Saturday, 2 November 2024

Round 5 Uni - 4 (Leaving Campus)

Verona University League
Another generation of 5 students will return to Veronaville after graduating the VUL. It's time for them to pack their belongings and go back to the main town.

First we got Hermia and Randy!

Before it's time to go we'll need to take care of some final bills and leftover newspapers.

While Randy made a head start with that, Hermia scored a logic skill point!

With that said and done it's time to officially put Hermia's belongings in her inventory before saying her goodbyes to the college life.

Randy meanwhile takes care of the bills...

... followed by a call to the college administration that he is ready to move out.

Randy aged up wearing light blue.. Maybe I should make that his official favourite colour.

Hermia said her goodbyes...

... and with a small pile of money Randy is off to the townie life.

Next it was time for Hermia to move out.

One age-up later...

... aaaand she already wants to put a ring on Randy. Duly noted.

Taking all her college money with her...

... the Capp Cottage lies empty for now, until a new member of the family attends the VUL.

Time to move on to the Townies!

And we start off with Kendra making a move on Jihoon!

The hearts finally start floating! A shame that happened at the tail tip end of their college run.

Jihoon calls admin...

... and takes his share of the money pile.

Then it's Kendra who grows up...

And takes her quarter of the money.

She's followed by Ralph.

Who ages up in spirits of the travel that is adult life...

... followed by him moving out with his half of the cash stash.

This leaves Nancy as the sole household member! Will she properly graduate with the final chance she's been given? Will she find love on the campus? (She seems to be eyeing Benjamin Stratton over here now...)

We'll have to wait until the end of the next college round to find out!

To be continued

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