Sunday, 31 December 2023

Round 5-3 (Summerdream)

Summerdream Family
Previously at the Summerdream Family: Puppy Snout grew up into an adult and Quince grew up into a teen. And after Bottom started to date Dora Zuimelhof, Oberon got bitten by the leader of the pack and became a Werewolf!

We start off right after Oberon's first transformation into a Werewolf ended... (despite the fact he's transformed several times at other families as well)

The family gets up and running...

... which for Titania means inviting over the Capps in order to make best friends with the new matriarch of the family, Juliette.

They arrived to the sight of a tree being set on fire by lightning - what a wonderful way to start the visit off!

At least Titania actually achieved her intentions behind this visit.

Oberon also manages to reach a goal of his.

The same goes for Bottom, who maxes out her creativity skill while still in her teens! If she goes to college she could settle herself for a fruitful career in Music...

The day seems to go its way.

Titania is off to work...

... Bottom slams her head in-between the piano again...

... after which she joins the rest at the lunch.

Bottom decided she'd like to prank Juliette.

Juliette did not appreciate that.

Oberon tried to cook dinner - but the family ran out of groceries!

One walk to the Veronaville Market later...

... and Oberon buys the family all they need!

He tries to growl at the pizza deliverer walking by to get an extra snack, but...

"No, only if you pay with Simoleons!"

Oberon is not yet to go home though...

Time to bring the Summerdream graves back to the right side of town!

Carla Zuimelhof got a good scare!

While Oberon got a good catch!

Oberon finally returned back home!

The same goes for Titania!

After which it is time once more for Oberon to turn into his Werewolf form (again).

Bottom decided to take on other skills now - including charisma!

After that she called up Dora to ask and sneak out with her.

While waiting for Dora, Oberon got a hobby event at work.

He chose wisely and got membership to a secret cooking club!

Bottom has one final shot of espresso...

... and is then off in the night!

Oberon comes back home!

Bottom comes back home...

... and then is driven off again?

I'm not sure how, but Bottom then spawned back at home anyways?

A new morning shines, and Oberon turns back into his human form once more.

Titania also woke up - and finally decides to put an actual collar on Snout, which was bought last round already.

Which is followed by more quality time with her beloved pup as Oberon has hit the chess table...

... and the teens are off to school.

Having the house to themselves, Oberon and Titania go on a date together!

Things get fiery...

And eventually they end things in the car, so that Steven Dallas and Carmen Patch can enjoy the show.

Oberon certainly enjoyed the morning together.

While Titania rushes out to say hi to Juliette, Quince got a moment at school as well...

... which also has good consequences for his grades :D

Juliette takes some chess with Oberon while Titania has some quality time with Bonkers.

Titania soon has to say her goodbyes to the feline, as her carpool pulls up.

Quince has brought back home a friend from the Downtown area!

He hangs out with her...

... while Bottom calls Dora...

... and then takes the car downtown!

Let's try this new hip night club that just opened!

It doesn't take long for the flames of passion to blaze up!

Dora and Bottom then hit it off on the dance floor

-- wait, fall in love with Ariel? If I had a nickle for every Summerdream kid who wants to fall in love with someone else than their partner on a date...

Romantic wants for Ariel or not, Bottom and Dora decide to hit the hot tub upstairs.

Things escalate into a steamy makeout session sooner rather than later.

Oof, Dave is here.

Realising that's his daughter is the one making out down there, he shuffles out.

While the girls get out of the hot tub...

... Dave decided that the electrosphere was an interesting toy to try out... Emphasis on *was*.

The date ends.

Bottom roasts a marshmallow.

And Bianca Monty beats Cornwall Capp in a fight.

No Capps were badly harmed in this fight.

While Bottom was heading home already, Dora decided to blame Cornwall for the tension.

Back home, Dora rolled the want to go to college! Which means she must have passing grades to be eligible! Which means she joins her brother in a homework session!

After finishing it, Bottom finds a lovely bouquet from Dora near the front door.

Right as dinner is served, Bottom is called by Dora's friend Scot who wants to go downtown with her. Being a full-on pleasure Sim Bottom accepts.

The dinner table is much emptier than expected while Bottom drives off once more.

At the bowling alley!

We find that both Beatrice Monty and Hal Capp are part of the group. This may not be a good idea...

After hitting on Dora, who is part of the group...

... Bottom hits the alley with Scot, where she does some impressive feats.

While Mercutio and Carla dance in the restaurant...

... Bottom decides to jump on the couch to celebrate her bowling win.

"Bottom... what the heck?"

After socialising with the people involved, the group calls it a day, calling the outing a fun success.

Back home Oberon gains access to the game hobby lot less than a day after becoming a cooking club member.

He celebrates this fact by becoming a Werewolf.

This results in Juliette leaving home, despite there being a toilet inside two doors away.

Bottom isn't the only person to come home from a sub neighbourhood however, as Puck has returned home from college!

Rolling a want to get a job in three different career paths, Puck immediately beelines for the computer - but no luck yet.

He has a good time catching up with Titania however...

... while Bottom gains another skill point in Charisma!

After midnight the job offers change, so Puck gives it another shot - but sadly no luck either. His want to work in Business does accompany his dedication to commit to Juliette.

Oberon's a bit more of a star when it comes to achieving things - not only did he discover a new star but he also gains another logic skill point!

Meanwhile Dora snuck to the front door once more, this time to gift out a nice stereo!

