Saturday, 25 March 2023

Round 4-1 (Capp Manor)


Juliette and Romeo's relationship went out with a big bang. They were seen as the main hope for the infamous Capp-Monty feud to end in peace. 

Juliette: "All Monty's Are Bastards!"

With the future heads of the families losing any intent to make peace and forgive their pasts in this fashion, the tensions between the families have risen to new levels.

Forces from outside Veronaville fear that the consequences may be... devastating.

Which is why the SimCity police department has officially opened a jail to contain Veronaville natives who disturb the frail peace.

Officer Escalus Prince has been assigned as a ward to keep the eventual inmates in check. 

But how does the jail get any inmates? That'll be explained later on in this part.

What I will tell for now is that I'll play through the jail round after the college round, and that how long a Sim will stay jailed also depends on previous lockups:
First time: 1 round
Second time: 2 rounds
Third time: Life sentence

With all that explained, let's get to the main read!

Capp Manor Residents
Previously at Capp Manor: After Goneril and Albany's divorce their four youngest children were brought under Consort's custody. Ariel thrived through her artistic skills, whereas Adrian got lost in the scuffle... With Juliette and Hermia still under his custody as well and kitten Bonkers being adopted, the manor was crowded for the round - but soon enough the oldest granddaughters departed the manor, although one left in an unintended manner... 

Consort sighed at the thought of one of his beloved grandchildren dying in such a manner...

But, Juliette has a want for Hermia to attend college - and with her finding a Resurrect-O-Nomitron in the secret society lot and getting it to Hal...

... Consort has the means to make one call...


".. Wait.. am I.. is that you grandpa?"
"Hermia.. You're really back!"


"I'm so glad you're really back!"

So am I, dear reader. So am I.

un-R.I.P. Hermia Capp

We cannot enjoy Hermia's company for too long this time, however, as she has a college to move to.

After packing her bass it's off to college with her.

Kinda funny to be honest.
In real life Hermia's been dead for over 6 months, for most households in this neighbourhood she's been dead for the entire winter, yet for the Capp Manor residents she died at 9pm and got back to life again before the sun fully rised the next morning.

With Hermia off to college before any spoopy ghosts can scare her back to death, the other kids are off as well, leaving the manor to just Consort.

He spends his alone-time with Bonkers...

... taking care of the bills...

And by the time Hal returns from school Oberon has walked by.

Hal wasn't alone on that school bus however - Rebecka Chun was brought home with him!

Hal is really yearning for a romantic companion of his own... Yet Rebecka doesn't seem to be open to his advances.

Well, only to his tamest advances that is. It's like Nora Zuimelhof all over again it seems...

Ariel then got a chance card.

Hobby enthusiasm isn't my most appreciated effect of them, but at least the arts are her main focus in life.

Right as the other kids got home too, Hermia called in again - he just got back, give him a bit of a break! XD

As the kids walked back inside, Consort did what he does best - which is being a jerk to the unlucky person who is nearby - in this case poor Dora Zuimelhof. 

I guess he really cannot stand Dora's.

While having a call with Cornwall, the rest of the household plus Oberon watched a movie together.

At 6pm I got another aging notification - this time it is Desdemona  who is about to enter puberty!

Before the festivities got to a start, the Grim Reaper showed up once again, less than 24 hours after Hermia died...

Consort's departure however was a more pleasant affair.

R.I.P. Consort Capp

This, however, did leave everyone young Hal in charge of the manor...

... and Desdemona to celebrate her birthday in severe grief.

No fancy aging cinematic for Desdemona as her puberty starts off.

And with puberty comes the big decision on what aspiration she will pursue in her life!

Using my Aspiration Calculator, Desdemona rolled for Fortune - the first one to do so!

As Desdemona lets out her grief on Consort, townie Katherine Gregory grows up along with Desdemona.

Not many folks were in the mood for birthday celebrations...

... so after Desdemona cleaned up some weeds, both Consort and the urns of Contessa and Cordelia were moved into the family cemetary.

After which the remaining awake Capps go and hit the hay.

Adrian woke up early, being unable to sleep after Consort died..

