Saturday, 13 January 2024

Round 5-4 (Peter Capp)

Peter Capp
Previously at Goneril and Peter Capp's: After the drama with their ex-partners Albany and Samantha respectively, the Capps have started to focus on their careers and their wealth instead to calm things down a bit. Things turned around again once more when at Hal Capp's 18th birthday party Goneril got into a fight with Albany, which resulted in the latter losing his life, granting the former a jail sentence for this round.

That means that for this round we'll be playing just Peter. Whose favourite colour is blue!
He also wants to have a baby?!... Without Goneril around that won't really happen though. Kind of a shame, I'd have loved to see what Goneril and Peter's spawn would've looked like.

Maybe another want can be focused on instead... such as making friends with Nancy. Who just happened to walk by. 

Not only is befriending her a want on its own but he also needs more friends for his final promotion!

One sidewalk chat later and the want is achieved!

And Peter rolls a want to get flirty with Nancy already...

Time to do something else before it goes beyond.

Such as getting his motives up...

... to build on the skills needed to get that promotion!

Thanks for interrupting the progress hobby stalker!

Once the cooking skill is up to par I remembered that Peter is about to age up! 

A party had to be arranged in short notice.

Peter also happened to meet Adrien Capp who walked by - his own step-son!

Let's not waste too much time and get to the candles!

One final spin coming in...

... and Peter turns grey! And oh god he has the same outfit Albany wore now. That's gonna be awkward.

Meanwhile Peter himself is convinced he's a silver fox.

This note popped up and I decided to have Peter take these two along with him. Edward is one of his best friends, while I feel Peter would be mean enough to turn his biggest enemy old out of revenge.


After putting up some drinks...

... Peter got a call from a rando - sorry man, we're in the middle of a party here.

After that Peter comes and socialises with some of his existing friends, to strengthen the bonds. Which means that Dave Zuimelhof finally has a best friend outside of his house!

Adrian Lewis also makes it to Peter's best friend list!

Peter tried to build a bond with Priya Ramaswami as well, but sadly the party came to an end then.

Which means Peter has the entire evening to himself to work on his charism- Wait...

How the heck did Samantha get in there?

Samantha went to sit on Peter's couch, just as Peter went down to put away a stray book. Samantha was not happy to see him.

"Samantha! What are you doing in MY house?! Can't you just go back to your own planet?!"

As a reply Samantha reached out her hand and hit Peter's cheeks with it.

Peter decided to just shoo her out. What if he and Samantha would follow up on Goneril and Albany?

With Samantha gone Peter finally went to bed.

The next morning Peter went back to the mirror to practise his charisma.

Soon enough the carpool arrived...

One day of work later and the phone rang...

Oh hey, it's Sanjay! The call was good enough to make best friends together!

After that Peter realised that the golf course in the backyard also builds charisma, so Peter practised his shot.

Several shots later and Peter got a charisma point!

All this golfing prompted another hobby stalker to offer a magazine subscription.

After practising his golf swings a bit more, Peter called it a day.

The next morning...

... Peter practised his golf swings even more before going off to work.

After work he tackled the garden work...

... and the bills, so that Goneril would return to a clean place once she'd leave jail.

It's a shame that Peter doesn't need cleaning skill for his job. It might still come in handy though.

Peter's wants have been a bit unfulfilled... so when Bottom Summerdream walked by he saw an opportunity to meet someone new!

The same journey as Nancy's followed.

-- except for the part where Puck walked by, as well.

Peter tried to golf some more to build charisma. The hails decided to disagree with that.

... I have never noticed that hail causes it's own ground texture after falling until now!

Gotta love the details Sims 2 has on offer.

Peter meanwhile calls it a day.

The next morning Peter starts the day off with a walk.

Once he arrives at the Veronaville Market...

... he goes on a shopping spree!

Hopefully he'll look a bit less like Albany with those new clothes.

Also Benedick turned Hal into pulp.

At least the Hal-pulp lives.

Bottom is there as well!

Enough reason for Peter to say hi and have a chat.

After which he hurries back home...

... to change up his outfits right before work.

After work...

... Peter has a call with Regan.

He follows it up with another golfing session...

... which earns him another skill point AND membership to the hobby club.

Peter ends the day there.

The next morning autumn has blanketed the house once more, making it time for us to leave. If all goes right Goneril will return the next round as well - and if my math is right it should be right in time for her birthday!

Next time we'll return to Antonio Monty's big family again - that should be a chaotic time for sure!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...