Saturday, 4 November 2023

Round 4 Uni - 5 (David Ottomas & Chris Cho)

David & Chris
After the weird love triangle situation with Romeo Monty that escalated, David and Chris returned to the dorms to continue the rest of their education. 

After reclaiming their previous dorm rooms, Chris wanted to make a romantic move on David!

With Chris' romantic desires satisfied, David decided he wanted to make friends with Neil. He called him up...

... and while Chris enjoys her darts, he build up the friendship!

David then worked on a charisma skill point...

... before leaving to class.

Chris got a call from her friend Curtis Ryan and had a chat with him, not having any other realistic wants to focus on. 

David's friendship with Neil was short-lasted, as it ended right after David returned from class.

Chris rolled a want to do some stuff with David again...

... while Chef Bertha probably rolled a want for them to stop their romance.

"Hmmph - feckin' young 'uns."

While Chris leaves for her class, David answers the phone - but apparently the caller wanted to speak Romeo.

... I don't think that's how you're supposed to put the phone back David.

Not even a minute later the phone rings again...

"Is this the Romeo Monty?"
"Nooo, this is David."

Having a few more hours left on his exam schedule than Chris, David hits the Lounge.

There he rolls the want to score a gig as a DJ - maybe he wants to have multiple musical paths?

David does pretty well as a DJ, though most people seem to like the bowling alley more.

Then a taxi arrives - and look who we got here, I guess Tara DID get Romeo's actual number after all!

Romeo falls in love with her.

Juliette does not love Nancy Philippine's school cheer.

And David? He's back at the dorm, trying to love Chef Bertha's mac 'n cheese.

Chris isn't even back from her class and the exam warnings pop up already.

Time to hit the hay and get some rest...

Because all energy is needed for those exams!

David passes his junior year, while Chris is put on academic probation!

The two hang out for a short while before hitting the hay again.

The next morning...

Chris has her morning shower while David works on his painting, earning a point for Creativity along the way!

His artistic streak gets interrupted by a call from his brother Oscar.

Chris decides to put an assignment of hers out there and influences a fellow dormie to do her bidding.

In the meanwhile, Chris does some freestyling to make some extra money.

It actually works!

... but apparently the want specifically needs an instrument to be used in order for it to count.

David goes back to his painting and completes it.

While Chris goes off to class, David starts on a new painting.

While doing so, her maxes out his enthusiasm for arts and crafts and gets in the zone!

The only thing that can pull him out of it is Chris - who goes and watches a movie with David.

Once the credits roll, the two go to bed.

Who are NOT going to bed however...

Are April Love and Chloe Rossi, two dormmates.

At least April lives to tell the tale.


... and so does Chloe.

... and... you're getting the gist probably.

I can barely believe that this is the second time overall I've rolled a number that's low enough to potentially be deadly out of 43 fights since this round started.

Chris and David wake up, giving Chris the time to have a morning kiss with David - while the two are starting a fight yet again!

Chloe 3 - 1 April

Oh well...

And again...

... I am getting annoyed by this repetitiveness.

"Hey girls can you stop it for a sec, I'm trying to watch my movie here!"

... at least they were courteous enough to move out of Chris' line of sight.

More fights happen...

... which means more rolls happen - but only a 1 would end this fight for good.

Chris goes and flirts with David, after which she rolls the want to write a novel!

After making a good picture together...

... David hits the easel again...

... While Chris does so on the PC.

David heads to class while we enjoy a bit of quiet with April vs Chloe, for Chloe has fallen asleep in Chef Bertha's lunch omelettes.

Once April wakes up, she goes and does the brave thing and pees her pants - in front of her enemies!

This also leaves her vulnerable to any attacks. Ugh...


David hits the easel again while Chris is still tapping away on the computer. And with April catching some Z's outside we should have some peace and quiet.

... That is, as long as Chloe isn't making any NEW enemies.....

Chris goes and comes back from class as April seems to have woken up and taken another beating from Chloe.

7 - 2 in the favour of Chloe.

About time for April to win a round again I guess...


David's new painting is worth a good stash! Yet not a masterpiece... Keep up the motivation!

Chris earns a skill point from writing.

April wins another fight again...

... and with Chris and David in bed, we'll just have to see a lot of repetitive fights.




Oh wow, you've tired April out SO MUCH that she's literally fallen asleep! Well done Chloe 🙄 

Time for David and Chris to wake up...

... and prepare for the exams--- while Chloe has officially butted in Arianna's room to pick another fight!

... I was sure I rolled for a fight outcome but I think I overwrote the picture by accident - oh well, it wasn't a 1 - if it was I'd have gladly gotten rid of Chloe to give the rest of the dorm some peace.

I also notice the Matchmaker showing up to deliver - oh my a genie lamp! But for who?

CHLOE?!?! The only thing she excelled at is fighting!

... I guess I'll have to put it in her inventory.

Chloe, not even rolling the wants to build any of the skills she might need to pass, decided to sit out of the exams and work on her writing instead, while Chloe and April go at their 15th attempt this round.

David returns and juuust has well enough results to graduate - while Chris is officially expelled...

And with that said and done we'll end the post here!
Next post will be a special one which should be here next weekend.

We'll namely go and move the graduated/expelled students back to Veronaville while Hermia will take over in Juliette and Puck's house for her junior and senior years!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...