After some time the other kids woke up, too - with Desdemona having a very interesting want!

Before retiring to the bathroom to get ready for school, Mona answered the phone... hecking prankers - but yay for the personality and character they bring to the game! XD

The school bus arrived, with Ariel getting on it juuuust in time...

And then we zoom off to 1pm, when Hal and Desdemona return - and Hal brought a friend back home!

Desdemona had other plans however...

The afternoon itself wasn't too eventful - Ariel and Adrian got home from school...

... and soon enough the headmaster arrived to see if Goneril's offspring is promising enough to enroll into private school. Desdemona got out to greet him... several times.

Turns out those greetings are brilliant for schmoozing - we're already two-thirds into our needed score! Let's see what the house tour can do...

... Apparently it impressed him enough before he even got to eat! Welcome to private school, Capp kids!

I guess that all Capps of this generation sans Miranda made it into private school now.

With the headmaster leaving early I guess it's just dinner with the young ones tonight.

Desdemona then wanted to go make some money - and freestyle rap for tips was enough to make that happen...

Time to buy her a car!

After which it is time to go sleep... I gotta admit that this scholarship sounds pretty interesting... but nah, let's not lock that one in.

The next morning Ariel rushes downstairs to finish off her remaining homework!

Hal meanwhile has the urge to call Scot - sadly right before school isn't a lot of time to make it to friends already...

Everyone walking to school in those fine uniforms - proving how Bri'ish those Capps truly are.

While the kids are at school however, someone from Capp Manor went out to visit the Veronaville Market...


Welcome back to Veronaville, Tybalt! And he's on a shopping spree!

After updating his look he's back to Capp Manor, ready to take over Consort's easel and the responsibility of the household! That is, until Juliette returns from college as the oldest daughter of Contessa and Consort's oldest daughter.

After a while Hal and Tybalt's favourite cousin Desdemona return - and Mona brings home her classmate Katherine, too.

Hal, always having the idea of finding a partner in the back of his mind, does not really feel it for Katherine. Such a shame for him that all the girls he's thinks are good-looking are either not interested in male partners or claimed by the Monty name.

The two younger ones got home. Adrian brought along Orlando Butler...

While Ariel brought home her cousin Cunedagius.

Lots of people at the manor at once, for sure!

But at 6pm Cunedagius and Orlando head out home already, after which Ariel goes for her homework.

Most of the Capps enjoy a late dinner of Hal's mediocre spaghetti bolognese while Mona works out on the jump rope.

After finishing his meal Tybalt gives Amy a call...

In contrary to Mercutio he makes sure not to be late for the taxi.

... and after arriving at 431 Globe Street...

... Tybalt and Amy embrace each other once more. 

Soon enough they move things to a park bench outside of the store...

... when Albany Norman decides to attack Isabella Monty!

The normally quite violent Tybalt isn't too bothered by it though - or maybe he's not considering Albany to be a real Capp anymore after the divorce. 

But to call back to the explanation at the beginning of this post on how people can get into jail... 

Here's how it all works:

If two Sims get into a fight, I will first note the body skill of the one who won the fight.
After that I will roll a random number from 1 to 100.
If the rolled number is the same or lower than the fight winner's body skill...
The person who won that fight will be sent to jail. 
The person who LOST that fight will die...

In this case however, the body skill of the fight winner, Isabella, was 4, which is lower than the number rolled. Which means Albany survives and Isabella stays a free Fitness Granny Guru.

Tybalt currently has other stuff on his mind however - he proposed to Amy! And she said yes!

The two celebrate with a body squeeze...

... and then end the date to go back to Capp Manor - while another fight breaks out again!

This time Albany is victorious.

But Albany, with a body skill of zero, is not physically strong enough to actually kill Isabella. Which means both of them walk off scot-free.

Back at Capp Manor...

Tybalt officially pops the question to Amy if she wants to move in with him.

She officially ages up into an adult with REALLY mismatched trousers...

And then brings in quite a lot of money - that might be useful for when she and Tybalt move out eventually.

Amy, sensible woman she is, also has the want to find a job in politics - while Desdemona got another skill point from her fitness training.

