Saturday, 31 December 2022

Round 3-11 (Ramaswami)

Ramaswami Family
Previously at the Ramaswami family: The Ramaswami might be the most peaceful family in Veronaville so far - Priya and Sanjay have been focusing on building their careers and expanding their social circles.

This house is the last one on the Italian side of Veronaville to still have the basegame white walls... guess what time it is now?



And with that the entirety of Veronaville matches the new style now! A success!

Saturday be a working day though, so Sanjay has to leave for his job.

Priya's work shift starts a bit later, giving her a bit of time to work on her relationship with Gary Thompson...

But by the time her carpool arrived they aren't quite friends yet.

Sanjay returns home first.

He made a call with Titania Summerdream, fulfilling his want to become best friends with her!

When Priya got home, she fulfilled her want to make best friends with Gretchen Stompel! 

With more solid ties to the Veronaville community, Sanjay rolled the want to throw a party... and with it being the first day of Winter, a New Year's Bash is on the way!

Lots of Veronaville locals made it to the place! Though Antonio Monty being there at the same time as Goneril and Kent Capp might spell trouble...

Gary Thompson gained a crush on someone. I believe Patric Vu, but I didn't watch him until I heard the romantic sound so I missed the exact moment and it doesn't help that Priya had her back turned.

Speaking of Gary and Priya, She talked around with him and made friends with him.

Priya then went to have a chat with Goneril Capp, and made best friends with her - which fulfills her want to have 3 simultaneous besties!

Goneril decided to celebrate this accomplishment by attacking Antonio Monty.

Despite that fight and Father Time not doing his thing where he turns into Toddler New Year, the party was a success!

The next morning...

Staying up late didn't pardon both Sanjay and Priya from having to work the next day.

Last night's success was at least enough to keep their spirits high during their work day.

With Priya home as well, the two have time to expand their social circles a bit more!

That is, if their groceries didn't run out.

A trip to the grocer it is!

Sanjay to the rescue!

And in the process he also walks into Gary Thompson and makes friends with him, too.

While on his way out a fight breaks out between Kent Capp and I *thiiiink* Antonio Monty, but Sanjay didn't bother to watch.

While Sanjay did the cooking, Priya called up with Oberon Gossamer and made best friends with him, making her close in on her want to have 5 best friends!

Priya got mildly concerned when Sanjay fell asleep in his food and decided that maybe it'd be better if she did the cooking from then on.

She let her husband have some rest and rang out to Patric Vu, making best friends with him and getting that fifth best friend!

Right when going to bed, Priya rolled the want to earn a skill point - which might come in handy for her career building, especially since she has the next two days off and lots of time to work on it.

Another morning, another day...

Another day of work for Sanjay...

While Priya gets her skill point! This means she just needs to get two more creative skill points in order to get promoted herself and away from the orbituaries. 
Hopefully one of them rolls the want to buy musical equipment soon.

A wild chance card appears!

... Aaaannnnnd the Ramaswamis are broke now.

At least the two just got new groceries and Sanjay still has his job, but the funds for a musical instrument aren't here anymore.

At least going to the Stratford Strip is free.

I gave Priya some free reign to find someone to meet up with - and she uses that freedom to build a snowman!

The Unsavory Charlatan had different plans, and pickpocketed the bare funds in Priya's pockets!

Priya went for justice!

Instead she got bamboozled... 

At least the fight counted as meeting someone... Huh.

I guess that trip to the Strip wasn't that free after all...

Antonio randomly showed up in the backyard. Sanjay didn't want his friend to freeze out there.

After that he decided to give Antonio's nephew Mercutio Monty a call.

Yet another friendship forged!

The high from that achievement brought Sanjay to go and work up his creativity! Good news for him that he has the next two days off.

He namely got on a roll before he had to go to bed.

The next morning... I realised that I haven't given Priya any aspiration benefits yet, so I assigned those. Including Family for a second aspiration as decided by my Aspiration Calculator, as a reward for making 5 best friends.

Following the same logic, Sanjay also gets his rewards - but on my Aspiration Calculator he rolled Knowledge instead.

A shame that Sanjay didn't roll the want to buy a musical instrument BEFORE his poor decision making cost him most of his money.

Now Sanjay has to stick to the easel to work up his creativity, while the weatherman shares his traumas with penguins to the lovely viewers at home. Was he on the cargo ship to Madagascar?

Priya wanted to throw a party, so this time it was her turn to host.

I kept an eye on those two in the back there, but I sadly didn't see any hearts flowing around. Maybe next time...

The party was a success, everyone had a good time, although nothing big or worthy of mention happened.

What IS worthy of mention though is that, despite being married for at least 8 days, Sanjay and Priya never did the Woohoo.

Priya therefore decided to charge up the romantic batteries!

Soon the two made it to the bedroom...

Et voilá!

Despite the thick layer of snow implying otherwise, Spring had arrived at the Ramaswami house, which means that it's time for us to move on to the final household in Veronaville of this round before we move on to the VUL and check in with the students.

Will their newly selected secondaries bring some new dynamics to the Ramaswami house? Will Sanjay's upcoming urge to pick up skillbuilding help his career path and make up for losing all their money? Will Priya's biological clock tick and make her try for some offspring? 

To be continued

Happy 2023 to all readers!

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