Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Round 2-8 (Kent Capp)


Kent Capp
After making an impressive start in his teaching career, Kent made enough money to be able to afford his own place once more. With the skills and relationships to get a few more promotions in the pocket, money isn't his main concern anymore, which leaves him more time to pursue more knowledge and... maybe find Mr Right?

But first, contracts have to be signed, so that Kent can officially decorate his place and get off to his job.

Sorry welcome wagon, you'll have to wait til after Kent is back from work.

Disappointed by the lack of a welcome wagon, the maid who lives in one of the other apartments lets her aggression out with intensive krumping.

Oh I remember this one from reddit, where someone picked the gelatin and got their sim demoted.

Good choice XD

Welcome back Kent, shame he didn't get promoted though. 

Time to show off Kent's apartment. I have to admit the floorplan is a little awkward, but I made the most of it by turning one bedroom into the living area. Here's hoping there won't be any need for more bedroom space...

Kent got called by Albany...

... and afterwards he had dinner in his new kitchen for the first time.

After getting his stomach filled up Kent went out to Globe Street... which is basically the only hangout place on this side of Veronaville.

Sadly there weren't many new networking options here. Gary (with the orange shirt) happens to be gay too, but he and Kent just don't have the right chemistry.

At least Bianca Monty was around and ready for a chat though.

After a while the game lagged a bit... which means a (man)witch has appeared!

Sadly the Unsavory Charlatan also caught a sight of the peculiar Sim.

Though ultimately any talking attempts between Kent and Alon didn't go well. And with Carmen Patch on site doing her thing as well...

... Kent decided to get the heck out.

At home Kent went to sleep in his new bed at once. 

After having gained some energy he grinded on his charisma.

After which he called it a night... But guess who did NOT do so?

Welp, first thing that happens: the wolves come and eat from the trash.

In the morning the waft of the garbage lying around got accompanied by a wintery breeze, which signals that it's time to move on to the next household in the chain: 

Will Cyd Roseland make things official with Bianca after becoming the father of her child?

To be continued

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Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

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