Saturday, 28 May 2022

Round 2-7 (Regan Capp)


Regan Capp's Household
Previously at Regan Capp's: Despite their marriage being arranged by the Capp system, Regan and Cornwall captured the spark of their similarities between them. Meanwhile Kent did some job and partner searching of his own - and found something in Education and Cyd Roseland... who has also been involved with Kent's friend Bianca Monty. 

Things between Cornwall and Kent have reached an all-time low though after they got in a fight at Goneril's... What will be the final straw between them?

First thing in the morning is Kent with a want to hire a maid, so he proceeds to do so exactly.

Meanwhile Regan and Cornwall have some bathroom troubles: cold showers after Regan flushed the toilet and seeing the water flow and circle away made her stomach feel a bit sensitive... Could this be a family expansion...?

... For now though the household goes out to join the workforce.

Both Regan and Kent got home first, Kent bringing in a nice promotion, AND a want to learn a skill point. For Kent's career I feel like Charisma would be the best choice.

Though Kent's social circle might have other plans for his afternoon activities.

Speaking of social circles, Consort Capp also decided to say hi to his youngest daughter.

Kent being the black sheep of the family shows itself once again at dinner time - despite him being the one to do the cooking.

After all that happened Kent did eventually gain his Charisma skill point - making him eligible for another promotion.

And Kent being a Knowledge Sim jumped on the learning train as Regan played some chess with Consort and Cornwall did some painting - and a certain Carmen Patch stole the newspaper. Honestly!

And right when everyone really got into bed... BUMP!
Offspring incoming for Regan and Cornwall!

The next morning, Kent was once again the first to wake up.

Usual morning events and the guys were off to work once more, leaving the house for Regan on her maternity leave.

Regan rolled a want to practise her chess, while Steven Dallas the maid did the things Kent hired him for.

CHANCE CARD! Cornwall strikes me as the type who would suck things up to his boss, to be fair...

And it pays off! And Cornwall could make some good use out of that skill point.

Kent got home with another promotion! At this pace he might be able to move out on his own again at the end of this round. 

And right after Cornwall got home, it was his unlikely friend Nora Zuimelhof who made a call.

Kent in the meanwhile, had other plans to do.

And oh boy what joy, we meet the worst group of people at Globe Street.


My chaotic noggin' is pleased.

Poor Albany - the divorce really hit him in his mental wellbeing :c 

Kent, amongst all the arguing, is checking out the room for a nice, handsome man to be with - yet it's a shame that Albany is not gay nor bi.


In a way it's telling Kent is more worried about Bianca than about his own father.

With Albany gone and Kent scoping up the room once more, Adrian Lewis (not the darter) is the winner for him. And luckily for Kent, Adrian rolled as gay.


Here's hoping Patrizio will not get a heart attack once he walks in that door...

Meanwhile Kent tries to be the wise one and stays out to play some pinball instead with Adrian. Nothing can go wrong like this, right?

Nope. Welcome to Veronaville, folks.

Time to go home.

Cornwall has decided to pick up arts once more to work on his skill, while Regan is scavenging the fridge for some leftovers.

The evening was quiet, with Kent and Cornwall skilling, and Regan going to bed early.

And during the night, the second baby bump was upon them!

The next day...

... the same routine.

But this time, Titania Summerdream walks by just as Regan was about to get the mail. Time to welcome another visitor.

And then Kent came home, with yet another promotion!
And looking at the skills he needs for promotion I don't think he'll have to worry about Logic and Cleaning soon. Noice.

Not soon after, Cornwall got home too and Regan ordered a pizza.

Regan: "One day we'll be rich enough to travel the world - think of all the places we could fly to!"
Titania: "For beginners I'd love to fly over you and out of this very kitchen, thank you very much."

Being promoted to an elementary school teach recently, Kent decided to take on the look as well after he got another skill point.

After which he decided to hit Globe Street once more.

This time he went to buy himself a cellphone.

Alas, Carmen Patch came along too.

With a less desirable group of people here, including Goneril and Peter, Carmen and the Charlatan, Kent just bought himself a few magazines.

One feeding in his own interests, and the other to feed in the interests of his students.

Time to head back home.

At home Cownwall seemed to get that chess itch and played a game with Titania, eventually building some skills as well.

For Regan and Kent it was off for an early night.

... Not Cornwall breaking the shower!

And then, it happens! Regan goes into labour!


A healthy young child was born!

Regan's eyes are filled with joy as she makes eye contact with the father of their baby, Cunedagius Capp.

Cornwall is the first one to feed Cunedagius the bottle.

Meanwhile Regan is the last one to feed herself some pizza. 

Meanwhile Kent is the one who has to sacrifice his bedroom to make room for the little one.

After working on his skills for a bit more, it's time for Kent to officially move out and find an apartment of his own to live in. All the money he's earned with his new job should be enough to sustain himself, and with several more promotions ahead of him making ends meet shouldn't be too hard for him.

With Kent gone his former bedroom now has been made into the nursery.

Even though Regan would've loved to get to work herself again she's the only with with a few paid days off of maternity leave. Cornwall takes the carpool today, leavign Regan behind with the crying Cunedagius.

Luckily she can handle the baby well and soon the repairman is finished with the shower, too!

With Regan not going to work for the day the best way for her to fulfill her money wants is to go painting.

... But then her maternity leave payment came in... Which left her with a want to earn MORE money.. and a want to get promoted! Locked in!

Cornwall got home with said want as well - Havign a baby apparently did miracles for their ambition - as they didn't roll lots of skill-based wants earlier this round, mostly just relying on their free will and hobby wants instead.

After being up for most of the night because of Dagius' birth, Regan and Cornwall take a nap to find themselves a bit of rest... 

Because soon enough it's time to bring the Capp clan together to celebrate the birthday into toddlerhood!

Regan blows out the candles for her little baby darling.

And POOF! 
Luckily those eyebrows are not Cornwall's, those things above his eyes rival the likes of Loki Beaker's!

The family is entertaining themselves, with Regan and Goneril even becomign best friends together!

Much better than what happened at Goneril's house.

The next morning the weekend has officially begun, yet with Cunedagius around there's not much sleeping in going on.

Regan manages things with flair though, and she's helping her child with some basic toddler skills.

Once Cornwall gets out of bed too the season changes itself up to Winter, which is our prompt to leave the young family for the round and go to the next household.

Hey, what's Kent been up to after he moved out?

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...