... sadly for her she didn't find anything that day.

She then pulled out a flower bouquet from her back pocket to thank Tybalt for their date.

Dear Tybalt however got other things that bothered him.

After midnight Amy gave the job search another go - to no avail once again, sadly.

I guess she'll have to resort on her want to have some fun with Tybalt instead then.

It's a Saturday now - which means the kids don't have to rush themselves to get ready for school today.

Ariel instead got to focus on her artistic abilities - and finished the painting she started at the end of the previous round to honour her dead cousin Hermia, who is not dead anymore by now. Might have to give it to her as a gift.

Credits for the commission go to my internet friend Arinaca - check out their artworks, they're really good!

The rest of the household is enjoying their morning cereals.

Afterwards Tybalt stumbles upon the roses Amy brought him - and puts them on the fireplace in their bedroom!

Amy rolled the want to befriend Oberon Gossamer - one call should be enough to pull that off.

While Tybalt got another skill point for creativity, Bonkers grew up into an adult cat!

Soon followed by Ariel getting her eight.

After befriending Oberon, Amy wanted to earn a skill point. Considering her career wants Charisma is her best bet - and luckily they have the golf pitch in the yard.

Afterwards Amy takes off to the Veronaville Market once more.

There she goes for some collar shopping for the grown-up Bonkers...

... and also treats herself to some new clothes - including something to replace those trousers with.

Annnnd we have another fight! This time Antonio Monty has beaten up Adrian Lewis!

... but because Antonio lacks any body skill nothing else happened.

Amy decides it might be best for her to get out of the public space...

... and back to her new household.

While walking back in, she spots Goneril Capp, recognising her from some of the parties Tybalt hosted at the dorms, and says hi to her.

While Tybalt tutors Mona on how to do homework, Hal learns how to counsel couples with relationship issues... maybe it's part of the trauma of his parents' divorce that made him want to learn that.

Another thing he should learn is fire safety - as he set the stove on fire! 

Luckily the firefighters were quick to run in and extinguish it... right as the aging notifications popped up.

With Ariel's birthday coming up, Tybalt rings over soem friends and family.

And soon enough the party is starting off.

It doesn't take long for Puck to spot Hermia - and the first thing he does is to plant a kiss on her hand! She's appreciative of the gesture.

Bottom is happy to see her big brother be happy. Kent is not happy to see Cornwall around.

Kent won the fight...

... and if he actually had some body skill on him he was awfully close to getting jail time!

Ariel tries to bring some peace in the house by blowing out her cake candles...

And soon enough she ages up into a healthy, happy teen.

I remember using my Aspiration Calculator on Ariel when she was a toddler, and she rolled Fortune at the time... but her interests have changed throughout her childhood and she got onto the path of Pleasure now.

One of the first pleasures she had as a teen is watching her uncles attack each other again.

Kent - 2
Cornwall - 0

A bit less of a close call here.

In the other room Puck and Hermia found each other again - filling my heart with joy. 

Funny how Puck showed some affections to Juliette when Hermia was dead but once she's back he's completely back for her. 

Despite some of the fighting going on, including Miranda and Goneril's quarrel, the party was a moderate success.

Hermia, having been scared to death before and realising there were ghosts out at the Manor's grounds, did the smart thing and rushed out and away before she could get haunted.


Somebody did not get lucky.


Poor Barbara Young, the gardener who for reasons she's taking to the grave with her decided to keep working the manor grounds deep into the night. 

Only Bonkers and Cornwall were still awake and around to witness her death. Afterwards Calpurnia tried to haunt Cornwall, but he got out to go home safely. 

R.I.P. Barbara Young

The next morning the grave of Barbara who died too young got moved to the local churchyard.

She says her final goodbyes to her former employers...

... and as Calpurnia jumps back in her gravestone, the summer is upon Capp Manor once more, telling us it's time to move on to the next household in the rotation: Isabella at Monty Ranch.

Death is but an old companion at Capp Manor. This round, while one returned from his realm, two others crossed over to his lands. Will the other Capps be spared from that fate for the foreseeable future? 

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...