Monday, 18 December 2023

Round 5-2 (Monty Ranch)

Monty Ranch
Previously at Monty Ranch: Isabella Monty was around for just long enough to see her son Antonio marry Samantha Ottomas. The newlyweds and their numerous stepchildren resided in the family ranch until Mercutio returned from college after being expelled - after which he took ownership over the house, at the time not sure yet what to do with his life...

However, now he HAS figured out something! In Juliette and Puck's round, Mercutio fell in love with local dormie Carla Carr and now he has rolled a want to get engaged to her!

Before that however Mercutio had to answer the phone, just to deal with those prank calls.

After gaining a logic skill point...

Mercutio went on a walk...

... to retrieve the tombstones of his ancestors, which also somehow respawned away from the family ranch.

After picking the remains of his ancestors up...

Mercutio walked into Juliette.

It escalated quickly...

... with Juliette coming out on top.

Oof, if Juliette had a few more body skill points this round would have ended right here!

Luckily Mercutio got to walk back home alive...

... to bring back all the-- wait one of the graves is missing. Where's Valentine Monty?

Time to make a quick return...

Apparently his urn was all the way back in the mausoleum instead of among the other graves... But more weirdly how did the Capp and Summerdream graves reappear?

Before returning back home, Mercutio pays a moment of silence for the two dormies who died in his first college round: Lauren...

... and Forrest.

Mercutio's reminiscing got rudely interrupted by Hal Capp.

On his way out Ariel Capp also barged in on him.

Mercutio managed to get out without getting into a fight this time...

... and was able to complete his family's gravesite at home.

Following the same logic as Juliette Capp last post (living at the main family home and having no job LTW), I decided to try and find Mercutio a job in the Culinary career... which didn't work for today.

After having a call with Beatrice...

... Mercutio gives Carla a call.

In contrary to an earlier date, Mercutio doesn't leave too late, thanks to not relying on a taxi...

... and once Downtown...

... the date with Carla can get started!

After sowing a few seeds against Juliette...

... Mercutio and Carla hit the dance floor!

There things turn for the romantic.

Carla felt like having pictures taken of them together.

Mercutio went along, but decided to be a bit of a joker in there.

Carla didn't mind that luckily, and soon found herself locking lips with her date.

The two went a step ahead and soon we find Carla Carr heading to the Car.

The witch decided it was a good time to get out.

After fulfilling 6 wants at once(!)...

Mercutio and Carla find themselves having dinner.

The two of them...

... entertain themselves...

... quite well so far.

Mercutio then looks Carla in the eyes, a bit nervously, as he clumsily places his elbow in his own food.

He then pulls out the one thing that makes his full intentions clear.

"Carla Carr, will you marry me?"
"Oh my god!"

"Yes, yes yes!"

After marvelling at how shiny the ring looks around her hand...

... it wraps itself around Mercutio's hand in full bliss.

The newly engageds cheer on the night.

They follow it with some quality time on the couch together...

... when suddenly another guest comes and asks to make room for the next reservation.

Mercutio takes this opportunity to bring his fiancé back home.

Once back home...

Carla ends the date - huh, there's a toilet inside though.

Carla hasn't even left the lot when Oberon Summerdream calls in already. Ah, the busy life of a Popularity Sim.

After emptying her bladder elsewhere, Carla returned with a bouquet to remember the date by.

Mercutio meanwhile wants to study his cooking a bit... 

... but the phone keeps him busy.

Sorry Carla, it was fun, but it's time to recharge a bit now.

Mercutio finally got time to work on his cooking skill, and when he gets that coveted skill point...

... he goes to pick up the flowers Carla left him...

... and then hits the hay for the day.

The sun rises once more.

After spending some quality time with Felix...

Mercutio notices his new aunt Samantha walking by with Max, and decides to get to know her.

The two have a chat while eating pancakes for a late breakfast...

... and after a call from April...

Mercutio says his goodbyes.

The rest of the day is spent training...

... and bonding with Felix again.

