Monday, 23 October 2023

Round 4 Uni - 4 (Romeo Monty, David Ottomas, Chris Cho)


Romeo, David & Chris
Previously at Romeo, David & Chris': The three of them shared a dorm for their first years of college where... David and Chris' teen romance became platonic because of aging up... which means Romeo was free to pursue Chris besides Juliette...and several other ladies at college. When Juliette herself found out about this the hard way, she was NOT happy - in fact the event turned her pro-family feud... and with David and Chris building up a romantic bond again at Miranda Norman's birthday party, the household is involved in a web of romance now...

The dorm the household was residing at is doing fine... but for mirroring I decided to put this household in their own house anyways.

While David goes inside already, Romeo rolled a few wants for Chris - time to sneak those in behind David's back.

At least Chris doesn't have any romantic feelings for Romeo, which means she'll be fine with him seeing others besides her.

... I spoke to soon... Meanwhile David wants to make friends with Jihoon.

And while he's having the call, Romeo gets a solid inheritance from his grandmama Isabella.

At this point I realised Romeo has benefit points to spend... time to spend them wisely!

The same goes for David...

... and especially for Chris!

While David is still calling, Romeo and Chris have a quick makeout session in the bathroom, when suddenly a couple of ladies Romeo sees as potential woohoo targets walk by.

He greets one of them...

... and it doesn't take long for the hearts to pop up!

The two are making out already when Tara Parker runs by to steal the newspaper.

While Romeo realises that Caryl was his 5th makeout partner, the cow mascot sneaks by...

Meanwhile Caryl falls in love with Romeo...

... and Chris and David seem to have found each other's company again as well!

Chris actually wants to make things official with him!.... but college class throws a wrench into things.

The cow mascot is being a cow mascot... luckily David went off for class, if he saw that there'd be a LOT of drama.

The cow mascot seems to target Romeo next... 

... and actually WINS?

Though at least she has no body skill. 

While the cow mascot goes for Chris again, Romeo rolls a want to get a skill point - and he needs one more point of charisma to be eligible for passing grades this year.

Class is next - but Romeo won't gain anything from going there.

Meanwhile at the Stadium

I sent Chris there in hopes of her rolling a want to gain a skill point herself, because she's coming in short as well.

I worked on a couple of wants... 

... but no luck. 

At least Juliette has shown Sophie who's boss.

Just a small taste of being in charge.

When Chris came back, she walked right into David, who got back from class!

Aww and now David wants to propose!

... aaaaand he lost the want again... Time to build it up the slow way again...

Romeo got the skill point! Maybe he can still go to class real quick!

... Romeo is in such a hurry that he actually doesn't realise what's been going on there... Hopefully Chris and David can go to the bedroom real quick before Romeo returns from class...

Theeeere we go...

... and there Romeo goes...

Romeo's way of coping with the situation is to invite over another potential conquest...

While Romeo makes a move on Arianna and they both gain crushes on each other, a fight between the cow mascot and Phoebe the cheerleader breaks out!


.. I forgot to put in Phoebe's body skill... but I recall her having 10 of them, so this was a safe call.

Romeo meanwhile made a move on Arianna...

... and things move to the bedroom!

Woop woop!

Chris was less excited. But oh well, she's part of the tally already.

Not sure if it's out of anger, or an accident, but Chris broke the TV.

At least she decided to call the repairman.

Romeo meanwhile rolled the want for ANOTHER skill point... Which means that if he can get to 6 he'll be settled for graduation for sure.

The next morning - and given the situation with Romeo David does the most sensible thing...

... and soon enough Romeo has the place to himself.

With a fixed TV and the cow mascot back in town...

Romeo wakes up being called by his cousin Benvolio.

After that he goes back to working on his charisma...

After which he calls up his professor, while the cow mascot takes off her costume and uses Romeo's shower.

This is followed by a call from one of Romeo's female friends.

He decides to invite her over while Sophie walks by... maybe he can fix his ties with her while entertaining Maura Ying and a friend of hers as well - new conquests?

... Oh no.

Out of EVERYONE, it just HAD to be JULIETTE?!

And apparently Sophie is fine with Romeo locking lips with her as Juliette approaches?

I predict a mess incoming.

Since Maura doesn't have any romantic ties with Romeo and Juliette hates his guts already, carefully flirting with Sophie in front of them is fair game...

... what's NOT fair game however is the cow mascot flirting with Sophie in front of Romeo! At least he didn't slap her in the face...

