Saturday, 10 February 2024

Round 5-6 (Regan Capp)

Regan Capp
Previously at Regan Capp's: ... well not too much happened. Life just played out, Regan and Cornwall did their jobs, while Cunedagius went to school.. then Regan grew some interest in cosmetology. Will this interest of hers continue and manifest itself in her entering the real estate market?

Before we get to that, we'll have to tackle the new favourite colours of the household!

Regan's is Yellow (as you can see)
Cornwall prefers Brown
Cunedagius likes Orange

To start off Regan wants to make some money! Sadly it's Sunday.. which means hitting the easel is fair game right?

While she's busy Cornwall and Cunedagius hit the chess board!

Cunedagius namely has rolled the want to earn a Logic skill point AND talk to their father.

After talking together, Cornwall goes and also hits the easel, as he wants to earn him some moolah as well. In the process he also earns a creativity skill point!

Cunedagius keeps rolling to gain more logic skill - so staying at the chess board it is!

Regan, in contrary, finished her painting and sells it for a small sum, satisfying her craving for cash. 

She made some cereal for the others, creating a happy family moment together.

What was a bit less happy however, was Carmen Patch stealing the newspaper!

Luckily that was the old one though.

While C&C continue their skill building...

Regan sees a puppy outside and decides she wants to hang out with them.

Human and Dog build their bond quickly...

... and despite Carmen butting in...

... human and dog are soon buddies!

Sadly the puppy left before Regan rolled any wants to adopt.

While that was happening outside, Cornwall finished his painting and sold it...

... followed by Cunedagius reaching level FOUR in logic already!

After dinner Titania called.

She wanted to go downtown with the family!

Everyone was on board!

... Except for the taxi driver who came in late.

Despite that inconvenience, the family went downtown anyway, hoping to have a slightly more fulfilling dinner experience.

Regan addressed the host...

... and soon enough everyone was seated.

The family was served well soon enough...

And soon Regan could make a call for a taxi...

... to take everyone back home.


Back home!

While Cunedagius went to bed, Regan and Cornwall play a game of chess...

... followed by a comfy message session in the little salon!

A good outing overall!

Time to hit the hay!

... and then wake up, on a new day of the week.

The day starts off quietly - though Cornwall manages to get him some cooking skill! *Why* he rolled that want is a mystery to me, but eh, always handy that he *did*

Cunedagius decided to have one splash before school...

... followed by Cornwall joining in...

... to play some Marco Polo together! Cornwall even got a body skill point out of it.

After bringing his kid to school...

... Cornwall goes back to his cook books.

*insert cranky Sims 2 'no they're not at home' comment here*

While Steven the maid leaves, Cornwall dives back in the pool - ready to earn himself some body skill points... Kent better looks out.

While Cornwall officially claims his day of paid leave...

Cunedagius claims their A at school - SO CLOSE!

"Oh, sorry, I need my arms to stay afloat here."

Using his arms to stay afloat does help Cornwall earn a second body skill point!

Also Regan got promoted! One more and she's the CEO of Capp & Co.!

Cunedagius is glad to have their mummy back home.

Regan answers the phone to chat a bit with Oberon Summerdream...

... while Cornwall, after showcasing his new physique, goes and makes dinner.

Oh well.

Time to get the dinner first!


Oh boy, not Juliette Capp and Antonio Monty feuding!

At least Cornwall managed to make up with Titania for standing her up.

Time to go back home!

And get that dinner going!

Yum spaghetti!... though Regan is not quite sure about it... it's kinda.. Monty, isn't it?

After finishing their plate, Cunedagius decides to cool down a bit in the pool.

After some Marco Polo they decide it's getting a bit old...

Much better.

Regan meanwhile realised she still has that thinking cap lying around, and uses it to build up her skills needed for her promotion - starting off with charisma!

Right before hitting the hay, I notice Oberon walking by in his Werewolf form.

The next morning and it's time to get up and running!

While Cornwall goes off to work...

Regan decided to play the paid leave game as well with ulterior motives on her mind...

Namely working on those skills she needs to get a promotion!

And also taking care of those bills.

After calling up the headmaster again to get that one extra required friend...

... Regan picks up the brush once more, for she needs to work on her creativity!

While Regan gains the last skill point she needs to be eligible for that promotion...

... her husband and child some back home from work and school respectively.

