Saturday, 28 January 2023

Round 3 Uni - 1 (Juliette Capp and Puck Summerdream)

Juliette and Puck
During morning on day 2 at Capp Manor, Juliette Capp moved out to attend the Verona University League. After the sun set on the same day at the Summedream house, Puck Summerdream did the same thing. The two have been assigned the same dorm - with Juliette's sister and Puck's partner Hermia missing out due to a tragic event... Puck seemed to have moved on emotionally, whereas Juliette isn't ready to give up just yet and feels that college might have the answers to her main questions and uncertainties in life: Hermia, Romeo, the relationship between Capps and Monty's and her future as the Capp heiress.

First Juliette grows up when she arrives at college - albeit badly due to her sister's recent demise. 

Then Puck arrives, accompanied by his loving father Oberon.

First thing I did was to rewrite the biographies of Juliette...

... and Puck a bit to reflect their new phase in life.

After quickly claiming their dorm rooms...

... the two of them started to socialise a bit, when Puck was quick already to figure out he wanted to enroll the Drama Major.

Which was arranged in short notice.

With their first steps in the college life settled, Juliette and Puck decided to explore the local campus a bit.

Juliette got intrigued by this peculiar jacket that fellow student Marylena Ying is wearing.

While she got into a chat with her, Puck purchased some jewelry per his wants before buying some clothes. 

After Juliette joined in on the shopping fun, the two show off their new wardrobes.

Back at their dorm, the two students saw a concerning appearance at the doorsteps.

That didn't stop Puck from throwing a party at the early hours already so that it wouldn't clash with his evening class.

And soon enough, basically all the teens and young adults of Veronaville were at the spot.

Off to a good start already/s - Benedick's smooth talkeries backfired on Sharla Ottomas, which cost him the crush he gained at some point on her. What could bring more chaos to the party?

The cow mascot attacking Mercutio out of nowhere, for example!

Mercutio managed to fight them off however.

After those moments the party's atmosphere calmed down a bit - Sharla is giving Benedick a backrub while Puck influences people around a bit to have fun together.

And when Juliette got back from class she notices another girl with a similar jacket as Marylena's - and had a talk with her.

Soon enough the party ended well and the guests went home.

This left some time for Puck to do his homework while Juliette freshened herself up in the bathroom.

While Puck went off to his class, Juliette made a call with Sophie Jalowitz, another girl she met on the shopping trip, and befriended her.

By that point Juliette had the want to gain any skill point, so she went outside to practise her rope jumping while Puck got back from class.

By the time Juliette gained a a body skill point, a dormmate did the brave thing and peed herself in the cafeteria. 

But as the time struck past midnight by then it was time to call it a day.


Breakfast was had, with one particular dormmate being really smelly.

Juliette and Puck then headed for the lounge.

There Juliette walked past Tybalt's girlfriend Amy Platz, wearing a peculiar jacket---- 

The two met up together while Puck had a call with his professor to befriend him.

After they returned to their own dorm, Puck wanted to gain a skill point - so this time it was HIS turn to hit the jump rope.

After some time, Puck had to move his exercise workout indoors while Juliette went off to her class.

Puck eventually got the body skill point, and as a result his range for high notes widened up a bit.

While it was once more Puck's turn to go to class, Juliette met up with the girl who whore the jacket at the party.

And while Juliette prepared herself for an early sleep because of the exams approaching, this guy was the second to have an accident.

Juliette had a peculiar gut feeling however that prevented her from sleeping in that night - and that gut feeling was proven right when she got out to take a walk.

This man wearing the peculiar jacket - wait, wasn't he a police officer back at Veronaville? - walked out and did a chicken dance, which weirded out Juliette a bit.

The man, Elmer Bachman, wasn't amused by Juliette's reaction - and arrested her.

... At least a limo is a more comfy ride than a police car is.


Juliette arrived at her destination - and apparently there's a secret society lurking underneath those peculiar jackets - and Juliette's part of it now too!

And the best part of this society - THEY GOT THE RESURRECT-O-NOMITRON! And Juliette is allowed to burrow it!

Feel free to guess what that means.......

The limo arrived once more, to bring Juliette back to her dorm.

Feeling weirdly rejuvanited from this surprise plot twist, Juliette went to have some late night cafeteria mac 'n cheese.

After using the bathroom, Juliette got the message that her exams were about to start off. 

Soon followed by Puck going there.

Juliette performed well enough and made it to Sophomore Year! - to which she is well-qualified already to score fine.

Puck made it to Sophomore Year too, but has to work a bit harder to be eligible to pass... That might be because Juliette hasn't commited to one Major yet...

While Puck doesn't have any wants to earn skill points, he DOES have a want to jog, for which he doesn't have enough fitness excitement. So in order to reach 3 excitement, he needs to work out - and hopefully get some body skill along the way!

Throughout the process Puck also got fit!

Juliette meanwhile needs to do ONE more thing before she can have Hermia revived: get the resurrect-o-nomitron to a resident at Capp Manor. And because only teens and older can receive gifts, she only has 2 options: grandfather Consort who is still iffy about her dating Romeo, or cousin Hal...

But first - a toilet break and a nap...

... right before class time!

Puck wanted to throw another party again - so there he goes!

This time it's just his generation, and not any older adults nearby.

While Keith Cormier officially got a crush on Nora Zuimelhof, Juliette got back - and sees Hal Capp!

After a bit of socialising, Juliette tries to do the thing...

... which fails - just like Mercutio's attempt to beat Tybalt in a fight.

After a bit more time to build things up a bit more, while Romeo tries to have his revenge on Tybalt, Juliette tries it again.



Oh dang, not Elmer Bachman returning!

... annnd he's gone.

Romeo's attempt to have his revenge on Tybalt didn't work out.

That didn't stop Juliette from thinking he's hot however.

One flirt later and Romeo falls in love with Juliette again - but Juliette doesn't reciprocate yet.

Despite the fights going on, the party became a success - and a good night's sleep is what's needed next!

The next morning Puck rolled the want to pass his sophomore year - giving him free range to do whatever it takes to meet the requirements - time to exercise once more!

Meanwhile, Tara Parker decided to take her bravery up to the next level and be the first dormie to wet herself TWICE.

Puck then moved his sporting routine to the jump rope once more - and got himself that skill point - just in time to not completely miss out on his class.

When Puck got back he decided to call up with his professor - a little smooching does help upping his grades. Juliette already got her performance high enough so that she doesn't have to worry about failing - but decides to attend class anyways.

After sunset, Puck goes for the grind...

... while Juliette wants to talk hobbies with someone - so why not with Romeo?

With the exams creeping closer however it's time to sleep in.

Early in the next morning, Puck tries to complete one more assignment to grind up his class performance. 

And then the moment is there... Will Puck's result be a hit or a miss?

Pucky got lucky as he barely made it to Junior year, whereas Juliette will next be the one who has to work up some skills - now that she has been put into the Philosophy Major after not picking one for herself during her first 2 years...

Before we find out though we'll have to see what the other college households will be getting up to - up next first will be Romeo, who has dormed up with David Ottomas and Chris Cho.

To be continued

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