now returns the favour and brings home a townie. 

Nora and Scot get along really well at once, whereas Cornwall takes thigns a bit too quickly with Nora.

Dave and Carla then got home as well.

After which Dora does what Dora does best, which is making friends!

Nora meanwhile decides to take things elsewhere - she hasn't met a single person her age yet and she needs to if she wants to get her first kiss.

What could ever go wrong at 431 Globe Street?

... A lot. 

But this is the good kind of wrong. I was literally laughing out loud when this happened.

Shame she doesn't seem to score well with Mercutio. Let's hope she and Chris Cho can make friends down the line instead.

Nora - first teen in Veronaville to own a cellphone XD

With no teens hanging out here anymore Nora just hit the arcade. Things stayed way more quiet after Isabella wooped Consort's ass.

... Or not.

Time to get out of there.

Per Dora's wants Dave taught her how to study.

And soon she fully learned the trade.

The first family dinner in Veronaville.

And not soon after everyone got ready for bed, while Nora made a call with Cornwall and actually built up all the way to friends.

Well... Carla and Dave had a little more fun before sleeping...

When it was morning time once the sky was orange with the breeze of autumn. The colour of the end of the very first starting round. 

Next time we'll be back at Capp Manor, where among the upcoming events is a make-over!

To be continued

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