Sunday, 12 February 2023

Round 3 Uni - 2 (Romeo Monty, David Ottomas, Chris Cho)

Romeo, David and Chris
During day 2 at the Ottomas family, David moved out to attend the Verona University League. At the end of day 2 at Monty Ranch, Romeo did the same. They were joined by Chris Cho, who was seeing David during their teens, but also went on a date with Romeo... How will this potential triangle play out?

Romeo was the first to arrive, all by himself due to his parents' untimely demise.

David Ottomas however, was accompanied by his mother Samantha.

The household is completed by Chris Cho - who doesn't even have any official parents in town. 

The first thing the three dormmates do is claim their rooms - before the dormies come.

Then I choose to enroll David in the Art Major - I decided to have Sims who have a career lifetime want choose majors that match said ltw - And as I'm using Cyjon's revised majors the Art Major fits the best with it.

Right after coming back down to study his mechanical skill, David received a message with §900 attached, as his inheritance of Dora Ottomas.

We already know that Romeo wants to Woohoo 20 other Sims, which is not career-related, but what about Chris? 
She aspires to own 5 top-level businesses - which is technically NOT a career. Besides that she is a default Capricorn with the Fortune aspiration.

After finishing an assignment Chris rolled the want to major in Fitness Economics. Which according to Revised Majors actually goes with Adventurer, Athletics and the Military, rather than Business.
I might need to see if there's a mod that changes the requirements for Sims to roll certain major wants that complements.

The boys fulfill their wants to gain skills...

... which in Romeo's case leaves him time to go on the casanova tour.

Realising that some girls may be a bit more tricky to conquer, Romeo buys some backup from the matchmaker.

David, in the meanwhile, decided to focus on his social bonds with the other dormmates.

Eventually he made friends with Nathen Langerak! While Chris in the meanwhile finished her term paper, giving her a big boost!

After that Chris also made best friends with Romeo... though Romeo is seeing mroe than a friendship with Chris...


With Chris off to class, Romeo decides to play around a bit more, scout a little for his 20 Woohoo tour. 

But it's back at Veronaville where he's about to try for his very first time!

The one who might get the honour? Juliette Capp herself, of course.

After looking up a corner in the clothing store, the date goes off well...

It's here that Romeo tries out his love potion... While Juliette is the one who actually has the wants to go all the way with her Romeo.

The two ultimately do the dare and crawl in a clothing booth together...


Romeo decides to ask Juliette back to his dorm, before any of their relatives show up... 

While waiting for the taxi to bring them back, Romeo does some clothes shopping for himself and his dormmates.

... For some reason though, the date ended itself by the time they got home?

During the evening first David returns from his class...

Followed by Chris, right as Romeo earns a Charisma skill point.

Another proud and brave dormie marks the hallway as her territory.

Our playable dormies however, are due to put on the new clothes.
Romeo goes for the unbuttoned look...

... whereas Chris is rocking the H&M classics...

And David goes for the ultimate frat bro look, despite actually living in the dorms.

The next morning, Chris is up early and ready to put in some work for college.

Romeo meanwhile, is in the mood for a date... And with Juliette off his checklist, why not try one of the dormies next? Tara Parker perhaps?

The two are hitting it off nicely, while David is skilling his creativity and Chris has taken on the chef's apron to make some extra money.

Romeo's date then took a VERY unexpected twist... as Tara left the lot to go to college?

David, getting in the groove of building up his creativity, finishes another painting.
It does help that creativity is the core skill of the art major, according to Revised Majors.

Miranda Capp then calls - asking whether her best friend Chris is up for some chatting.

David's art game seems to be going uphill.

Romeo's flirt game seems to be going downhill.

At least Tara seems to be receptive to it. I guess April is that one dormie that just cannot seem to take proper care of herself and as a result walks around in a sour mood all the time,

During the evening the cow mascot tried to cause chaos, but was swiftly stopped by the VUL's local llama mascot hero.

They then did a victory workout in the shower, invading the privacy of the local dormmates trying to shower themselves in peace.

Romeo wasn't quite tired yet. Time to explore the campus a bit more - or more specifically, which of the local ladies might be interested in him?

Marylena Ying seems to be quite receptive, though their chemistry is quite low. At least Romeo's reputation is rising...

Some of the others seem like better prospects for him.

After a day with the ladies, Romeo is ready to call it a night.

His explorations do however mean that his college clock is a bit ahead of Chris and David's which means Romeo's exam is held earlier than the others'.

While Romeo is stressing already, Chris and David get up at normal times.

While they are still getting ready, Romeo got back with his results - enough to become a Sophomore.

While Chris and David are off to their exams, Romeo calls up Sophie Jalowitz in the hopes to make friends with her. 

By the time Chris and David got back - Chris even made it to the Deans' List - Romeo has moved on to Sierra Kauker.

Soon enough he made friends with her, too!

