Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Round 3-10 (Ottomas)

Ottomas Family
Previously at the Ottomas Family: Peter's side affair with Goneril Capp has come to light to Samantha - and yet she was willing to figure out a way to win him back and away from Goneril's affections. At the end of our previous stay at the Ottomases she was successful... but Goneril got checkmate earlier this round, leaving Samantha devestated. At least she has her former mother-in-law, her children and her friends Carla Zuimelhof and Antonio Monty to support her... 
That doesn't mean that Samantha doesn't have plenty of care to give back herself however! With the twins, David and Sharla's birthdays coming up and Dora getting really old things are about to change up again.

We start off with Samantha probably falling out of her bed, probably as a result of Peter having left off.

Having young twins is hard work, especially when Peter is not in here, to help take care of them.

Where IS Peter though? Just at the front porch, kicking the trash can. Real mature.

While Sharla and Tommy are hanging out together downstairs, the twins share a hug together UPSTAIRS! One of the more adorable interactions :3

They then went to play in the dollhouse together while David cleaned up the bottles.

Family life always be busy, it's a miracle Samantha manages to sleep in til after 8.

Sharla wanted to make friends with Rebecka Chun...

All hail the power of phone lines! 

Soon after Peter called in, wanting to catch up with the children... sadly for him it was Samantha who picked up.

Right after lunch Dora was the only one to work during the weekends. 

Sharla had plans in the afternoon to hang out with her new friend and invited her over.

Samantha also had plans to hang out with someone during the afternoon, for... different purposes.

Having Rebecka over wasn't a good thing for the Ottomas property however. RIP television.

As Dora got home, it was about time to have a birthday bash!

Happy birthday Oscar!

Among the commotion Oscar never learned his toddler skills. Poor thing.

The  same sadly goes for Charlotte.

Here's hoping they'll fare better during their school years.

With the festivities out of the way, Antonio and Samantha find some time to try and see if sparks can ignite.

With the twins being children now there's no need for those cribs anymore - time to upgrade their bedroom with bunk beds!

While the family life goes on, David tries to see if Chris Cho is open to hang out - but alas it was not meant to be this evening...

For who it WAS meant to be however...

... was Samantha and Antonio.

They seem to be really enjoying each other's company, yet without getting any hearts after this time.

Veronaville being Veronaville, going to a community lot doesn't go accompanied with some public brawling...

And Carmen Patch's enemy for this visit happens to be Pamela Landry.

The lovers can't catch a break from all the fighting, can they?

Finally. Time to get back to the date.

... or not. Literally the third time in a row that Carmen has beaten Pamela into a pulp.

Antonio and Samantha decide to end the date here. Neither of them still has fallen in love with the other.

On their way out Carmen beats up Pamela one last time.

Back to the homestead, with a new family picture!

All the fighting around the date has reminded Samantha of the fights she's lost against Peter. At least Antonio is returning to bring a gesture to improve the date's aftertaste.

The living room also got an update - Dora's bedroom was demolished, to make room for more walking space.

Dora's bond with Samantha is close enough she wouldn't mind sharing a bed with the mother of her grandchildren.


Samantha, still focused on having that spark with Antonio, decides to take slightly more drastic measures.

Maybe a love potion will do the trick...

David in the meanwhile has rolled the want to go to college on his final day in his teens! As a part of the wants-based playstyle I only allow teens to go to college if they roll the want for it (and if the household they're in can afford to pay §5000 for funds), which means that if he'd not have said want around 10, 11 am I'd just throw a regular birthday party to age him up.

For David though, it's time to go off to new adventures...

... and for his family to say their goodbyes for now.

Samantha meanwhile had to wait a bit longer to pursue her big dream - and her potential friend April Hutchins wasn't available to hang out with either.

At least Carla Zuimelhof walked by - Samantha took this opportunity to greet her and hang out a bit.

A bit less pleasant - Sharla went off on her own to destroy the snowman Tommy built. Silly kids.

Nothing a bit of soup can't fix though... although.. is that soup entirely healthy?

I recall Antonio getting off at 3, which means he's available for another date...

I decided to have Samantha ask what he thinks of her - turns out he doesn't like blonde hair!



Perhaps Antonio prefers the brunette look instead?

Oh my he does! They also gained an extra bolt of attraction!

Time to go off and far far away from that mean old Peter.

Like the Stratford Strip!

I guess the dyed hair did some wonders! 

Soon after the crush it became LOVE! At least, on Samantha's side that is.

