Saturday, 8 February 2025

Round 6-3 (Summerdream Family)

Summerdream Family
Previously at the Summerdream Family: Puck returned from college - but his stay at his parents' house was only for a short while, for he married the Capp heiress Juliette herself! With Bottom recently grown up into adulthood, the Summerdreams have their heir for the next generation, but will Bottom wait until her romantic interest Dora Zuimelhof grows up into adulthood, or will she find someone else in the meantime?

Before we start playing, we'll sum up the traits that everyone in the house received.

Titania - Party Animal, Family-Oriented, Charismatic, Night Owl, Artistic
Oberon - Party Animal, Computer Whiz, Night Owl, Green Thumb, Couch Potato
Bottom - Virtuoso, Inappropriate, Night Owl, Perceptive, Social Butterfly
Quince - Bookworm, Genius, No Humour, Proper

Also - I never knew this want Oberon has can appear in game?

The same goes for this one!... if only it was night time right now...

But nope, it's time for Quince to go to school, while Bottom enjoys jumping the couch, elated that she is freed from the shackles of mandatory education!

Oberon in the meanwhile embraces his preference of voluntary education as he reels in another mechanical point.

Titania believes it's time to select some more aspiration benefits!

Oberon follows suit...

... and Bottom...

... and Quince select their first Benefits, too.

Speaking of Bottom, now that she has grown into adulthood she has rolled wants to enter the workforce...

... and she's lucky, the Dancing career she graves is available for her!

Oberon meanwhile still has his nose buried in the books.

While Titania tried to call Kent, Bottom tried a workout routine and earned a body skill point she needs for her first promotion!

Bottom, feeling more trained, greets her brother Puck walking by, while in the background Oberon compensates and gains some weight.

And whoops, more bills to pay.

Though that doesn't stop Titania from adopting herself a little puppy named Cobweb!

Welcome to the family, Cobweb!

Quince meanwhile nails the marbles tournament!

Being a nice guy he shares them with everyone and makes a new friend in the process as well.

It's Kevin! If only his grades didn't slip...

Quince feels the need to compensate, and believes he can convince the Headmaster to enter him into Private School!

The afternoon passes by...

And soon Johnson the headmaster is here!

Not helping is the lightning hitting the outside chandelier and causing a fire. Luckily the headmaster didn't see it.

Instead he saw the wonderful room deco the Summerdreams have, including Bottom's giant piano! This is looking promising.

After Oberon turned into a Werewolf for the first time this round...

Headmaster Johnson just had some turkey from the party table...

... and felt that Quince was worthy to enroll into private school.

Quince celebrated his achievement by playing the piano.

After what happened at the front porch, Titania got the idea to finally buy a fire alarm. 

Oberon in the meanwhile gave in to his wolfy desires and leaned back to howl at the moon.

Time to bring the moon a bit closer...

... while Bottom leaves to find the nightlife instead. Maybe she'll find someone to score some woohoo with?

This place seems promising...

Wait! Scratch that! This is not the place to go.

Mayhaps Rodney's is a good place to visit?

It has some good music for sure!

Especially if Bottom provides it herself!


Hermia approves!




And so do many other Sims.


After hustling some pool...

... Bottom hits the bar for a meal.

annnd it's time to go home by then!

"Kissing a stray cat? NOT ON MY WATCH!!!"

Back at home...

... Quince's friend Kevin also realises it's late and takes off.

The same goes for Puck.

Oberon, still watching the stars, got an inspiration boost and earns himself a skill point!

And another!

Right before sunrise he finds an undiscovered star, too!

Quince hits the piano once more in the morning, and gains another skill point in creativity, thanks to a similar epiphany as Oberon's!

A new day dawns - and this time Bottom won't get to jump on the couch in freedom, for she has work to do.

The next hour Quince is off to his first day at Private School...

... leaving Oberon and Titania at home with just the two of them.

Titania uses the time to herself...

... to take out Snout for a W-A-L-K.

The bus returns with Quince, but sadly Titania has to go off to work now.

At least Orlando Butler is at home to keep Quince company.

Bottom is back home too - with a promotion!

Now it's Titania's turn for a chance card!

What's better than a promotion?

A self-promotion!

Oi Bottom, what you doing??? This is the kitchen!

Quince, being a bookworm, curls up on a sofa with a book to read.

"No Cornwall, Puck has married Juliette and is therefore now living there... and you were at the wedding, you should know that."

Titania in the meantime also has a dream - getting a holiday home of her own! As the wealthiest family in Veronaville the Summerdreams can definitely not miss out on that trend.


While Bottom howls along with the piano...

... Oberon howls from turning into a Werewolf again.

Off to work to party, good sir!

Titania's recent promotion gave her the ambition to join Oberon at the top of his career!

Two more charisma skill points and she's there!

Time for a celebration with the kids! 

While Bottom takes out Snout for a walk...

... Oberon who got back home from work, has a bath!

After that he has the craving for more knowledge on mechanical stuff - so unclogging the toilet is!

After that he went back into the books.

While Oberon was busy reading, I saw a wolf yipping by...

Time for Quince to investigate! He wants to step in his father's footsteps after all...

Soon he might be able to pull it off.....

... but then 6am hits, Oberon turns human again...

... and Bailey heads off as well.

Time to play some music on the piano...

"I'll crump to your music, sweetie-pie!"


Bottom, despite being in another room, joins as well.

