Saturday, 30 November 2024

Round 6-1 (Capp Manor)

Round 6

A new round has started in Veronaville, and once again have I made an update to my gameplay!
I recently added the 3t2 Traits project to my game, which means that everyone in Veronaville now has 2 (toddler), 3 (child), 4 (teen) or 5 (young adult+) personality traits that steer their behaviour.

With this addition in mind I'll sum up every trait Sims has at the start of every post.

Capp Manor
Previously at Capp Manor: Juliette made her long-expected return to Capp Manor to assume the role of matriarch of the Capp Dynasty. After her first duty in that role officiating the marriage of Tybalt to Amy, she went on to focus on her own incoming marriage to Puck Summerdream, while also raising her teenage cousins.

Before the show can really get on the road we still got a couple things to tackle.

First we should listen everyone's traits:

Juliette - Ambitious, Couch Potato, Family-Oriented, Lucky, Snob
Hal - Frugal,     Hates Outdoors, Nurturing, Socially Awkward, Vehicle Enthusiast
Desdemona - Avant Garde, Cat Person, Hates Outdoors, Supernatural Fan
Ariel - Artistic, Excitable, Overemotional, Slob
Adrian - Childish, Hotheaded, Loser, Unlucky

The second thing  to take care of...

Is to visit the Italian side graveyard again...

... and take back the family graves...

... that somehow ended up here AGAIN.

Home sweet home.

Back to the gameplay!

A prime example of Adrian's childishness acting up - him playing in the tub!

While Hal marches back to Capp Manor, he is greeted with a familiar sight - it's cousin Hermia returning from college!

Hermia - Bookworm, Genius, Loner, Loves Outdoors, Perfectionist

Aah what an interesting story, dear Weatherman.

What's also itchy is the bugs that try to crawl away from Hal's stomping feet! And he's not even wearing any shoes!.. we should take care of that soon, he's a Capp!

Juliette is happy to see her beloved sister back from college!

With another mod I installed during the round change, we get a note ahead of jobhunting that says what careers have openings during that day. Sadly for Hermia, a job in the Capp family business is not available as of now.

Having nothing to do for now, Hermia decides to work on her physique.

Hmm... go big or go home might be the Capp Business Motto.

Nice! Welcome to the hobby club!

And-- welcome back home?

Motto update: Go big AND go home (with the bucks)

Said bucks are good to pay the bills with.

... and with Juliette home early we can go out early.

Time to do some shopping!

We're in the need for some fancy wear here.

The centerpiece of today's shopping spree being Juliette's wedding dress!

Besides that Hal also needs a better outfit...

... and Hermia needs a more refined daily outfit too.

Hermia's excited to show the world her new look.

Juliette also got her wedding look ready.

Time to go back home...

... where the teens just got back from school!

"Oi hurry up there giant yellow clown wagon!"

Even the cops get sabotaged by the school system lol.

After -ahem- that inconvenience...

... the stage of the wedding is set...

... and the guests are invited!

Hermia is giving her sister some confidence...

... while outside the wedding...

... escalates in typical Capp fashion.

Dangit Cornwall!

Time to put a halt to the infighting - it's the Montys who need to be bashed!

Poor Puck has a tinge of regret picking Juliette over Hermia xD

Besides that bit of gut feeling though...

... he officially ties the knot with Juliette.

You may now kiss the groom!

Puck - Charismatic, Friendly, Good, Handy, Loner

Let's enjoy the cake!

Puck no, the cake is over THERE!

Have your cake and EAT IT TOO!

Hermia found Randy among the party guests and caught up with him. He brought a nice little gift for her.

Demi Love also had a gift for another resident, namely a knuckle sandwich for Adrian!

I don't think he's hungry anymore.

Peter decided to avenge his nephew.

Welcome to the Capp family Puck!

While the party was underway, Mona got her incoming birthday message...

... while Hal got a bad reputation message - Yup, I got the mod that allows for reputation changes at home! 

