Saturday, 1 July 2023

Round 4-8 (Kent Capp)


Kent Capp
Previously at Kent Capp's: After a hangout day with Bianca turned chaotic due to the other Capps following the friends around, Kent shifted his attention to spotting a ghost at the churchyard! Eventually he succeeded... and actually LIVED to tell the tale. Soon enough he found love with Adrian Lewis, who moved as a roommate.

We're starting off with Kent.. having rolled wants because Oberon turned into a Werewolf. 

While getting ready for work, Kent inherited §4.500 from Consort.. which isn't that bad considering his relationship was much less close than Regan's and Goneril's.

After work, Kent immediately hit the books to work on his logic skill.... and soon enough he made it to level 9!

After he answered a call from his favourite niece Juliette... 

... he hit the books again, and thanks to a eureka moment maxed out his logic skill!

Kent then rolled a want to watch the stars with the telescope, completely missing Juliette running in to shove Adrian, who was spying on her with the thing....

Kent fulfilled his telescope want..

And after having some late-night salads with Adrian...

The two of them went to bed.

The next morning it was another work day!

After Kent made it back home...

He got called by both Summerdreams!

Oberon was first, so sorry Titania, we'll have to get back at you at some other day.

Kent then hit the books again, this time to work on his cleaning skill.

Soon enough Kent earned that skill point as well, meaning he only needs to roll wants to earn one more point in charisma to have all skills needed to rise all the way up his career!

... now he only needs to roll the wants to make the friends.
Or for that matter, roll the wants to take his relationship with Adrian beyond roommates.

Also, why is the maid still here using the shower?

Time to go to bed for the night.

The next morning, twas time to work once more!

And once work was over...

... - oh boy, what a surprise! Kent hit the books again!

With two skills maxed out, we'll have more room for other wants to pop up. Let's see what a community lot visit might do.


After some slow dancing the two go for a classic dance...

And then Kent just want to joke and play with Adrian...

... so I'm just leaving them on their own will to see if they can get some more sparks to the table...

... Which DID happen eventually - the cashiers nodded in approval all along!

Sadly it got quite late then, so it was time to go home and cook.

With the turkey in the oven, Kent thought it'd be a clever idea to go to bed - so I had to get him out again and by then the food got burned already...

They ate it anyway, but it wasn't good.

Time to sleep

The next morning - and Kent god a want to give Adrian a backrub!

Sadly Adrian got work in the morning.. So Kent focused on some of his hobby wants to enjoy nature.

After catchign some bugs and some birdwatching, he wanted to serve a meal.

Which got interrupted by his niece Desdemona calling in for a chat.

... Just more Werewolf wants now.. And with no way to really pull them off, it just leaves Lifelong Happiness as the one to pursue.

Adrian returned from his work and went for the telescope again.

... While Kent's study session got interrupted by Titania getting even after missing out a few days ago.

Time to hit the books once more.

And once he learned lifelong happiness...

... he rerolled his wants to hang out with Adrian!

Sadly it was sticking at the friendly wants again...

... until.. Makeout dropped in!

Sadly there were no more other romantic wants popping up, so it was about time to sleep.

During the night, the romantic spring season officially turned into the summer heat - meaning that Kent and Adrian eventually upgrading their relationship may have to wait a bit longer, sadly. 

For now it is time to look forward to our next household to be played - Albany and Miranda Norman!

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Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...