Saturday, 6 May 2023

Round 4-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp
Previously at Goneril Capp's: After she got rid of her ex-husband Albany, Goneril made quick work to officially take her new lover Peter by her side, ending his marriage to Samantha in a whim. The two got engaged and are now newlyweds, albeit with much controversy surrounding them. And then there's last rounds' ending.. Did Goneril get pregnant?

In contrary to their Monty counterparts Antonio and Samantha, Peter and Goneril can still have another child of theirs... although Peter's new fear to have a 6th child means future attempts aren't happening unless he rerolls.

That is, if Goneril loses HER want for another baby, there won't be any newborns here either. Unless Goneril already got pregnant. Before we'll see more of that she'll work on her logic skill.

One family addition the family DID get however is an inheritance - Dora left Peter a nice sum after her demise, and Consort left both Goneril and Peter some extra money! A nice total of §14.600 should help the household quite a lot to make ends meet.

Right before the morning demands Goneril and Peter to go to work, Goneril gets a phone call for her enthusiasm in games - not the best timing though, gamer lady.

We're off to work!

After coming home with their pay checks, the two tidy up the garden a bit...

... before having some leftover pancakes together.

Followed by Peter breaking the bath tub instead. Welp...

At this point I realise the two have new unused lifetime aspiration points - and for Peter it's time to pick up a Secondary Aspiration: Popularity

For Goneril no secondary aspiration - her calculator score for Fortune has a big lead over any other aspirations. A benefit to reduce her friend requirement might come in useful however. 

With a secondary aspiration in his pocket, I decide to send Peter to the Veronaville Market to hang out a bit, see if he rolls some new wants...

Not anything significant wants-wise, but Edward Mellon...

... managed to beat up Carmen Patch.

I rolled the numbers and still nothing severe, so far. Only a small chance, but said chance IS there.

Peter just went off to throw some darts and then he rolled a BIG want. It will take some effort to get that final promotion, but that also means I get to play him a bit more proactively.

Time to meet some folk--- 

Why is it always Carmen getting involved in these fights?

Anyways, time to mee---


In an attempt to keep Carmen from getting into fights with other townies, Peter decides to chat a bit with her.

He gets rudely interrupted by his ex-wife. Peter may have been the only one to not hold any hard feelings after the affair and the breakups...

... But with Samantha harassing Peter like this he'll soon enough have reason to!

At least Peter managed to fight Samantha off.

The dice decided to not make him a ladykiller yet, however.

As Peter decided to just get out, another fight broke loose.

But the loading screen took us far far away before a winner came up, so I can't roll for the victor's outcome. 

Back home, Goneril hit the chess table again - and got her skill point want.

She and Peter had a dance together - when a phone call interrupted their thing.

After Goneril finished her business, Peter also got a call from Edward - the guy he wanted to make friends with. Goneril went to sleep.

The phone call did help out Peter though, as he got higher wages...

... and a new buddy to call his friend - which counts for his promotion requirements.

After Peter hit the hay late, it was just Goneril getting up for work the next morning. 

As only Goneril has to work Thursdays under their current schedules...

... leaving Peter the house to himself - and maybe inviting most of the town over for a party? It'd be a good way to make some more friends as needed for his job.

Soon enough, everyone arrived...

... and--- OF COURSE.

Dangit Carmen!


... I fast-forwarded through the fight.. and then I missed the part where somebody won. So I used SimBlender to confirm that Regan was in fact the winner.

Which means nothing happened.

Peter, in the meanwhile, reconnected a bit with his oldest daughter. 

This party was a bad idea.

A good bad idea.

Oh well, those Sims even think it was a good idea. Pleh.

Also, Peter thought it was a good idea to wear nothing but a bath towel the entire party. Make of that what you want in this context.

Most of the guests headed out right before Goneril came back home - but there was still plenty of company for her and Peter to hang out with - I believe Peter made friends with Sanjay Ramaswami here as well.

And good company needs good food!

Which also means Peter fulfilled a want by meeting the delivery guy. 

The pizza party in the living room got a new highlight when Oberon Summerdream turned into a Werewolf for the night.

Goneril used this impression to inspire some artwork, with the ultimate ulterior motive of making money out of it. That be the Capp mentality!

While the good times go on in the living room, Peter had to deal with a prank call. I have to be honest, I actually quite like that mod.

After practising some arting, Goneril really has to hit the hay - because both she and Peter have to get to work again the next day.

The next morning, Peter woke up...

... to an empty fridge!

Peter went to the Veronaville Market to do some groceries...

... and then made a chat with Adrian Lewis, and his son Oscar...

... before returning home with the groceries - Although Goneril doesn't have the time to eat anymore.

Not soon after Peter takes off in the rain, too. He still has a lot of work to do before he can get that promotion, however.

Unless this chance card does the trick?

... I guess Peter and Goneril are rich now!

Adding to that is Goneril also making a promotion!

Time to expand the house for the upcoming summer!

The couple is quick to try out their new toy...

... so that Goneril can fulfill her want to play TimLe TourneauMarco Polo.

While Peter got a message of his incoming elderhood, Goneril decided to focus on her wants a bit more...

And because two of them require me to play Capp Manor and a third one requires me to cure Oberon of Lycanthropy, the Veronaville Market it is!

Goneril has to look good after all when diving in the pool.

Some new jewellery cannot hurt either, can it?

What can hurt however, is walking into Antonio Monty on your shopping spree.

Luckily Peter was there back home to give some kisses to Goneril's ouchies to heal them up a bit.

Followed by more romantic activity.

Which all ended in the bedroom.

The next morning.. Goneril was up for some more TimLe TourneauMarco Polo.

A good way to gain some body skill points and trim off a bit of body fat - unless you have to get out for work, like Peter did.

Having the house to herself, Goneril worked on a big want she cherished since her shopping spree - a personal vacation home abroad... 

And who would say no to this nice little retreat in Takemizu Village? 


Someone with a big house probably, that's who.

But Goneril's household consists of just her and Peter now, and after refreshing herself up a little bit...

... Goneril hits the chess table again for the day, all the way through til Peter comes home.

While Goneril earns another skill point, Peter got a call from his son Tommy - and made friends with him!

Followed by that Peter called up Dave Zuimelhof to make friends with, too!

Peter's cooking that night was less than stellar, however.

Despite Goneril looking a bit disgusted at the burned salmon, both her and Peter still finished it up.

After Peter gave Goneril some good-night kisses à la Gomez Addams...

... he called up Adrian Lewis to try and make friends with him, too. A fruitful attempt at networking follows.

He retires to sleep as well and the next morning he and Goneril wake up on a very special day.. Peter's final birthday! But because Summer hit the Capp family, we'll have to cut things out on here, and allow Peter one more round of appearing in other households before being all gray and wrinkly.

Up next we'll play with Antonio Monty's big family. 


But this time I got a special plan up my sleeve to fill up that round...

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...