Saturday, 19 March 2022

Round 2-1 (Capp Manor)

Capp Manor Residents
Previously at Capp Manor: Juliette officially asked Romeo to go steady with her. Consort caught them and did not approve, chasing Romeo off. Juliette then snuck out with her boyfriend, while Tybalt got a new job in politics and Hermia worked on some of her skills.

First things first: I summoned the Capps outside. One thing I don't really like about the manor is how inefficient it is with the interior space. So...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


The entrance was moved from the left side of the manor to the middle, which leads to a hallway with a spiral staircase surrounding a toilet. To the right, where once the kitchen and dining were is now a well-sized living room with a fireplace. The left of the manor now has the dining room, with the kitchen and a bathroom behind it. Consort's old bedroom has been converted into a study, which can double as a second master bedroom should the need arise.

The top floor now has the left side remodeled to hold 4 bedrooms for the kids with a bathroom nearby. The side where Juliette's old bedroom was converted into Consort's bedroom with an adjacent nursery. Between that side and the fourth bathroom is an actual balcony. A bit late for the balcony scene turned into a scripted event, but it's still there for anything in the future.

There's also a golf course from Consort's career reward, which he and Tybalt use to practise charisma.

While Juliette and Hermia got ready to study cooking instead... Which is what the household could really need.

Followed by more studying...

After which the group had grilled cheese for lunch.

Next it was time for a Sunday afternoon out, to the Veronaville Market.

"Get out of OUR side of the channel, Monty scum!"
*casually ignoring* "Good afternoon, aunt Goneril!"

Later on Puck showed up. He and Hermia had a romantic moment together and he fell in love <3

Tybalt meanwhile struggled to buy new jewelry for... some reason. 
"You could stretch your arm out, pajama guy"
"Tss, don't you know who I am??"

Two sisters trying to play darts while the real face of Veronaville plays out right besides them.

"That's it! Stop messing with my family, and with my game of darts!"
*Casual ignorance intensifies*

Time to get them home before things REALLY escalate there...

And soon after came the notification that Tybalt's birthday is coming up soon!

Tybalt rolled the want to have a party, so what's a proud Capp to do? Invite the family over to see the remodeled house!

The first guests come in. Party time, with lots of chatting and stuff...

... though it wasn't meant to last...

... At least Tybalt is satisfied anyways :3 Time to get everyone to bed!

The next morning and it's a bloody Monday. Time to get up early, get some fun or cleaning up...

Right before it's off to school and work!

Once the teens got back, Hermia brought along a classmate and Juliette got another cooking skill point through pure luck!

At the point Consort returned from his work, Hermia made friends with Ralph, her classmate, and Juliette improved her cooking skills once more.

Once Tybalt got home, the notification that he's ready to celebrate his birthday popped up.

The teens do some socialising when Consort is working on his logical skills.

And this time it's Hermia who is making some sneaky plans...

Tybalt called in and earned some scholarships for college.

And then it was time for everyone to go to bed...



"Sorry ~huff~ overslept a bit"
"There you are, was about to drive off..."

Not all Capps did approve of Hermia sneaking out... Poor Hermia learned of her great-great-grandmother Cleopatra's wrath the hard way.

After taking a bath and crawlign in her bed to get at least a bit more sleep, Hermia's siblings woke up.

And everyone, even Hermia got off to work and school!

Despite her sleep deprivement, Hermia got home with a perfect report card! 

For Tybalt it was time to officially end his teenage years and move out to college.

After sending their goodbyes to their brother, Juliette and Hermia play some chess to satisfy their wants to earn a skill point.

After fulfilling said wants, the girls decide to go out for a bit, just as their grandfather got home.

At the arcade the two girls walked into Puck once again. Hermia wasn't the only Capp getting a make-out session though...
"... Whatever. I'll buy a phone and call over Romeo."

And so Juliette did... And poor Hermia, Puck left soon after, leaving her to just buy a phone as well and hang out with the people in the store.

"Oh Romeo look! We're on a blog!... Hopefully our grandparents won't read this."

And with that the date ends... also Hermia still has feelings for Romeo as well?

Once the girls got home, their cousin Miranda walked by. Juliette greeted her as Hermia picked up the phone and heard aunt Goneril's voice!

Romeo is such a romancer <3

... Which isn't very convenient when Consort takes out the trash...


The moment Consort yelled her name in all capps, Juliette knew she was in trouble... 

"I told you not to defile the Capp name by going out with that Monty scoundrel!"
"Grandpa, I don't care about this stupid feud thing!"
"His family has murdered your own parents! You shouldn't disrespect their memory like this!"
"Romeo is different! If only you could see that!"

Afterwards the two went apart to cool down a bit, each in their own way. Consort got the final skill point he needed for his final promotion!

During the evening everyone keeps to themselves. Hermia went to bed early after her nighttime adventure with Puck, whereas Consort did some late night cleaning in the bathroom after havign a call with his son-in-law Albany to build up their relationship.

The next morning wasn't much different, with the exception of Consort having the day off.

Consort was the only one who could finish breakfast. With the day off he had enough time to build the final friendship he needed to get the promotion.

After son-in-law Cornwall Capp and townie Carmen Patch didn't pick up, Consort made plans to go to a community lot... But at the sidewalk he met Carmen Patch... Who promptly tried to irritate Consort and then several attempts at a conversation went south, so Consort said goodbye...

... O_O

What in the???

After that bizarre twist of events, Consort arrived at the Veronaville Market where the usual scenario happened:

"Keep that good-for-nothing Romeo away from my granddaughter, Monty scum!"
"Sheesh, my mother kicking your butt REALLY hurt your sore ego!"

Consort eventually cooled off and after talking around a bit he struck up a conversation with Carla Zuimelhof.

"You see that girl over there? That's my daughter, she means the world to me!"

Right before leaving, Consort had to hurl insults at a Monty once more...

Back at Capp Manor, it was Hermia's turn to get the random free cooking skill point!

And once the girls got back from school, Juliette invited the Summerdreams over.

Once the Summerdreams arrived, things went just chill.

The Summerdreams eventually had dinner with the Capps. Consort had a phone call with Carla afterwards.

And when the two made it to friends, he decided to invite her family over.

... And in the end it turned out to be a BAD idea to have Dora come along as well...

Only Nora remained. Juliette was at least courteous enough to talk a bit with her.

"Mh-mh-mhhh... Wait WHAT?"

"Why did it have to be zits?..."

And then it's bed time once again. Hermia is once again the last one to go to sleep... But this time she invited Puck to stay the night. After all, Tybalt's room IS empty now.

The next morning Juliette slides down the stairs for a new day, the very first of Winter.
Which means that this round is over for the Capps.

Next time we'll be playing the Monty clan once more!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...