Friday, 23 February 2024

Round 5-7 (Roseland)

Roseland Family
Previously at the Roseland Family: The lives of Bianca, Cyd and the kids seem to be going swell - careers are thriving while the kids are both at the primary school age now. But Bianca rolled a want to have a third child... will the family expand once more?

The answer to that is: nope. The want rolled away. Bianca got a favourite colour instead, the same one as her Sims 3 counterpart: yellow.

As for the rest of the household's: 
Cyd likes Blue
Minola prefers Green
Hortensio loves Turqoise

Despite not having the want to have a baby anymore, Bianca still felt like socialising... and who else but Cyd would be the ideal partner for that?

Things got quite heavy indeed.

Sadly the fun couldn't last for longer, as Bianca's carpool arrived.

Antonio also arrived - and wanted to have a chat with his young nephew.

While her brother was busy chatting on the phone and her father was doing some household chores, Minola worked on a want to earn a skill point by trying out the new toy oven to bake muffins! The batch mostly burned, but you gotta start somewhere right?

Hortensio might go and hang up the phone sooner rather than later, before the muffins are all gone!

This also leaves the phone free for Minola, who wants to have a call with her cousin Benedick.

Meanwhile Bianca has her own situation - the exact same as last time in fact.

Monty rule 1: when in doubt, stick to your roots.

You see! It always works.

(fun fact - I actually had to play through the first one and a half day TWICE. The first try got lost because my game crashed, and in that try I got the bad outcome here :o )

While the other folks got other skill points, Minola wanted another skill point - so back to the oven it is!

"Wowie, look at you. A delicious brown muffin!"


Minola's mother got home from work.

Just in time to experience her daughter's culinary success!

The rest of the family enjoys the fruits of Minola's skill-building, as Cyd has to deal with crank-callers.

Cyd decides to have a walk to get his mind off the eerie call...

Soon enough he finds himself at the cemetery...

... where the first thing of interest that happens is Adrian Capp having an immature fit and slapping Demi Love in the fact, starting a feud not unalike his stepfather's.

It doesn't take long for the ghost of said stepfather's mother to show up - and Cyd has a want to see a ghost!

Before we get to that, Adrian and Demi get into a physical fistfight!

While Adrian emerges victorious, Samantha Monty gets scared by Julius Caesar, the other ghost who popped out tonight...

... soon followed by Carmen Patch getting scared by Dora Ottomas!

We roll for the fight outcome - and because Adrian doesn't have any body skill points, he got away scot-free for now.

After lurking around the graves a bit more, Cyd finally got noticed by a ghost - Julius' in fact!

Time to get home asap!

And have a nap for now - most of Cyd's needs have tanked from that ghost encounter.

Bianca receives a call from her brother Antonio to go downtown!

Because the Roselands don't have a car we have to decline his offer - but let's invite Antonio's family over here instead.

Time to let them in!

(Speaking of my first crashed attempt, Kent was the one who made the Going Downtown there, but got invited over to visit instead. He brought along a friend who turned out to be Titania Summerdream out of all people - Bianca and Titania got into a story arc to make peace... followed by Bianca rolling the want to drink Titania the next day O_o )

... Seriously? We only got that TV last time we were here.

At least the cooking is enjoyed by everyone.

Cyd enjoys it so much in fact, that he licks and eats the plates - he got THAT hungry after that ghost encounter.

Amidst the visitors, Bianca managed to finish reading up about Fire Safety.

So of course the next logical thing to want is a new car... I guess Bianca wants to prepare herself for being able to hit Downtown later on.

Soon enough the visitors head out, and the Roselands head to bed...

... which brings us to the next morning...

... which starts off with work and school for Cyd and the kids...

... leaving Bianca alone with enough time to read some cooking!

After that she rolled a want to make friends with Carla Monty! (just like my first attempt!)

(On my first attempt Carla brought along Ralph Enriquez the townie instead of her brother-in-law Romeo)

No Curtis, Cyd is at WORK.

Minola got into a marble match!

... sadly playing the diplomatic route didn't work out for her.

While Bianca and her guests enjoyed some grilled cheese, Cyd and the kids got home.

Bianca and Carla then had a game of Red Hands, which was enough to make them friends.

While Bianca and Carla hang out a bit more, Cyd hits the mechanical books to gain a new skill point.

The want got followed by a want to get a second one - which sets Cyd up for a promotion next time at work!

Hortensio wants to make a friend, so why not play a bit with his sister?

Meanwhile Bianca goes to install a car alarm...

... which leaves Cyd some spare time to teach Porthos a new trick.

Time to hit the hay once more.

The next morning Minola used the oven again to make her own brekkie. Sadly she burned the muffin once more.

Cyd rushes to make it to the carpool just in time...

... leaving Porthos home to be pet by the mail carrier.

When Bianca came outside to check on the mail, she did the same thing to Porthos.

After that she remembered why she came outside again.

No Charlotte, Hortensio is AT SCHOOL.

Cyd and Minola got home with success - as Minola got perfect grades and Cyd got that promotion!

Also Hortensio's grades went up.

Using the promotion bonus we replace the tv with a new one...

... which is immediately used by Minola and Hortensio while Cyd works on his mechanical skill.

He can't stay up for too long - he got the night shift with this promotion...

... which means only 3 show up at the dinner table.

The kids are having showers at the moment the carpool arrives again.

After they finish their homework...

... everyone at home goes to bed.

The next morning, Cyd arrives home at sunrise.

Hortensio was so happy to see his dad back home he ran outside in his PJ's.

While Cyd cleans up himself upstairs, Bianca cleans up the doggy bed. 

Bianca's weekend is over, which means the carpool arrives for her at the same time as the kids...

... leaving Cyd home alone this time around - which means he has all the time he needs to work his body for his skill point want!

After a good cold shower he's ready to catch some sleep right before his next night shift.

"Honey I'm hooooome!"

Also coming home is a classmate of Hortensio's.

The two of them start with playing tag!

A bit of extra hanging out later and the two are friends.

Hortensio wants to sell some lemonade... maybe his new friend wants to give it a try?

While I told Minola to go and play chess, Bianca joined her completely on her own... which I really like because logic happens to be the one skill point she needs for a promotion.

Hortensio meanwhile did NOT sell lemonade to his friend... Poor kid. 


"Well played love.. But mummy's gotta do the cooking now."

Cyd decides to help out Hortensio by buying his lemonade instead.

The two got back in to enjoy some nice grilled salmon, courtesy of Bianca. Minola is still a bit too busy with her homework however.

Minola has dinner at the right time to witness her father leave for work.

While Bianca finishes some household chores in the bathroom, Hortensio catches up on his homework and Minola enjoys the company of her teddy bear.

After Bianca plays some red hands with her son...

... it's time to hit the hay...

... and at the next morning, while Cyd returns from work, the season turned into autumn, which means we'll be saying goodbye to the Roselands until the next round!

Next time we'll see what Kent Capp has been up to? 

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...