This inspires Quince to gain a creativity skill point...

... after which he also gains a Mechanical skill point.

Titania on the other hand wants a date - and with Oberon at home the timing is perfect!

After Quince gains another skill point...

... he gets the idea of trying out robots.

Good luck!

Bottom would rather dance the day away...

While the parents go off Downtown...

... and visit the Karaoke bar!

They're severely in the mood however...

... and want to warm up their vocal chords first, if you catch the drift.

Mercutio did not approve.

Dang, don't be so harsh grownups, Chandrika's just a kid!

Titania and Oberon, being musically gifted due to their fairy ancestry, are more decent at the mic!

After their performance they shared a kiss...

Mercutio didn't like that.

He got a case of Crumplebottomitis and harassed Oberon, sans the purse.

Oberon tried to walk off...

.... but Mercutio was not done yet.

The married couple decided to end their date with a kiss - and Mercutio still didn't take that well either.

This time he went for Titania!

Oberon decided to... turn into a Werewolf...

And attack!!!

About time we upgraded that vampire guy into a Werewolf!


"You're welcome!"

While Mercutio went for Titania again, Caryl Zarubin went for the mic.

She ended her brave performance with more bravery.

Time to go elsewhere for now.

Who wouldn't love a bite at Londoste?

And here there's no Mercutio Monty going nuts at for no clear reason.

Instead there's a Juliette Capp!

And she just happens to be carrying Titania and Oberon's first grandchild!

Titania is really proud!

The same can be said about Oberon.

Also now the Werewolf is the one *giving* the tummy rubs for once. 

Time to go back home!

And guess what? Juliette is tagging along, too!

Oh, and Kent is walking by!... and Oberon is married.. to.. him?....??

Time to bust out the SimBlender.

Juliette is off home again. Huh.

Titania has a bit of a disagreement with Kent...

... which results in them moving on as friends. Which is good, I think they've both moved on to a different point in life.

Goneril, Adrian and Nora also walked by and were promptly let in.

Bottoms coworkers are holding a spontaneous dance party.. at the dance career.

It works out anyways. Huh.

I think Goneril learned only now that Kent and Adrian are in fact, married, considering that she was jailed during their wedding.

No Cornwall, Puck does not live here anymore.


While eating Turkey, Oberon remembers that one time he bit a vampire and gave him Lycanthropy - and kind of wants to turn more people into Werewolves now.

Quince is starting to get the hang of the robotics...

... while Bottom is getting the hang of her dancing career, getting a promotion somehow despite not having the needed skills. Huh.

She jumps back towards the piano while Titania is cleaning the food bowl for refills.

Bottom in the hot tub during the night.

And Oberon has finished yet another night at work.

And look! Bailey is back! Quince sees the opportunity...

And *Nom*

Ouwie! That hurt!

Mere seconds later the bite mark starts to glow...

... and the glow spreads to the rest of Quince's body...

Quince has joined his father as a Werewolf!

And he still has the face paint underneath the fur! Nice.
As far as I know Oberon's mask doesn't really show underneath his fur.

And voila - a good memory for the experience!

While his son is howling in the bathroom, Oberon maxes out his mechanical skill.

Soon after though, Quince reverts back to his human form.

Oberon immediately follows suit.

With the sun up, it's time for the daytime life once more.

After messing around with electronics and bolts, Quince has received the bronze badge for Robotics!

He gives Cobweb a celebration hug...

... before starting on the new Hydrobot!

Bottom got into a situation at work.

The bold Bottom isn't afraid to fake it til you make it, and she made it!

Another promotion in the pocket!

Time to work on that body once more!

... before taking the carpool yet again.

Quince finished his first Hydrobot!

Now let's see what making a Cleanbot is like...

Titania decided to play the piano on her own and got a skill point for it!

After which she bathed stinky little Snout.

Oberon had a painting session.

He got access to the hobby lot...

.. and made a quick buck as well.

Quince's birthday is coming up... but tonight will be the last night, so we'll see him grow up in the next round.

Bottom's back home.

Titania has to remind Cornwall once again that no, Puck does not live here anymore, he should call Capp Manor to talk to Puck.

Next she witnessed her husband and son's first shared transformation into their Werewolf forms.


Quince is really excited at the idea of his first full Werewolf night.

Time to enjoy some pastries together!

... before Oberon has work to do.

With Titania and Bottom hitting the hay, Quince has all the time to work on his robotics.

And behold! The new CleanBotinator!

To celebrate Quince went out in the town...

Let's see if there's anyone at Globe Street?

Nora is... And she's being chased by a puppy. 

So many people but who to bite...

Let's decide by sheer random chance!

We have a winner! 

Congratulation Tybalt you won one (1) Lycanthropic bite!

Also is this the second time Tybalt lost a fight?

Time to see...

... what's going on at the Veronaville Market?

Not another vampire...

Time to upgrade her!

And then leave the place.

Back home, Quince hit the kitchen and already got an epiphany that really taught him the basics of cooking.

The rest of the night was quiet, Oberon hit the easel again after work.

There he maxed out his Creativity...

... and soon after he turns human again.

The same goes for Quince. Who has bitten more people in 1 night than Oberon has during his entire time as a Werewolf.

Winter has arrived at the Summerdream house however, which means we must once again end things here. Up next we will visit Goneril, who has just gotten released from jail.

To be continued

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