Saturday, 29 July 2023

Round 4-10 (Ramaswami)

Ramaswami Family
Previously at the Ramaswami family: Priya and Sanjay's careers started to come to a halt with neither getting any promotions. At least both of them managed to make more friends, but a bad chance card left the Ramaswamis with no money. Will their newly chosen secondary aspirations expand the Ramaswamis' horizons?

A good morning to Priya and Sanjay! And I see that the secondary aspirations are kicking in, as Priya has gotten the itch to have a baby!

Before we can do that we have to focus on getting the day started. While Priya was cooking omelettes Sanjay was in the bath tub, daydreaming about buying a guitar once they got back the money.

After breakfast the pair found some quality time together...

And right as the carpool for Priya arrived the bed was occupied...

With Priya off to work, Sanjay tried to call up Peter Capp in an attempt to become best friends with him.

... Emphasis on tried.

With no wants to be fulfilled at the moment I decided to leave Sanjay to his free will. He used the opportunity to pluck all the weeds.

After that I decided that maybe leaving to a community lot could reroll his wants.

... One want got rerolled, but not into something useful. So I left Sanjay to his own devices to hang out with the neighbours here, too - such as Carla McCullough!

Lots of small talk was made - plus Tybalt harassing April Hutchins.. I guess her once being friends with Isabella Monty was enough to trigger him? 

Once things turn late at the Strip...

... Sanjay returns home - where he gets a call from Kent Capp.

After chatting a bti with his friend, Sanjay grabs some leftovers as Priya comes home. When she picks up the ringing phone it's Cyd Roseland, also asking if Sanjay's available.

After dealing with his social circle, Sanjay enacts on his want to ask Priya on a date.

But before things can really spark Priya needs to groom up Sanjay a bit.. which apparently boosts his hygiene? Nice.

Time for things to take off!


The two have one final good night kiss...

... before going to sleep...

... and cuddling in the morning, as Sanjay's days off have ended.

While Priya may be in need of some days off some time soon.

While cleaning up the mess she left in the toilet, Sanjay goes off to work.

Sorry Kent, you called in just too late.

... apparently the sight of fresh cereal was enough to trigger Priya's sickness again...

... besides that she's still off to work.

... which puts her in a situation...

She chooses according to what's right, and this time it pays off quite well!

Sanjay returned home, and now it's Priya's turn to have a friend call her without being at home.

Sanjay meanwhile, rolled the want to gain a skill point - and earned a mechanical skill point by the time Priya got home...

Followed by a bump!

The two had some dinner together.

Which was followed by some baby quality time

Sanjay hits the books once again while Priya enjoys some television.

And when Priya left for bed early, Sanjay pulled through, earned another skill point and took a final bath before going to bed.

A new morning breaks.

A new breakfast is eaten. A new carpool has arrived.

Leaving Priya to eat the cereal Sanjay couldn't finish.

Feeling a bit dissatisfied with sticking to leftovers, Priya goes for the kitchen once more.

And makes a nice salad!

After putting the leftovers in the fridge, Priya got another baby bump!

In the time before Sanjay returns home, Priya hits the books to read about life skills... 

... while Sanjay, who has rolled another generic want to learn a new skill, goes for charisma.

Priya gets tired however, and goes for a nap - forcing Sanjay to move the mirror to the bathroom for now. At least he got a snazzy new thinking cap!

Havign rested for a bit, Priya gets some leftovers while Sanjay has returned to the mechanical books.

A long grind later, Sanjay reached level 6 of the mechanical skill, enough to call it quits and have a quiet, restful sleep... Sure enough he can handle the broken bathtub tomorrow.

... if it weren't for the burglar sneaking in.

Because there's no burglar alarm, Priya tries to get up to call the cops herself...

But before she could even reach the phone the burglar got away with the TV in her pockets.

The next morning, Priya decides it's on her to gussy up Sanjay a bit more before work.

When Sanjay got off to work the first thing Priya did was...

... to buy that burglar alarm!

Followed by calling over her friends for a baby shower!

Everyone is here!

While the party was bopping, Patric Bu and Gary Thompson started flirting together again - yet still without getting mutual crushes on each other.

When the party got close to it's end, Priya started having cramps...

A healthy baby girl was born!

Her name is Chandrika Ramaswami.

Baby and mother are doing fine, bar a broken wrist for the mother.

Despite that minor injury, everyone is ecstatic to witness the miracle of new life.

Soon Sanjay returns home as well, just in time before the party ends - AND with a much needed promotion!

The baby shower ends as a huge success, fulfilling Priya's big want.

And after having her bottle, little Chandrika plays with the rattling plumbob as she inserts her foot in her mouth.

After fixing the bathtub, Sanjay got a spam offer to subscribe to a magazine. He was quick to decline.

Instead he FINALLY got that guitar he's been dreaming about the entire season.

Once 6pm hits it's already time for Chandrika to grow up - and this time it's Sanjay's turn to invite over all his friends.

The guests arrive and---

Oh wow! Kent apologises to Antonio about past aggressions! And Antonio accepts the gesture! 

In no time Chandrika is brought to the cake.

The candles are blown...

... and Chandrika grows up into a young toddler!

And then the cops showed up to break up the party. 


With the party over Sanjay rolled a want to gain a new skill point, so I put the thinking cap on his head again to have him try out his guitar!

After such a busy day, Chandrika is brought to bed by Priya.

A small look at Chandrika's personality - I am using a mod that redoes the personalities a Sim gets upon being born, so that they'll match their parents' more and also drops the minimum and maximum point numbers the vanilla game has, and it's nice to see those all play out!

What's less nice to see play out however is that there's no more food in the fridge! We'll have to deal with that next round though...

... as it's officially the first morning of Summer! Next time we'll be playing the Zuimelhof family!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...