Monday, 21 February 2022

Round 1 - 1 (Capp Manor)

Capp Manor Residents
Juliette Capp has fallen for Romeo, golden child of the rival Monty clan. Can the Capps set aside their grudge and put Juliette's happiness first?

Consort Capp, husband of the late Capp matriarch Contessa Capp, is the guardian of his grandchildren Tybalt, Hermia and the Capp heiress Juliette, after his late oldest daughter Cordelia and her husband died in a suspicious fire. 
The Capps' claims that the rivaling Monty clan must've been behind it never got enough evidence to be taken into serious consideration. But for the Capps themselves it is enough to lighten the fires of hatred again. 
Is young Juliette's love strong enough to overcome the wounds of the past?

Let's first take a look at their personalities and LTWs

Consort Capp
First thing first: Consort wants to reach level 10 in the business career and is currently at level 9. If I can get him to roll the related skill wants it should be easy-peasy to pull off.

Tybalt Capp
Hmm, this one is tricky, but let's try and roll with it. Capps are business people after all.

Juliette Capp
Graduating 3 children seems like a very Capp/Family thing to me. It does fit Juliette well in my opinion. And I feel like Romeo could live with fathering 3 children with Juliette as well.

Hermia Capp
Practically the same story as Juliette, though it's still up for debate whether she'll end up with Puck or Mercutio, or maybe someone else completely? Only time will tell...

As for the scripted events, when preparing the neighbourhood I think I somehow broke them. (and yep, I did the thing where I fixed the Capp scripted event). 

So I guess I'll just play them out by themselves :3

The original scripted event nudges the player to have Juliette ask Romeo to go steady without Consort noticing, a reference to the balcony scene from the Shakespearean play... except that for some reason there's not even a balcony XD

Part of the scripted event: Romeo kisses Juliette after he agrees to go steady.

Which triggers Consort to go out and disapprove of whatever's going on.

Romeo gets out at once and Juliette is not amused.

"What kind of planet are you LIVING on?!?!"

After their heated discussion, I decided to lock in Juliette's want to sneak out with Romeo and then focus on her and Hermia's other wants to buy a bookcase and build some domestic skills, while Consort goes for the easel to build some creativity and make some extra money, which he wants.

Meanwhile Tybalt had some other things on his mind: Go out with a friend of his, and make a new friend. Tybalt's lucky Consort approves of his pro-Capp standings...

... and not soon after Puck got a call :3 Sorry Hermia, looks like you'll have to wait with that first kiss want :o 

But soon enough they both got some cooking...

... and cleaning skills!

Then things got late enough for Juliette to ask Romeo to sneak out with her. 

Even though the other household members are still awake, they were too preoccupied with their own things to notice her. (Maybe Hermia, but then again she'd NEVER rat Juliette out)

After his night out Tybalt rolled a want to get into politics. Luckily there was a job opening available that night. 

Soon the other Capps went to bed :3

And not soon after Juliette got home safe and sound.

The next morning the Capps got up early.

Even Juliette wasnt too phased by her night out... Also did Maxis give all the Capps except Juliette black PJs on purpose?

We'll have to wait til later to figure that out, as Autumn has just hit the Capp family. Time to move to the next family, who happen to be their arch rivals: The Montys!

To be continued

1 comment:

  1. Verona was my first TS2 neighborhood, and I love finding a blog still telling stories in this format! It's nice to be able to READ a story instead of having to watch it. :D


Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...