Romeo then rolled a want to gain a skill point - and per both his class requirements and his Monty background, he goes for cooking.

While David is once again working on his painting, Chris receives a phone call from his mother Samantha, who wants to catch up on her son.

Chris meanwhile, wants to make more money and dons the chef apron once more. The dorm cook uses this time off to attack feckin' young 'un April Love. Chris however is not bothered by this act of heavy violence. The only thing she's bothered about is money.

And the only thing Romeo is bothered about is romance and woohoo - which means dating with Tara Parker once more.

All goes well, and by the end of it they consider each other best friends!

Meanwhile Chris has made enough to fulfill her money want, and now wants to influence someone to clean this place up a bit - and she doesn't care that Nathen Langerak just got beaten up by the dorm cook. 

Upstairs, in the meanwhile, Romeo and Tara end their date.

Right afterwards, Romeo found himself handcuffed...


Welcome to the Secret Society, Romeo!

A detour I didn't intend to happen, but having the entire female student body in 1 place surely isn't bad for Romeo's romantic aspirations...

After meeting and greeting most of them Romeo calls for the limo back...

... just in time to see THE ENTIRE PLACE SET ON FIRE!!!


Thank goodness the cafeteria has sprinklers installed.

After that little incident, everyone heads to bed...

... and wakes up for another new day! David starts it by catching up with Nathen.

Romeo meanwhile feels a bit more frisky.... and with Tara off to college...

Romeo had Woohoo with Chris. In the Hallway. In a randomly placed bed that I put in his inventory afterwards.

..... Poor Tara got back from class a bit soo early. Oof.

Romeo at least tries to smoothen things up a bit. Let's hope that Tara might give him another chance down the line. Because they hadn't Woohooed yet.

Chris meanwhile finally rolled the want to pass Sophomore year - which justifies me leveling up her Charisma.

Romeo decided to make Sophie Jalowitz his next romantic target.

It didn't take long for the lightning bolts to start sparkling...

... I didn't mean that literally.


With Sophie gone for now, Romeo decided he may as well attend class - as David once more builds up his creativity.

When Romeo returned, he rolled a want to go on a date. And this time he went once again for good ol' Juliette.

Time to explore the campus together this time...

The date starts on a good note, once more...

Soon enough the wants to dance pop up - and with a dance floor at the lounge it isn't hard to oblige.

When they roll the wants to give things up a notch pop up however, Juliette chickens out a bit...

... And then Sophie walks in, sees Romeo, and makes a move on him... Juliette... is perplexed.

This is the moment where I lost my spare free time in real life.


Juliette gives Romeo a slap in his face: "WE are dating, REMEMBER?!"
Sophie puts the puzzle pieces together: "Waiiit... Romeo..."

"I think I should see myself out here..."

"... I'm sorry Jules.. I hope you can forgive me."
"... One more chance."

Romeo used that chance to beeline straight over to Sophie.

"I'm sorry Phie-Phie... That was.. a misunderstanding.."
"--- Misunderstanding?! PHIE-PHIE?!?!"

"ROMEO, you UNBELIEVABLE piece of----"

Romeo stared at the mess he created lik a gazelle does at a lion about to pounce...
Juliette was ranting and yelling at him, at once point even shoved him away, while Romeo's mind woozed out...

Afterwards, on his way back home, he could only remember the final words Juliette spoke to him that night...

"My grandfather was RIGHT after all! I thought you'd prove him wrong but no! 

All Monty's Are Bastards!"

Romeo didn't have much time to catch a breathe and reflect upon himself however, as his final exam is upon him!

Juliette took this opportunity to sneak by the dorm with a mean surprise for hEr rOMeO

Despite all the drama, Romeo managed to pass Sophomore year...

... upon which he discovered the burning bag Juliette left him.


After Romeo stepped on the thing, he learned the hard way that Juliette left him a nasty surprise in there...

Completely exhausted, Romeo went to bed, which allows us to skip to the next morning, when Chris and David need to get ready for their exams.

While David and Chris run off to not be late, Romeo got himself something to eat.

Then he goes back to the Stratford Strip, in need of a change of environment.

He hits the arcade there, to destress from all that happened and hopefully get a new perspective on what to do next.

Romeo decides to focus on his wants... Which in this case means befriending Chris Tellerman.

Yet for some reason he never got the fulfillment out of doing so... He even called several others in hopes to boost his morale, but to no avail. Eventually he gives up...

... and returns to the dorms for some much needed self-treatment.

To end this round on a higher note, both Chris...

... and David passed their Sophomore year as well - with David seemingly settled to have the skills needed to pass all the way through Senior Year.

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

By chasing the hearts of other maidens
Thou broketh the heart of thy beloved Juliette
Now thy prospects of peace hath slain
And mark'd Veronaville's coming with dread

For never is a story of more woe
Than this of Juliette and her Romeo.


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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

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