Saturday, 15 July 2023

Round 4-9 (Norman)

Norman Family
Previously at the Norman family: After the divorce from Goneril, Albany and Miranda moved into the flophouse to have any roofing above their heads. While Miranda thrived with not having so many siblings and more pressingly her mother around all the time, Albany's happiness has been dropping not having his numerous children around...

It's a shame only 1 person can leave the bunk bed at the same time - all mornings are a race on who gets up first and sadly it's not always the most convenient person who wins.

Oh well, in the end it didn't really matter anyways as Miranda got the day off due to the leftover snow. She and Albany gained their share of Consort's inheritance while she was using her extra free time to hit the cooking books once more.

Her reading efforts paid off soon enough.

After some time refreshing herself in the bathroom, Miranda grabbed the phone to invite over some friends and (former) classmates for her birthday party!

Soon enough everyone arrived annnnd... the crowd got stuck at the front door... 

At least the traffic jam gave Puck and Hermia the opportunity to be romantic together once more. It's a shame neither of them fell in love with the other.

Who DID fall in love together again are Chris Cho and David Ottomas! Taking into account Chris's also been seeing Romeo on the side now things might get a little challenging at the college households...

These little romances got interrupted however as Miranda's about to age up!

She blows out the candles...

Followed by jumping into adulthood!

Miranda takes Mallory Mace with her into adulthood.

... and it doesn't take long for them to continue their romance into their adult years.

... Mallory, you've just fallen in love again with Miranda and now you're setting her up on a blind date with a third party?

Miranda and Mallory try out some classic dancing.. and show off they need to practise a little bit more.

Speaking of practising, Albany needs to train his bladder control...

Oh boy.. the first thing he does is grab his pocket mirror?

Soon enough he does collapse again. Behind the counter. Dora and Bertha are the only ones who really noticed.

Luckily the imaginary therapist was there to fix him up a bit again.

Despite that incident, the party was an overall success!

While Miranda's snacking on some leftover crisps, Albany gets the notification that he'll be aging up soon.

Meanwhile Miranda wants to earn a new skill point.. and wanting to broaden her horizons I decided to let her practise creativity by writing a novel on the computer!

Once she earns her first point she doesn't roll a want for more practise, so I guess we'll have to send her on a date instead.

While leaving the flophouse to go out, Albany burns the cafeteria slop he's been cooking to earn soem extra cash.

Once Miranda arrived at the Veronaville Market...

She called over Mallory...

... and soon enough they started their evening together.

Soon enough the wants to go romantic popped up!

... which they happily obliged to.

Eventually they got into the clothing booth.. and OF COURSE Mercutio walks in on them...

Time to end the date!

... and maybe do some clothes shopping for both Miranda herself and her soon-to-be aging father.

While Miranda was headed home, Mercutio tried to hit on Titania Summerdream...

Miranda had no time for that however - as she rolled the want to get a second point in creativity!

She tried to write a bit, but got interrupted by the hobby master trying to sell their magazine to Miranda.

Miranda and Albany eventually went to bed--- only to be interrupted by the phone ringing!

It was Ariel with a VERY bad sense on timing.

The next morning!

After having some father-daughter bonding time eating pancakes for breakfast...

Miranda went to work on her novel while Albany worked the cafeteria once more. Miranda got another skill point for creativity in the process!

Albany's job got interrupted by a prank call...

And Miranda's work got interrupted by a call, too - but here it was David wanting to have a legit conversation with her, making best friends with her.

Miranda lost the drive to work on her creativity, but at least wanted to learn Lifelong Happiness instead. She got quite far by the time Albany became eligible to age up.

Before finishing the job however, Miranda got called by Curtis Ryan, who wanted to meet up with Miranda in a Downtown that hasn't even been assigned to the town yet. Too bad.

Soon after Albany also got a call again, from Titania.

After Miranda finally learned the life skill, she wanted to gain a skill point. Back to the novel she goes!

While father and daughter were doing their work again, Chef Bertha started harassing some of the other flophouse dwellers...

... before just outright bailing out, right as Miranda earned said skill point.

Time to call it a day and see what tomorrow has to bring.

Once the day has started up a bit, Miranda gives Curtis a call...

... soon enough becoming friends with him.

Albany also picks up the phone to invite some folks over for his birthday party.

... only Ariel and Cornwall bothered to show up...

That's still two guests though...

... so while Albany and the guests watch some TV, Miranda gains another skill point for creativity, followed by a want to write a bestseller! Bingo.

Then the party moved upstairs so that Albany could blow out the candles.

He aged up into elderhood.. but with a low aspiration, and no way he could achieve his LTW, ever.

Poor thing... I wonder how long the randomizer has given him to live?

If it were up to Chef Bertha he'd have his head chopped off by a plate, but luckily for us she doesn't have access to the randomizer.

Despite the low guest showup count the party became a moderate success.

Then 6pm hit again - and I think Albany may be on the luckier side of aging, he may still have 6 days to go which with my age length configuration is on the longer side for Sims who become elders with low aspiration meters.

Most of the evening was spent on writing and working the cafeteria once more...

... and then the book was ready!

Right after submitting it to a publisher, the phone started ringing...

... Oh well. More reason to keep working that creativity skill.

Time to add the book to her inventory.

And time to head bedwards.

Because soon enough a new day will begin.

Miranda comes up with a script for the second novel, hoping it'll be more of a success than her first one.

After some time she decides she wants to see Mallory again. 

But alas, Mallory is in the middle of her working hours, leaving Miranda to work some more on her novel.

After grabbing a bit of lunch for herself, the apartment owner came over again to serve burgers for everyone.

No-one bothered to grab one. Albany and Miranda kept working on their jobs.

After some hours Miranda gave Mallory another call.

Luckily she was available to come over this time around.

... and soon enough...

... the two were making out on the couch.

"... hmph, feckin young 'uns."

Albany also had to blink twice before realising his daughter's gone a bit wild.

Miranda and Mallory didn't tone down their passion however, and eventually Chef Bertha has had enough.

"Hey, that's my daughter!"

"Git a room!"
"Bishop to D3..."

Miranda *did* heed Bertha's words however - oh my, what is that double bed doing in there all of a sudden?

Well, here's what it's for.

Soon enough Mallory decided to head out - but at least she's had her fun.

Miranda went back to her novel as suddenly Mallory snuck in again with a gift for Miranda.

I also gave Albany a quick dress-up right before the round ends.

Having lots of leftover energy from the date, Miranda could grind on her novel for a long time, while constantly thinking about her fun times with Mallory.

Deep into the night it eventually was time for Miranda to hit the hay as well.

The next morning it was Albany to wake up first in Summer - which is our signal that it's time to leave him and Miranda be and move on to the next household - which now is the Ramaswami family, since the Ottomases have joined in with Albany's. 

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...