I guess this leaves just Maura as Romeo's next conquest - time to go on a date!

They go on a journey to Veronaville...

Where they start things off playfully.

It takes a bit of building up, but soon enough things turn for the romantic tide.

... Romeo maaay be a bit too eager at times though - Maura IS a fortune Sim after all.

It takes a bit longer but Romeo manages to get on track...

And soon enough Romeo falls in love with Maura.

A bit more heating up to do...

... and they slip away in the fitting booth.

A successful date, that has left Romeo wanting more woohoos...

... but...

... he's also craving for a skill point! Time to hit the gym!

And look! Maura is there, too! 

Hugging Marylena Ying.

Welp, at least she made his woohoo and makeout tally already.

Romeo channeled his anger to build up a body skill point instead...

... and then went home to clean the mess someone left there earlier.

After paying the bills...

... he does a round of apologising to Sophie and Maura to keep angry folks at bay.

He also tries to build things up with Juliette - but she's not falling for Romeo's antics.

After some sleep Romeo calls up his college professor.

A bit of schmoozing with him was enough to make friends AND also raise his grades.

... which came in useful for Romeo's final exam!

After a good rest...

... and a healthy salad for breakfast...

... Romeo invites over his next conquest.

A few charms and Romeo has her falling for him already.

It doesn't take long for her...

... to fall in love with him as well!

A makeout session...

... and while Romeo officially falls in love as well, they head for the bedroom...

... for the next woohoo on the list.

After the deed is done, Romeo receives a call from Amy Platz, who makes best friends with him.

After having lunch, Romeo set his eyes on his next target...

Here's Ericka!

The two of them have some gelatin for dinner...

After which Romeo unleashes his wild charms on her.

Soon enough the two start making out...

... falling in love...

... and going beyond.

A wonderful date once again!

... 11pm - not too late to invite Sierra Kauker over on a date right?

She agrees.

It doesn't take too long for them to become best friends.

After which, unknowingly to Romeo, was a close call - if Ericka could see right through the walls she'd probably smash that bouquet on the ground, but luckily for Romeo she cannot.

A bit more flirting and Sierra gains a crush on Romeo...

Followed by a hot make-out session...

... followed by the big red hearts.

Fireworks follow.

And then Romeo gets a well-deserved rest.

In the morning they wake up, and seal the end of the date with a kiss.

Sierra hasn't even left the building and Romeo is making plans...

One taxi trip later...

... and Romeo finds himself in the Stratford Strip once more...

Where he and Caryl slip in a clothing booth together.

All because Romeo wanted to do the woohoo in public.


... to go home.

While Sierra comes in to bring a bouquet, Romeo receives a call from Marylena Ying. He would rather not bother with her.

Next conquest... what about Chris Tellerman?

Romeo wants to get to the chase, but Chris is reserved.

Romeo isn't taken aback by this - he's experienced at building up romantic momentum by now.

It takes some effort, but Chris eventually gets the floating hearts.

Romeo's charms work like a, well, charm.

Some smooth talking...

... and the date has to come to an end.

Romeo needs to attend his classes after all.

When he's back home, Romeo invites his professor over.

Nothing like a little schmoozing to help Romeo's grade.

Though they don't help with the bills.

Romeo still has some time before his final exam - so he wants to give Sophie another chance.

She wants to give him another shot as well, which means that once Romeo manages to deal with those bugs...

... he smooth talks Sophie...

... which means they're both ready to start off at the same foot again as before the affair with Juliette threw a wrench in the works.

Sophie gains a crush on Romeo.

Chris loses a crush on Romeo - Dangit Chris!

Sophie seemed less bothered by the incident this time and is taking things further with Romeo.

In fact, she even goes and makes moves of her own on Romeo.

Romeo has officially fallen in love with Sophie...

Which means it's bedroom time!

As the date ends, Sophie whispers the Three Words of Love back at Romeo.

Romeo has some late night gelatin.

And then calls it a night - he needs that rest for an exam that for once will NOT take place at night?!!?!?!?!

Romeo's sleep got interrupted though by Chris sneaking in to steal the newspaper.

He catches her in the act - and manages to pass her a rose.

It was super effective!

Despite his final exam starting in less than an hour, Romeo takes Chris along to the bedroom. 

Romeo has one final Woohoo - with his 10th conquest in fact - ...

... before rushing off to the exams...

 ... and officially graduating!

Well played, playboy. Halfway done your lifetime want already!

But for now we'll have to move on. Because hey, what happened to Chris and David?

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...