Saturday, 22 April 2023

Round 4-3 (Summerdream)


Summerdream Family
Previously at the Summerdream Family: After puppy Snout was adopted, Puck Summerdream went off to go to college, Bottom entered puberty, Oberon reached the top of the Slacker career and Titania entered an affair with Isabella Monty... who recently died of old age, but her daughter Bianca figured it out and was not amused - Titania is already MARRIED!

We're starting off again in the first morning of spring...

Before things gets started off, Oberon and Titania receive their inheritances from Consort and Isabella. Almost §3000, nice!

While getting ready for the day, Bottom tried to retune the piano - and got her head whacked by the lid!

Recovering from that incident meant she almost missed out on the school bus.

Oberon meanwhile found a love letter in the mail - shame the game never told who sent it or who it was for...

And then poof - Snout has turned in an adult doggy - a Shiba Inu I think. Cutie.

With the kids at school and Titania rolling a want to learn some creativity, she hit the piano for a bit.

Bottom comes back home and her grades aren't doing quite well...

While Titania teaches Snout to Come Here and Oberon is trying to learn some cleaning skill, Quince comes back home with Tommy Ottomas.

Bottom meanwhile is enjoying her piano again - and has reached maximum hobby enthusiasm@

Lots of friendships have faltered a bit - the Summerdreams may have to step up their social position a bit more.

While Quince makes friends with Tommy, Oberon keeps up his learning streak...

Quince got quite hungry though, so he took matters into his own hands and ordered some pizza.

Delicious Pizza. While Oberon enjoys company with the wolves.

The other Summerdreams learn of the pizza's existence too. After the snacky dinner Bottom wanted to ask someone on a date!

The lucky person in question being Dora Zuimelhof!

After a bit of chatting up, the two girls share a dance...

... followed by things turning romantical.

Followed with the two of them sharing their first kiss!

Right after things turn even heavier - and Bottom actually falls in love with Dora!

The date was a huge success and it's time for Bottom to crawl into bed for school...

... and right then a Leader of the Pack shows up!

If Oberon can befriend the wolf he might be able to become a Werewolf!

... sadly not today though - as the wolf went off and Quince also woke up for breakfast and school.

The kids leave for school as Titania has to scold Snout for chewing the furniture.

After bonding a bit with her pup she rolls the want to befriend Keith Cormier - and he had a nice job reward for her, too!

Soon enough they made friends - and Oberon earned another cleaning skill point!

Oberon then had a want to go on a date, so the Summerdream couple had some quality time then and there.

While Oberon and Titania went for a dance, the school bus got back home with Bottom - whose grades are once again not looking good...

While Bottom beelined for the piano once more, her parents ended the date.

Soon enough the school bus came home with Quince.

Bottom's piano playing worked out well - as she earned her 9th skill point for creativity! We're on the final stretch!

Snout also learned how to Come Here! Let's hope she's a little more obedient and less rowdy now.

Bottom had a few wants to just do comfy things and have fun.

And then it was time for another date - Ariel Capp is the lucky person this time.

The two danced together...

... then soaked in the hot tub together...

And things ended on a friendly note, just before bedtime.

Oberon slept throughout the afternoon however - and with a lot of energy he... just did some skill building. No wolves at the house right now.

Oberon's wants eventually switched over to building up his creative experience, so now it was his turn to play the piano instead.

With the morning upon the house again, Titania tried to cook some pastries... 

Despite her cooking not being as formidable, Oberon and Bottom did made best friends. 

Titania, however, would rather just clean up the mess after the kids left for the school bus. Leave the place clean before she has to hit work herself.

While Oberon slept through the morning, Bottom got back from school and luckily her grades went up a slight bit, right as the weekend started.

And when Quine returned with his classmate Oscar Ottomas, Bottom was about to give Snout a bath.

Then Titania got back from work - and she got a promotion! The new hours mean she can go back to work straight for more money!

Bottom took it upon herself to cook the family some mac n cheese while Quince played some chess.

As Oberon and the kids were enjoying that meal, Titania returned home.

Then it was time for Oberon to go to work - in a luxurious limousine!

Titania took this opportunity to invite over Keith Cormier, who wanted to bring over a friend, too, in an attempt to make best friends with him.

While Titania was socialising, Oberon got a hobby card...

Which turned out a bit poorly. But eh, hobby enthusiasm isn't that bad.

Bottom in the meanwhile just did have fun before going to bed.

Oberon, after coming home, wanted to work on his creativity again - so why not try out the easel Titania bought a bit ago?

After Oberon crawled back into bed, Quince got up to catch up on his homework.

Titania also learned a bit about cleaning while taking care of Snout's food dish.

Titania tried to get redeem herself after failing to cook a proper breakfast yesterday. But a distraction from Snout ruined that plan.

The burned pastries had a bit of an influence on Bottom's guts. The sloppy and playful Titania found it kind of funny. The neat and serious Quince.. not so much.

At least Quince got to finish up his homework after breakfast.

Oberon tried to make some grilled cheese for lunch.

I guess good cooking is more of a Monty thing.

Bottom went with an old salad instead.

Disappointed in the lack of his daughter's support for his cooking, Oberon went outside to paint - And got struck by LIGHTNING.

He was fine however.

And at 6pm he was feeling well enough to call up the teens for a party.

No Albany - you're calling at a VERY wrong moment.

Quince blew out the candles...

... and aged up into a healthy teenager!

Using my Aspiration Calculator, Quince's path of life was revealed to be Knowledge!

And just like the other Summerdreams, I gave him a makeover to fit with the rest of his whimsical family.

As Quince got to know Hermia a bit, Benedick Monty and Hal Capp got into an argument that officially made them enemies.

While turning off the stereo to prevent the cops from shutting things down, lightning struck again! Luckily it was just a tree this time, and not a human being.

Despite the bad weather, the teens had a good time together and the party was a success. And with a new age also comes a new room... 

You know it!


Just casually using some of MadRayne's Animal Crossing conversions here. Look them up, check them out. They're good.

In the aftermath of the party, Desdemona Capp flirted with Quince - who fell head over heels for her. Young love!

Followed by Puck and Hermia having a romantic moment together. Slightly older love! But with the party over, it's time for everyone to hit the hay.

BUT! WOLF! Right after Oberon got back from work!

Oberon greets him and then...

Oberon got nibbled!


He grew a warm, red, fuzzy coat! 

Oberon thanked the wolf who bit him with a fun razzle time.

After which...

Oberon pops towards the Veronaville Market to buy a collar for the grown up Snout.
Kent spots him and swoons immediately!
Nice :D

After that, Kent and Cornwall got into a fight - which he won!

Because neither have any body skill, Kent didn't get any blood on his hands.

Time to back home!

Where Oberon enjoys some food to fix his cravings.

When the clock hit 6am, however, the fur crawled back into his skin, ending Oberon's first Werewolf shift right before the first rays of summer would shine on his skin. 
How will the rest of his family react to Oberon's lycanthropy? What will the rest of Veronaville think of it? 

The first household we'll know that of is Goneril Capp's, next time on Veronaville!

To be continued

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