While Oberon takes effort to fix the sanitary...

... Puck has burrowed Bottom's television to work out!

Having not yet gotten his mechanical skill from practise work, Oberon has hit the books once more with success!

Once morning hits it's time to become human again once more.

The family had breakfast once more, and while the bus arrived to bring Bottom and Quince to school, the latter received game hobby membership.

This gives the adults more time to themselves, which they use on skilling...

... and taking care of the bills.

Well done Quince!

Titania is very proud of her son's grades!

Puck meanwhile gives the piano a try - and gains a skill point for his effort!

Followed by taking Snout out for a walk.

While Puck's gone, Oberon gained a skill point...

And Bottom is at the age to grow up-- aaaand her college want is gone. Hopefully she'll reroll it before her birthday...

Oberon rolled back into his Werewolf form.

And while Titania lost Sanjay as a best friend...

... Oberon harvests the plants the Summerdreams have grown.

After Bottom gains another mechanical skill point, she rolls a want to sneak out again - let's hope she won't be caught this time!

Dora is up for the thrill once more. Puck is also up for a thrill with Juliette.

He invites her to the green restaurant.

The lovebirds share a dance there.

It is enough for Juliette to roll a want to marry Puck! Looks like we have a match to set in stone!

Puck gets a table at the restaurant. Juliette is a little distracted.

Juliette eventually realises the table is set and joins Puck there.

When dinner is served, Puck and Juliette toast to their relationship!


*shift click-delete*

... Ah I see, if the guard isn't on his post to begin with...

*shift click-delete*

Dinner was finished, so Juliette really wanted to hit the photo booth.

Puck was a bit less thrilled with it, but he did it for her.

At least he's kinda happy with the pictures.

After that the romancing continued - although Puck's singing did reel in a crowd.

A crowd without an understanding of the concept 'personal space'.

No surprise Juliette and Puck headed out.

Time to visit a special place...

Right at the edge of the pool...

Puck goes on his knees...

... and he asks her...

... "Juliette Capp, will you marry me?", right as the sun comes up!

Juliette is delighted!

She tries on the ring, as it glimmers beautifully in the rising sun's light!

She jumps in his arms! Puck has to be careful not to fall in the pool!

The newly engaged couple shares a kiss like they're in an academy movie...

... after which their date ends.

Time for Puck to return home.

Oberon has found a few fellow wolves outside and has rolled wants to play with them.

One of the wolves in question being the leader of the pack! And Quince happens to have a want to step in his father's footsteps and become a Werewolf himself!

Oberon watches as his son builds a bond with the pack leader - and does NOT realise that Bottom is sneaking out behind his back.

Puck meanwhile has tried once more to find a job - with no luck once more.

Quince spends the night hanging out with the pack leader...

... until the latter leaves, prompting the former to retreat and gain some energy.

Oberon is too busy howling to notice Bottom sneaking back in.

One sunrise later.

Oberon has ruined the family breakfast!

While Quince tries to cram it in, Bottom just sticks to espresso.

Titania is also too eager to share some of her food with Snout.

We skip to the Veronaville Market.

Puck is here to do some clothes shopping for his upcoming wedding!

He also makes a few other purchases... 

... to overall fit the Capp aesthetics more...


Titania has some more bonding time with Snout.

Oberon meanwhile hits the books once more!

Bottom's grade is slipping once more and still has no want to leave for college.

Quince officially got his A+ and now wants to lock it in with a scholarship!

Mission accomplished!

Bottom also grabs the phone, but for reasons besides college.

The guests arrive.

Oberon manages to sneak in another mechanical skill point.

And Bottom is ready to... blow out the cake?

"Bottom, that's not where the cake is!"

After Bottom corrects her blowing techniques, all candles go out.

Ooh, I installed this mod that adds a popup when a teen blows out the candles that gives them the choice to go to college there and then - sadly Bottom does not have the want to go there anymore, so rip Titania's LTW of graduating her 3 kids.

Bottom grows up...

... and...

... she's a healthy fully grown young woman now!

The cutscene camera seems to be interested in Dora however.

It doesn't take long for things to escalate!

Now what would be a good way to keep the others from fighting...

An exclusive bubble blower corner of course!

That didn't stop Hal from beating up Nora Zuimelhof however.

At least Hal isn't even strong enough to even cause any casualties.

Cornwall, this isn't the right moment to call we're in the middle of a party.

The party eventually comes to an end - a perfect start of Bottom's adulthood!

And a perfect start for Oberon's Werewolf hours!

After Oberon's best friendship with Goneril dies out a bit due to her being jailed.

... he runs up the stage to let out a nice howl!

Meanwhile another Summerdream sneaks up to the Veronaville Market.

It is Bottom, who... jumps on the benches?

... After that little stunt, she goes and buys some new clothes for herself. 

The leopard print goes well with her overall vibe.

After playing around with the glasses...

... she goes back home once more.

Over there Puck is still unable to find that job in the Capp family business.

Titania works on the plants once more and gets a coveted creativity skill point.

After she retired to bed, Oberon follows her to the bedroom - but to read a mechanical book instead. It's a good thing his Werewolf eyes give him night vision.

The sun rises once more however when the summer is about to end - and Oberon loses his fur once more.

And right after the family wakes up...

... the summer glow makes place for a softer, more golden autumn glimmer that tells us it is time to move on to the next family - which will be just Peter Capp.

To be continued
A happy new year!

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...