Saturday, 9 March 2024

Round 5-8 (Kent Capp)

Kent Capp
Previously at Kent Capp's: Kent mostly stuck his nose in the books, but he did have a few romantic moments with his 'roommate' Adrian Lewis... But will Kent be able to keep his nose out of the books to see their relationship develop into something more this season.

Just like all the previous households, we're starting off with Kent's new favourite colour - which is grey.

The day starts off with the two guys watching TV, which meant I let them be for a bitto.

Kent used that free will to put a romantic move on Adrian!

Sadly Adrian left for work, leaving Kent all by himself.

He instead focused on his want to talk to someone - and with Arianna Jalowitz the maid nearby...

... Kent rolled more wants to interact with her!

... Kent eventually rerolled all wants to interact with a cat who wasn't even on the lot. Guess I'm letting him off to free will once more.

... which he used to congratulate Arianna with her college degree 3 times in a row. At least it put them into friendship territory.

The cat showed up then - which means Kent can play around with him...

... before giving Bottom Summerdream a call!

The two of them became friends!

Followed by Kent rolling wants to hang out with Adrian! Nice.

Now if only Adrian would return home...

Aaand the wants reroll again.

Kent decided to hit the bookcase - but Bottom called in once more, which got me expecting she'd invite him downtown!

But nope - Regan called in next...

... and it was HER who invited Kent downtown!

I figured that since Regan has a car I could give it a shot...

... but for some reason my game entered build mode when entering the lot. Huh. Gotta look into that.

Back to Veronaville we go I guess...

Why lookie there, it's Adrian!

Time to make a move onto him!

Sorry Regan, we got bigger priorities now.

Like serenading Adrian!

Kissing Adrian.

And making out, oh my!

Time to hit a community lot!

.. wait, why is Adrian not coming along?

... Time to hit Globe Street?

Wait, Tybalt?... I guess this is a remainder of Regan's downtown outing?

I guess we have to manually call Adrian over instead.

After ending the outing with Tybalt, it's time to make a move onto Adrian again!

And after a dance...

... Adrian decides to just head home again. Guess we'll watch some TV instead...

... while locking the want to go on a date. Bingo!

Back home Kent still has the want to do the woo and the hoo with Adrian.

After Adrian deals with an ominous prank caller...

... the 'roommates' find themselves in the bedroom.

Their first time together!

After their wholesome activities, the two doze off...

Kent was woken up by the carpool horn. Oops.

He did make it on time though, so when he got home he got that juicy promotion at last!

After dealing with the weekly rent...

... Kent asked Adrian about his day at work.

After a call from Oberon went awry...

... Kent made the move onto Adrian to officially go on a date!

After a few moves Adrian rolled the want to marry Kent! Family Sims amirite?

Kent needed to warm up a bit however...

... and just like his niece Hermia, he couldn't get his previous date out of his mind.

At least a nice makeout session is plenty to make the date progress.

Perhaps some salmon will do the trick too? Love goes through the stomach after all. As long as Kent doesn't get too distracted by Adrian and accidentally cuts his own finger off.

Luckily no kitchen accidents happened.

After a few more moves in the bedroom, Kent rolled the want!

Time to propose!

A happy ending!

A really happy ending!

The date actually ending!

The next morning Kent decided to make pancakes...

... only to realise he grew a bit of a gut!

After taking care of the bills...

Kent and Adrian took the day off to themselves... If it weren't for Desdemona calling her uncle up.

After Kent and Desdemona made friends...

... Kent officially asked his fiancé on an outing...

... to the local church...

... for a very special day!

Time to get in the guests!

So that when everyone's seated...

The ceremony can begin!

Considering that the Capp family runs through the women and that we got plenty of Capp households already, it makes a lot of sense for Kent to change his name to Lewis.

The crowd applauds the newlyweds!

Regan, despite telling Kent earlier this round not to call her again, brings a toast to the newlyweds!


After a dance with a romantic dip kiss...

It's time to move from the venue...

.. towards Globe Street.

Adrian can buy himself a cellphone there...

And afterwards the newlyweds enjoy their ice cream together!

After Desdemona called him again to make best friends with her newlywed uncle...

The two had leftover salmon together...

... after which Adrian decided to make friends with his neighbour downstairs: Amy Platz.

A bit of socialising goes a long way!

But after a busy day our Sims must hit the hay sooner rather than later.

The next morning I realise that Adrian's aspiration level is at neutral despite fulfilling two big wants the day before. Then I realise that he is yet to get a favourite colour... THEN I realise that he's still a roommate?

I tried to reload the household to hopefully see the situation reset...

But nope.

Guess we'll have to take some trickier measures.

Sorry Adrian.

After respawning him with the Sim Modder we can add Adrian to the family properly.

Note to self: roommates are a bit buggy.

We got the situation fixed JUST in time for Adrian's carpool to arrive.

Kent goes to work a couple hours later due to his new shift - and with Adrian's new friends he's easily eligible for another promotion!

Adrian got a hobby chance card...

A good result for Science!

Welcome home Adrian!

And with him being back home we can also give him his favourite colour! Let's go with Purple, because his shirt and pants together would make that colour.

Adrian got a call from a downtown friend of his... and immediately ends up with a shopping discount!

Then Kent got home with that expected promotion... and a GIANT bonus! At this rate they could afford their own house in no-time!

While Adrian gets a call from another downtown friend, the first one inexplicably shows up.

First thing he does is break the TV. -_- Is he trying to force us to use his furniture discount?

After managing a call from Mr Big...

... Adrian puts his interest in science to use and earns a logic skill point from it!

After that he wants to make friends with Tybalt... good luck with that.

Turns out luck was on Adrian's side!

I also realise that Adrian has a couple of aspiration benefits to gather - time to take care of that!

After Kent deals with another prank caller...

... the newlyweds do what newlyweds do.

And after Kent spends his newly gained Aspiration Benefit Points...

We note that Autumn has breezed into this family - which means it is time to move on to the next household once more!

Next time we'll see how Miranda Norman will deal with the unexpected loss of her father Albany Norman by the hands of Goneril Capp. Will her revenge be sweet or bitter?

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...