Sunday, 12 June 2022

Round 2-9 (Cyd Roseland)

Cyd Roseland
Previously at Cyd Roseland's: After being in a short love triangle with Bianca Monty and Kent Capp, Cyd eventually chose for Bianca - and back during her round the two of them had a baby together! How will Cyd deal with supporting his child and partner?

Once he woke up the first thing Cyd did was to find a job. Though the first try wasn't too fruitful - not many good jobs popped up.

Instead Cyd focused on working on his body skill, get some want out of the way.

The new newspaper had the Criminal career on offer - which is what his LTW is all about. Bingo!

Also Bianca is reminded of Consort somehow... Oof.

The carpool arrived, so that Cyd can make some money.

A chance card!

... Dangit. So much for Cyd making the money...

Despite that mishap he got promoted anyways!

And immediately after Cyd is off to work again! 

No promotion this time, as he lacks the creativity to be eligible, but hey, maybe selling the painting his neighbour made will give him some extra cash. ;)

The next morning it was cleaning time.

"Ew, Porthos! Bad boy!"

Once things got cleaned up properly, Cyd and Porthos picked up their training schedule once again.

Things got interrupted though when Kent gave a call.

Well, said neighbour finished a painting once again, worth a LOT. Thanks! XD

In the evening Cyd met up with Bianca.

Their date is going well...

... And at the poolside...

Cyd popped the question! Of course Bianca said yes!

Eventually the date ended under the sheets.

After which Bianca left for her own apartment to take care of their baby daughter and have some sleep.

The next day the training schedule continued once more.

Oh dear, more bills to pay.

While taking care of those, Cyd's future father-in-law walks by. 

So he invites him in to have some lunch together.

After saying goodbye I let Cyd wander around on his own - and yay he chose to go painting which also is his True Hobby!... and then the carpool came.

Then the lightning came... Luckily Porthos didn't run away from the fire :o

After a late day of work Cyd got home once more.

The next morning it was bathing time once more to start the day off with!

... Rest in peace bathtub... After that it was time for some more training with Porthos.

And with success!

Sorry Cyd, bathing a dog when a spray of water hits you in the face is not an easy task. Yet somehow Porthos stayed in the tub this time around.

And at this point it was time to focus on the biggest want yet. And for that want Cyd had to make some steps.

Cyd managed to fake his illness well, savign him up the time he needs for the plan.

Then it's a matter of killing the time, until it's after 6pm. In that time Cyd learns a few mroe things about cleaning.

After that he brings a visit to Bianca to have soem quality time with his daughter Minola.

... And then it is time....

Some of the Monty's made it to the spot as well...

... To witness the addition of their latest family member: Cyd Roseland.

After tying the knot, Bianca decided to dash off immediately without even askign for my input. O_O 
I guess there's no wedding party tonight...

After coming home much earlier than expected, the exhausted Cyd went to bed, while Bianca, who had LOTS of energy, did some household chores. Minola's crib was also moved to the living room, which is far too small with the budget the family has now.

After losing a bit of her energy, Bianca joins Cyd in the bed as well.

The next morning, as the wintery breezes embrace the apartment, Bianca and Cyd get up, considering plans to move to a more spacious house.

Will they find the place of their dreams? Will they get more children after Minola? Will Cyd and Bianca be able to develop their careers as well?

To be continued

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