Ariel found the bugs Hal stumbled upon earlier. Oh dear...

The party was a solid success.

Hopefully we can soon found the next generation of the Capp bloodline!

While Juliette and Puck celebrate their wedding in all fun and games...

Also remember the painting Ariel painted after Hermia died but then Hermia came back to life?
The one I commissioned from my friend Arinaca
(fun fact I met them IRL on my holiday to Australia back in April, we went bird-watching together during the sunset)

Guess who's gonna get it?

Afterwards Hermia hits her training regime again!

Hal apparently heard his sister's stories about the vermin outside and decides to put action to it.

Hermia got fit once more!

Sorry Puck, no shot yet at joining the Capp family business.

Also in preparation to get her grades at acceptable college level, Desdemona focused on her homework.

Will we get the 6th generation of Capps soon? Stay tuned to find out!

First we gotta get through the night!

Heya Bonkers ^^

The next morning!

Puck still has no luck hunting for jobs.

Lots of skillbuilding happening however.

Both Desdemona and Juliette got some, while...

... Ariel got REALLY close to outright max out her Creativity!

But alas, the school bus came in first.

Adrian however threw an outright tantrum and missed the bus because of it...

Guess he'll be late in class - which won't be good for his grades...

What a contrast with the mannered and adjusted Hermia.

Later on in the morning I noticed Randy pass by - which Hermia won't mind of course.

That's what you get for being late in school Adrian - you disappoint the entire family!

Ariel is doing poorly as well but hey at least she has artistic talent.

Desdemona, who is more interested in becoming an Entertainer, also isn't lucky at the job market.

Ariel is a bit more successful in that regard.

Hal shows off his Frugal side by clipping coupons in the newspaper.

After completing their activities, the girls play outside - on the grave site??

Juliette got home with another big promotion, right before the weekend! But alas, she has the Sunday shift, too...

Desdemona's birthday is imminent! Luckily she's off tomorrow so there's more time to say goodbye to her classmates and relatives then.

Uh Amy, wouldn't Tybalt be at home at YOUR place?

Adrian is acting up again. Towards Hal out of all people!

And Desdemona too?!

Things are getting heated in here!


At least the firefighters were on time. Again.


... and Juliette are showing a bit more skill meanwhile.

Also Ariel wants a date.. I may have to send her Downtown during the weekend.


What's going on??!


I couldn't even get to her on time... Deja vu much?... 

Dammit Consort had the Grim phone in his pocket when he died.

Better get a genie lamp soon then...

R.I.P. Desdemona Capp

Hal had a nervous breakdown.

Hermia felt weirded out by this.

Hal became a monkey.

Apparently that cured him a bit.

The grief struck the other Capps

But Hal definitely got struck the hardest - I guess he was the oldest of the siblings at Capp Manor and felt like he had to protect his siblings - which he failed at.

Meanwhile Juliette's family planning didn't work out that well...

Lets try again!

Hopefully the next day will bring a  relief...

At least the cat can sleep well :3

The next morning, some folks got up early.

At least Hal was there to support his little sister.

Adrian meanwhile desperately looked at US.

BUSINESS! At last.

It's low on the ladder but there's lots of room to go up!

Ariel wasn't happy with Adrian.

"Maybe if you didn't slap Mona in the face like a bowl of rancid soup, she wouldn't have ran outside and she'd still be with us!"

As for Juliette, she either didn't like her soup this morning or it's morning sickness-morning sickness here.


"What is it?!"
"You got beaten up by an old granny!"


Adrian really IS the unfavourite.

Hermia also jumped at the opportunity to get a job in business now that the spots were open.

Wowie she entered at level EIGHT?! That's almost Regan's level!

With only 1 logic point needed for another promotion AND a want to play chess... why not bring out the thinking cap?


Ariel also painted her first outright masterpiece.

With both the dishwasher AND the trash compactor broken it may be time to hire a repair person...