The two of them hit it off, and then Samantha decides to 'try out some new clothes'... Adrian Lewis also couldn't keep his hands off of Antonio, albeit in a less romantic way...

We don't need Adrian though for what's about to happen...

Of course makeout sessions are part of the deal, too!

With the sparks officially flamin', it might be the time to pop the question...

"Antonio Monty, please marry me!"

... It's a shame that I can only take one screenshot in a cutscene. But as indicated by that memory icon, he DID accept! Being low on energy however Samantha decides it might be time to head home to end the date there...

... That is, if Antonio went home along for the ride. Huh.

While Samantha goes up to get some sleep, Dora reads Tommy a story.

The afternoon went by calmly until the aging hour came...

Dora's time was up.

R.I.P. Dora Ottomas

After the tragedy, the kids went to bed early, while Samantha did some household chores.

She talked her mother-in-law's demise through with Carla, a qualified doctor, and after eating together they said their goodbyes for the day.

It wouldn't be quiet for long after Samantha went to bed... Tommy couldn't really sleep after what happened and decided to have a late night bath.

The other kids also got up surprisingly early!

Oscar seems to be coping with the family's tumultuous recen history with sports and fitness to let out some stress - and he's slowly getting the hang of fitness! A future athlete in the making?

The carpool arrived for Samantha, but being the sole adult of the household means she has to stay home til all the kids are on the school bus.

Speaking of school, it's going to be Oscar and Charlotte's very first day!

Samantha still has the want to befriend April - and having the entire house to herself for the first time in a very long time means she has all the time and space to entertain some guests! I wonder who will tag along?

Oooh, it's Isabella! Good opportunity to meet her future mother-in-law and spend some time getting to kno---

--- ah never mind that then.

At least April and Samantha get to hang out together for some time and eventually they consider each other friends!

In the early afternoon Samantha tries to tidy up the garden a bit.

While working out in the yard the kids came home from school - and they all had their own shenenigans at school - although Samantha wasn't fond of Goneril's son setting foot in HER house.

Peter tries once again to chat with one of his children, and again Samantha is the one who denies him that opportunity.

Once the aging hour hit, Sharla became eligible to age up into her teens. Time to gather around for a celebration!

Once everyone gathered, Sharla blew out the candles...

... and grew up into a young lady!

Using my Aspiration Calculator, Sharla's path of life was going to be Family!

The party was overall cozy and without lots of drama (for a change), and yes, that's Rebecka Chun walking up the stairs, who aged up into her teenhood along with Sharla.

A successful party that hopefully leads Sharla into a happy time as a teenager.

Right before joining her family going to sleep, Sharla went for a new look!

The next morning I looked at Sharla's LTW - which is to Marry Off Six Children! Her personal ideal family size is 8, which means that if she ends up with a family-oriented partner she might end up actually pulling this off.

With Sharla being a teen and no more infants living in the house, Samantha is free to go to her job for the very first time since moving to Veronaville! (dang it's the final day of round 3)

With all the kids off to school, the Ottomas house is empty, peaceful and quiet - a unique situation!

As a teenager Sharla got home first and has the house to herself!

She uses this time to call Rebecka and make best friends with her!

Sharla then goes off to a community lot...

She's rolled a want to fall in love, and for that she needs to find Mr Right! (I used the SimBlender to randomize her preference and she rolled straight).

Sadly the only teens here are Bottom Summerdream and Nora Zuimelhof, but at least Sharla can hang out with Bottom for a bit.

Also Kent has been beating up Cornwall in the background.


Despite that Cornwall also made best friends with Nora - meaning their odd friendship is going stronger then ever for some reason.

After a nice afternoon of chilling in the arcade, Sharla went home - including an updated new family portrait showing Dora's demise and Sharla's new age.

It was 3pm and both Samantha and the other kids got home from school.

The kids had a good time playing together, and David and Charlotte made best friends after that!

Sharla meanwhile decided to take up cooking - followed by wanting to make friends with Nora!

After another phone call that deed was done - instead of, y'know, her eating dinner with the rest of the family.

The snows started falling once again and the family went to bed for the night.

The next morning it was spring at the Ottomas homestead - which means it is once again time to move on to the next household - which will be the Ramaswami family!

After a hectic era with divorces and deaths, the Ottomas family has been getting into an era where they can reinvent themselves and rise again from the ashes. But will they do so at this house, or will they move out to join Antonio when the wedding bells ring? IF the wedding bells ring, that is?

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...