Saturday, 11 March 2023

Round 3 Uni - 4 (Mercutio Monty)

Mercutio Monty
Previously at Mercutio's Dorm: After declaring Political Science as his major, Mercutio worked through his first two years attending the VUL. During those years Mercutio did the seemingly impossible and beat Tybalt Capp in a fight! Throughout the years two of Merc's dormmates dropped that however... With the requirements to pass his Junior year being steep however he might be at risk of being expelled during the upcoming days... can Mercutio overcome those odds?

When stepping foot back in the dorms after finishing his Sophomore year, Mercutio realises he needs to gain some new skills to move upward in his college career... but for some reason he decides LOGIC is the one to settle for...

Right after his bathroom break Mercutio receives his inheritance of §1575 from Patrizio's insurance - just as a familiar limousine arrives in front of the dorm...

One quirky person in a llama blouse later...

... and Mercutio gets inducted in the secret society, too! I guess Romeo counts as a friend in the society as well, now.

Inside Mercutio finds his friend, Carla Carr - and joins in the secret handshaking ritual with her.

In another corner of the society, two members flirt around, resulting in Justus Parker gaining a crush on Sinjin Cox.

Mercutio however can't spend too much time in this corner - he has to work on his college career after all!

Once he got back to his dorm...

... he went to use the telescope - and got the required point before hitting the hay.

After that a new morning was upon the town.

And college wouldn't be college without the occasional streaker disrupting the peace. Mercutio was shocked. The dorm chef was unimpressed.

"Feckin' young 'un..."

Mercutio had plans to use the telescope once more to gain more logic.

A plan that got interrupted by class and Consort Capp barging in all the way from the main town, to go and shove Mercutio...

Mercutio went off to his class anyways, trying to ignore Consort's yelling at him.

Once he got back, Mercutio lost the want to gain the logic skill point - so party time it was!

Lots of friends, family and acquaintances later...

... Mercutio officially made best friends with Carla Carr!

While a kicky ball tournament got itself started in the cafeteria, Mercutio rolled wants to befriend some specific people - including Amy Platz!

After Mercutio pulled that off - YES let's go for Creativity!


Wait, are Romeo and Amy flirting? Let's hope Tybalt won't find out...

The party ended as a success, despite Mercutio putting his focus on his painting for the remainder.

And when he got the point!...

He rolled a want to befriend Tara instead... Guess building the college skills will have to wait once more...

Sadly for Mercutio there is no more to wait, as his exams are approaching.

... The exams did not go well - and Mercutio found himself put on Academic Probation!

After some time destressing, another class awaited Mercutio...

And once he got back he was only motivated to have another party.

I feel like this guy is going nowhere with his college life.

Once the usual people were there once more, Mercutio got a want to flirt! He went to the person he had the highest chemistry with after scoping the room, who happens to be April Love, Romeo's dormmate.

The blossoming romance got disturbed however by Titania Summerdream calling in - which was enough to push the two into best friend territory!

While mingling around with some other party guests, local townie George Mace did the bravest thing ever and peed his pants at the party! April was less than impressed by this ballsy move.

Mercutio, wanting to ask April on a date, bonded a bit with her, at the moment the streaker returned - but this time he actually put some clothes on *gasp*.

The party turned into an overall success!

While some dormies were getting a bit tired of the partying.

Mercutio still had the drive to do some more, and went to ask April on that date!
Nothing could go wrong for him anymore!


... Except the taxi being late, resulting in April getting pissed at Mercutio... welp.

Poor Mercutio had to appear at the park all by himself, just so that he could call a taxi to return.

If it weren't bad enough already, the charlatan also thought Mercutio would make a good target for pickpocketing...

That day wasn't the best for Mercutio... 

But the good news is that he rolled another skill point want again!

Mercutio got the skill point!... only to roll an unrelated want in the place. That's Mercutio's ambitious attention span in a nutshell. The prank call's message seems to complement his trajectory this round as well...

Perhaps some lunch might put his mindset back on the rails...

After lunch Mercutio made a talk with Gary Sims and also jumped to being best friends with him!

All that just put Mercutio in the party mood more... I guess he has given up on graduating altogether and just wants to have fun and make friends on his way out.

Once all the guests arrived someone thought it'd liven the party up to mess around with the sprinklers.

That brought at least Gary in the spirit to prank around, as after a while he tricked Mercutio with the hand buzzer!

Mercutio then passed around the shock to Nora Zuimelhof. Though by the looks of it some of the other dormmates could use a spark of extra energy as well.

Despite some of the guests leaving, the party kept on growing and growing...

... so eventually the party ended as a blast! 


Some of the other dormmates would argue it was a snoozefest however.

Mercutio then rerolled his wants and got the one to gain another skill point - because he lacked the time to even consider building up enough creativity to level 5 anymore, I went with good ol' logic instead. Might come in handy if he signs up for the family restaurant.

After retiring for the night, Mercutio wakes up just before the exams are to start.

After everything is said and done there, Mercutio returns...

... to get expelled from college and as a result, instantly grow up into an adult.

The taxi arrived soon after to take Mercutio back to Veronaville.

... leaving the dorm empty for a future dormmate to move in to.

How will Mercutio do as an adult living back in Veronaville? Can he join back at Monty Ranch in time before his aging grandmother Isabella kicks the buckett? Will he have to find his own apartment in town somewhere? Or will he move in with another relative instead?

And how will the Capps, and especially Tybalt, react to him not making it through college successfully?

That wraps up the third round of Veronaville - which means that next time, we'll be back at Capp Manor once more!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...