Saturday, 16 November 2024

Round 5 Jail


Albany Norman, the first casualty of a fight in Veronaville!
And Goneril is looking really pleased with herself!

Goneril Capp murdered Albany Norman in plain sight. This behaviour cannot go unpunished.

While the rest of Veronaville lives their summertime out in peace, Goneril rots hers in jail, under the watchful eye of the strict but just Escalus Prince.

Life in jail is spent under a strict routine.

8am is breakfast time.

From 10 to 12 inmates can spend their lives in the prison yard, where they can work on their body and mind in hopes of improving themselves.

At noon it's time for a sloppy sandwich for lunch...

After lunch some time is spent in their jail cells...

... before inmates are allowed more time in the backyard from 2 to 4.

Goneril decided that she was sick and tired of spending time outside.

No Goneril, you may not talk to the jailkeeper.

... Get back to your hoops or something.

30 more minutes pls.

... then you may talk to a visitor from 4 to 6.

Today it's Goneril's beloved husband Peter Ottomas.

At 6 it's time to leave...

... and have a delicious dinner of prison slop.

Followed by a night locked up in the cell.

Prince Escalus spends his time working on his physical fitness - which may be important if any of the inmates attempts to escape.

Goneril has decided to play it safe and just sleep in. 

This means Escalus can spend his time sleeping as well.

The next morning he's back to exercise...

Goneril meanwhile reads a book - how did the smuggle that one in? And how did the carpool find her in here? Sorry, but she won't make it to work today.

While the jailor keeps working on his physique...

... Goneril lives out her second day of her prison life...


... while Escalus eats his late breakfast after working on his physique a bit more.

While Goneril has her lunch, he has contact with his fellow police officers.

Followed by her playing hoops in the backyard.

Time to stop the calls because Goneril wants to go inside...

She has a sister to catch up with.

And a dinner to fill her stomach with.

Poor Goneril lost her fit Capp physique due to the prison slop.

She hopes that sleeping it off will do the trick...

Escalus also hits the hay...

... Goneril however, wakes up. Will she try to escape?

... nope. Just more reading instead.

Followed by some really morning snacks...

No, we do NOT need magazines here!

We need breakfast slop for everyone!

While Goneril is in the back for the morning, the jail makes a small profit from the solar panels on the rooftop.

After another lunch for both ward and inmate...

It's off to another afternoon...

... of physical improvement.

... Goneril was beelining again for the locked door...

... so hopefully a small bench will do something.

Nope. She wants to sleep.

Sorry Goneril, maybe you should've slept at night.

At least you get to meet up with your good friend Priya Ramaswami.

When it's dinner time...

... the sleep really gets to Goneril. Oop.

By 8pm she finishes her slop anyways - just in time to get to your jail cell.

Good night - you'll need it!

Escalus got a second cooking skill point - hopefully prison meals will get a bit better soon as well.

Time to sleep as well.

A new dawn breaks.

This means Goneril has one more day and one more night to go in jail.

While both Goneril...

... and Escalus... 

... follow their daytime routines...

... Goneril FINALLY...

... goes and lies on the bench we bought yesterday.

Escalus' training regime is paying off - just look at his new physique

Goneril meets with the final visitor for her sentence - her favourite nephew Tybalt! I've heard rumours that the only thing he's a little disappointed in is that she didn't target a Monty with her lethal force.

This meeting must come to an end however...

... for her final meal before her release - some nice spaghetti!

Escalus also enjoys himself some slop...

And while Goneril gets locked up in her cell for one final night this round...

Prince Escalus works on his fitness regime a bit more.

Shower time...

... toilet time...

... and finally bed time. The sooner she can be released the better.

Escalus also sleeps in...

... and the next morning...

... Goneril is ready for the big day!

Once the sun is up, the cell gets opened up...

... and in the jail lobby, her loving husband Peter awaits her to take her back home.

Welcome home Goneril, where we'll play you again next round!

That is, unless you off another Sim at one of your kids' birthday parties again. Be good.

Speaking of her other kids, we're ready to start the 6th round of Veronaville overall, which we'll start off at Capp Manor where they happen to live...

To be continued

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