In the meantime both Hal and Ariel are in want to find themselves a date.

Time to go Downtown!

Flames.... On the side of my Marshmallow's face!

While Hal hits it off with Julien Cooke, Ariel meets up with Sandy Kosmokos.

While Sharla finds a BIG admirer in Orlando Butler...

Ariel has a more playful approach.

A bit of flattery does it's work too though.

Soon enough Sandy feels like making it a date right there right now.

While Ariel and Sandy enjoy each others' company, Hal finds himself facing his former crush Nora...

Hal also gets in trouble with Bianca Monty who is... a Monty.

Peter Ottomas also met up again with Demi Love, with the expected consequences.

At least Ariel and Sandy are unbothered.

Hal gets his ass handed to himself.

He decides his best course of action is to blow of some steam on the drums.

Ariel ends the date with a kiss.

Hal sees another Monty.

Mercutio sees another Capp - but likes the music too much to really care.

You know what the Monty boys even join in on her!

If only Veronaville would be united like this a bit more often...

"Oh hi there Sophie!"

Hal's less successful love life pops up once more when he tries to ask someone out with no success.

Said successful part of the family went to Ariel instead, who got a whopping §800 in tips! She could actually make a decent living out of her creativity like this!

For now it's time to go home.

Juliette got a promotion!

Having a family-oriented streak to herself, she decides to see if she can dabble with toy crafting...

With the kitchen working properly again...

... it's time to work...

... on some skills...

... until it's dinner time.

Ariel has decided she wants to broaden her horizons beyond Sandy though. Before things get serious between them.

While Juliette starts her adventure in the Pet Brick Bubble.

Hermia has packed her belongings...

- Oh hi Consort -

Hermia has decided that with her current wage, she can afford to find a place of her own.

Good-bye Hermia!

And good-night everyone else!

Goodness - Consort went out again.

Good morning Puck and Ju-- no wait it's 1am.

Aah! Baby Bump!

Having too much energy to hit the hay again immediately, Juliette goes back to hammering bricks.

Adrian also woke up in the middle of the night.... but he did lose any wants to revive Desdemona.

Might as well put him in charge of repairing the bathtub, I think he's got the most mechanical skill in the entire house.

Afterwards he grabs him some kiddie toys, courtesy of him being Childish.

The rest wakes up when it's actually morning.

While Ariel is having breakfast with Adrian and Puck...

Hal has a bout of immaturity and ruins Ariel's painting of Desdemona's grave!

After Puck is off to work...

Ariel sees the ruined progress of an emotional piece for her...

... and has to start all over.

As a punishment for his bad behaviour, Hal's put on gardening duty.

Guess Hal's way of dealing with the outdoor world he hates is setting it on FIRE.

Puck got a chance card on his first day!

Nice! Might come in useful later...

DANGIT HAL! That was one of the few GOOD flowerbeds left!

At least Juliette is doing some good work.

As is Puck, who got a promotion!

As is Ariel who finished the painting!

Time to go hit the town!

... if it weren't for the phone-- "Oh hi Katherine!"

Time to hit Globe Street!

... where Ariel finds her favourite cousin Cunedagius.

She's also found another good-looking Sim her age in Scot Philippine.

Sadly he was a bit less easily swayed to go on a date...

At least Cunedagius is good company.

They got distracted however, by Oberon turning into a Werewolf!

Maybe Scot can give Ariel a second chance.

... or not.

Ariel needs to cool down I guess.

Time to go back home!

... where Juliette hits the hay early - that's pregnancy for you!

Hal enables his outdoor-hating pyromania...

And Puck... still wants to go for that honeymoon with Juliette!

After making the arrangements...

It's time to take the shuttle...

... towards Takemizu Villlage!

Puck checks into the hotel, which marks the end of this post.

Stay tuned for the next pose, where we'll play through Juliette and Puck's time together here and end the main house of the Capp Manor.

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...