Regan applauds Cunedagius' A+! Good job!

While Regan and Cornwall strike the chess table once more...

... lightning strikes the vase on the balcony!

... Uh, sure Nora.

But not for too long - Regan wants to invest in real estate!

Kinda surprised however that it's for a holiday home, instead of a community lot.

Hmm that place looks nice yet affordable...

Ta-dah! It may need some redecoration.. but it's a solid start for a trip to Three Lakes.

The deed is done!

And Cunedagius is approaching their teens!

After dinner went down, the C-folk had a dip in the pool once more.

Marco Polo time!

Meanwhile Cunedagius wanted to get to body level 3.

But first, Cornwall got that third body skill point.

An active day overall.

Regan meanwhile finished her painting. Time to sell...


Time to sleep...

... and wake up once again!

While Cornwall enters the carpool already, Regan and Cunedagius start their day.

Soon enough Regan is home alone once more - this time on her regular day off.

Sorry Hermia,, Cunedagius is at school right now... but you can see them at their birthday party tonight!

Speaking of... if we want to be able to afford a birthday cake we need to save up money - sorry Steven, we gotta send you home early for the day.

In an attempt to gather funds for the household, Regan wants to paint a masterpiece.

While doing so, she earns some extra creativity points.

Cornwall came back with a much-needed paycheck, while Cunedagius came back with.. slipped grades. That's what happens when they don't roll wants to work on school anymore.

At least their parents still love them.

While Cunedagius earns one more skill point for logic, pushing skill halfway there, they become eligible to age up.

Cornwall is eager to grab the phone and invite everyone over!

Cunedagius meanwhile turns on the music to dance - and discovers their passion!

Regan finishes the painting juuust in time for the party!

It's quite the crowd that arrived! Cunedagius is beloved by the family it seems.

Time to blow out the candles!

The crowd gathers...

And Cunedagius...

... grew several inches, vocal chords and puberty hormones. At least those clothes look good on them, with the orange stripe referring to their favourite colour.

With the festivities done it is time to choose an aspiration! Using my Aspiration Calculator Cunedagius rolled to be a Knowledge Sim! Maybe they'll grow up to be the link who could bring peace to Kent and Cornwall's actions?

Speaking of Kent, he and Carla Zuimelhof went off to encourage Oberon Gossamer, who turned into his Werewolf form during the festivities.

While Cornwall orders pizza (and brings in a SECOND Italian Monty food in ONE round)...

... Cunedagius walks off to Globe Street...

... to buy themselves a mobile phone!

(wait weren't Kent and Peter Ottomas just at the party?)

Why not have a look at the new family portrait while we return to the party?

Back home, we have the cutest scene of Hermia and Randy holding hands! D'awww.

Followed by a NOT cute scene of Hal the incel attacking Nora!

Yuck, he won.

At least he has no body skill points.

The party goes on with a movie, while Cornwall and Kent are eating at the same table?.. Could this be the beginning of some peace?

... Nope - Adrian decided to poke Hermia randomly out of nowhere! How rude!

Despite some of the struggles, the party was a success, and Cunedagius grew up very well.

Time to give the family some well-deserved rest.

The sun rises once for the 5th time, for it is still Summer at Regan's house!

Regan is already eager of the idea of sending Cunedagius to college and wants them to get a scholarship!

Cunedagius, sadly, lost their A grade and is not eligible for any of them... I do foresee up to 3 possible scholarships for them: 1) High grades; 2) High logic; 3) High dancing.. if they roll wants to flesh out their dancing hobby that is.. or become a regular party guest.

While Cornwall goes to work, Regan and Cunedagius hit the chess table.

"Hey mum.. I got a thing to ask..."
"Oh, what's on your mind, boy?"
"Well.. to be honest I'd rather not be called boy.. You see, I don't really feel like I'm a boy inside.. but neither a girl. I'm just myself, just Cunedagius."
"Oh, that's fair."
"Could you, instead of referring to me with 'he' or 'him', use 'they' and 'them' instead?"
"I'll do my best, sweetie. If I ever do get it wrong feel free to correct me. I love you for who you are."
"Thanks mum! I love you too."

While that bit of lore got showcased here, the tree leaves in the back started to take on a shade of orange - Cunedagius' favourite - which means it's time to end this part!

Next time we'll be catching up with the Roselands!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...