Sunday, 12 November 2023

Round 4 Uni - 6 (Moving Out, Moving In)


Verona University League
A generation of 5 students is ready to leave the VUL for good. It is time to send them back to Veronaville and see how the housing situation changes for the upcoming semester.

Up first: Juliette and Puck!


Juliette and Puck will leave the campus soon, but before departing they want to leave their place for someone else to take care of - and in order to invite them over we need to wait until daytime first...

... or just be lucky and have the Sim in question walk by randomly.

Juliette made sure to trim the hedges nice and short so that her sister Hermia will have a clean place to stay at during her junior and senior years.

Of course Hermia is eager to leave the dorms!

Meaning we're ready to let Juliette and Puck out!


Annd... oh my, once we play Capp Manor again we HAVE to fix those pants at once.

While Juliette enters the taxi, Puck makes the call.

There we go!

Puck grew up with WAY better fashion sense than Juliette if you ask me.

Hermia says goodbye to her amicable ex...

And once we arrange that Puck won't need the money as he'll just move back with his parents...

... It's time to move Romeo Monty out!

Hmm, yellow is not his colour, but besides that the outfit suits him!

Good-bye Romeo! Hopefully Beatrice and Benedick can move in here next round.

Time to pick it up at David and Chris'-- and we finally learn the outcome of that fight.

No casualties other than Chloe's pride and self-esteem.

Chris ages up in her underwear - a bold choice, dare I say...

Because she got expelled she just has to get out - and probably straight into the townie pool.

David decides to follow her back to Veronaville.

He ages up... in a pretty unflattering outfit...

... and says his final goodbyes to university life!

With all college hijinx done for this round and for SOME* reason nobody yet in jail, it's time to start round 5 next time - beginning once more at Capp Manor!

To be continued
*seriously, I used all the time, but I did the counting and it likes 30's to 80's much more than anything higher or lower. Only 2 rolls overall were 10 or lower. I might have to make a new system.

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