Soon enough Mercutio becomes his master!

Mercutio went job hunting again - and this time Culinary is available!

To prepare for his career he wants to build a skill point...

 ... and because Logic is the one that is needed the most, he has hit the chess table!

After that it's time to take the car...

... and visit the Stratfor Strip...

To buy himself a wedding suit!

Nothing else noteworthy happens...

... so after Mercutio returns home...

... he gets ready for bed!

... the night doesn't end there however - as Romeo Monty has officially returned from college! 

Because Romeo also has no job related lifetime want, he's eligible to take on the culinary career too - but sadly Mercutio took the final job opening.

Having full energy, Romeo decides to not go to bed yet and instead hit the easel to work on his creativity.

Romeo's on a roll - as he gets a second skill point in while Mercutio has hit the game console.

After that he has a call with Tara Parker - she may once have held a grudge against him after she caught him with Chris Cho, but maybe she's open to start things off again now.

She brought Remington Jones along...

... but that didn't stop her from resisting Romeo's smooth talks.

After offering Romeo a shopping discount...

... she opens herself up for more of Romeo's advances.

It doesn't take long for the hearts to start floating.

While Romeo has a brunch with Tara's friend...

... and takes care of the household's bills...

... Mercutio also has found Tara is around - and makes Best Friends with her!

Soon enough it's Romeo who also gets at that point in their relationship.

It doesn't take long for things to turn to the bedroom...


After Mercutio gains a cooking skill point...

... he grabs the phone to send around the invitations for the bestest day in his life!

After quickly getting a quick cooking skill point in...

... Romeo joins the other guests in cheering for the about to be newlyweds!

At this point I tried to click the wedding arch but with no result. Then it dawned upon me - Carla was still a young adult! 

Time to move her in and age her up!

With a lifetime want like that I could very well see Carla set up a chain of actual Monty restaurants Open for Business style.

But before that happens we have to take care of the ceremonty first...

The two lovers share their vows...

... and seal them with a kiss!

Mercutio, being the joker that he is, crams the cake in Carla Monty's mouth after cutting it.

Luckily for him, she can handle it.

Romeo, meanwhile, has started a conversation with Pamela Landry. They seem to hit it off so much that he receives a computer prototype from her!

Carla congratulates Mercutio on getting married to her...

... followed by the entire party cheering on the newlyweds!

After that Oberon Summerdream turned into a Werewolf again.

The party was a wonderful success!

Carla's job search for a job in Politics was not much of a success however.

With Romeo...

... and the newlyweds off to sleep, it's time to skip to the next day.

Mercutio and Carla cuddle on their first morning together as a married couple.

After that they have a gaming session together...

... while Romeo works on his arting more.

The newlyweds are sadly separated then because Mercutio has a job to attend.

Being by herself doesn't suit Carla that well, so she calls up Ralph Enriquez to see if she can make friends with him...

Romeo has meanwhile set his sights upon Cassidy Long!

After Carla made friends with Ralph...

... Romeo managed to invite over Cassidy!

The two hit it off quite quickly already!

Romeo effortlessly manages to get the hearts floating on both sides!

He smoothly manages to get them to hold hands together, just as Mercutio comes home with a promotion!

He starts by calling over his uncle Antonio.

To give him two statues that together can help pay for Beatrice and Benedick's college funds.

Romeo meanwhile set his sights on a vacation home on Twikkii Island - mayhaps a place to hunt for potential woohoo targets from?

Everyone has dinner together...

... and afterwards Mercutio decides to give his new guitar a go!

It doesn't take long for Mercutio to get another creativity skill point, while the rest of the house does its business, too.

Carla got a call from a rando from Downtown to see if she was up to hang out there - but she wasn't up for it.

After Romeo gets one more creativity skill point in...

... he goes to hunt for a job, but to no avail.

Time to go to bed!

On the next morning the summer heat has made place for the golden glow of autumn, which means we must move on to the next family... but not before locking in this want for Mercutio! Next round the Monty's may start their next generation!

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...