Sunday, 16 October 2022

Round 3-5 (Antonio Monty)


Antonio Monty
Previously at Antonio Monty's: During times where Antonio had no working days, yet the household has very little money it was tough for the family to make ends meet - but despite these hardships Antonio made ends meet, the twins made friends and eventually Beatrice, Benedick and Maxx grew up well - with Benedick even scoring romantically with Nora Zuimelhof already!

As winter kicked in, it was Beatrice who got up first - but with the weekend coming in there's no school for her.

Antonio started to work on his painting as the inheritance of his late father Patrizio was deposited into the family's bank account - giving the family MUCH more breathing space financially!


If you're thinking what I'm thinking you can come sing it along, folks!


... Actually not redone too much, I've given the walls a new paintjob. It does give the house some extra texture which does look neat in my book.

As Benedick wanted to spent some time with Maxx, the carpool arrived for Antonio - which for the first time left the teens home alone.

Home alone though?

Time to go out together!

And considering we're talking about teens, we gotta buy them their cellphones!

As Benedick started meeting a classmate in the arcade, Beatrice had to deal with the downside of her last name in the form of Goneril Capp harassing her.

Goneril wasn't there by herself however... her fresh new husband Peter came along for the ride - and his poor ex-wife Samantha Ottomas dealt with that the hard way.

Knowing that their father is friends with Samantha, the twins cooked her some hot dogs to cheer her up.

Everyone returned home...

... and everyone focused on their skill wants.

After the twins got hungry, Beatrice (the better cook so far) cooked some hamburgers!

Antonio came home just in time to have one of his own!

Though Samantha was also really quick to give him a call...

... Followed by Mercutio ringing up!

And after Beatrice made one more cooking skill point...

... it was time to send them off to sleep!

The next morning, it was time for Antonio AND Maxx to get in the tub.

While the teens focus on their wants and skills...

Antonio is ready just in time for work.

After the teens have omelettes for breakfast...

They go and have some visitors their age.. and Romeo as well.

And with Beatrice having that want to have her Very First Kiss... she might be on the hunt for options!

Antonio is back home - seeing the teen party going on and not minding it too much.

He instead manages to earn a creativity skill point while Beatrice is hanging out with Amar Larrea.

When it's time to cook however...

Time to go grocery shopping!

Antonio is quick to gather the ingredients, and sees his younger sister Bianca as well!

Sadly Consort Capp himself has the nerve to pop up this side of the river as well... 

... At least Antonio got to share some chips with Bianca afterwards.

Not too much however, as once he got back home Antonio made some delicious grilled salmon!

With time passing by quickly however it was soon enough time for everyone to go sleep - and with Monday coming up school is about to begin again.

The next morning... Beatrice lost her slim figure :o 

She compensated however by finishing up her homework last minute.

Soon the rest of the family started the day as well...

And with Monday being here that meant school for the twins once more.

Ooh, a hobby chance card!

Oh well.. Shame about the art enthusiasm but I'm not really bothered about that

The teens got home first just as the first snow hit the lot - and Benedick brought Amar home from school!

He's quick to befriend his classmate...

Antonio got home from work soon as well, and he felt like teaching Maxx to Come Here... just as Beatrice officially made a move on Amar!

As Benedick studies cooking, the two lovebirds continue things in the bedroom.

And eventually, Beatrice has her Very First Kiss!

I decided that Antonio needs to have some fun, too, so I sent him out to the Stratford Strip.

Once he arrived there he rolled the want to go on a date! I have someone in mind for him... But it's not Titania here.

And it's neither this penguin over here, but of course I had Antonio pet it anyways.

Regan Capp showed up as well... but the charlatan got to her first.. Not that Antonio would report the crime, all he thinks about is that the Capps got a little poorer that day.

Instead, he went home again, before the pickpocket would turn on him.

There he and Beatrice had some dinner together...

... before making preparations to go to bed.

The next morning, it was Benedick who felt like making some last-minute homework before school was to begin that day.

The weather had different plans in store however - and everyone has the day off now!

And with the days off, Antonio can commit to going on a date...

After all, he can trust his twins with being home alone - they've done so a few times now and nothing bad has happened ever.

It's been a while since he's been dating, but he remembers that the Strip is the best hangout this side of the river.

Oh wow, one of her first wants is to outright MARRY Antonio!

Let's keep things at a slower pace for now though - they don't even have a crush on each other yet!

Well, Antonio now has.. But then Patric Vu interrupts things

Oh great, not Goneril interrupting the date! That's not good news...

What IS good news however is Antonio officially falling in LOVE with Samantha!

Just as Antonio and Samantha were about to move things to the couch however...


At least Isabella won the fight... not sure if that's enough to keep Goneril at bay for good though.

The fighting hasn't done wonders for the mood, as Samantha is a bit less receptive on the couch.

Antonio has to take it easy there.

And Kent Capp waltzing into the scene is NOT helping.

While the lovebirds go for the pinball game, Kent managed to kick Fitness Guru Granny Isabella in the butt.

..... The game throwing Albany into the mix is honestly the Sims playing with ME.

And Antonio is getting a little snappy with all the Capps interrupting things and making it go south.

At least Isabella proves dominant over Goneril once more. 

... and so does Albany, as he fulfill a strong want of his right as the date ends.

At least Samantha is still interested in more of Antonio - which I might have to work on when I play with her family later this round.

As Antonio calls for a cab to take him back home, Goneril starts picking on Samantha again in the most un-ladylike way, which gives Antonio the idea to do one more thing to defend his crush.

Antonio comes home to find out that the twins, in fact, can be trusted with the house.

He resumes to his painting as Samantha pops in once more to deliver a flower.

It being Tuesday means that the bills have to be paid once more.

The teens tend to their own needs as their day off passes by.

Which makes me realise I should spend some of their aspiration benefit points around - especially now that they have the Family aspiration.

Twins - they're so much alike.

As the day passes by, it's time to get to dinner.

And as the family is eating spaghetti a la Beatrice, the aging moment happens once more and the university reminder pop-ups appear...

Oooh Benedick threw Maxx some food! What a caring young man!

Another caring young man is Amar Larrea, who came over at once when Beatrice called him.

This immediately fulfills her want to make best friends with him. 

After hanging out with Amar for a bit, Beatrice wants to earn ANY skill point, and after losing her fit shape earlier this round she decides to commit to TV training

Afterwards it's a shower and a good bedrest for her.

The next morning... it's still winter, which means it's not yet time to move on.

Everyone is getting up and running...

... and once the school bus arrives for Beatrice and Benedick, spring finally kicks in - right as Antonio is starting a painting! Which means we'll have to wait til next round to see him finish it off.

Next time we'll be playing Regan Capp's family and see if she can combine her career with a growing toddler this winter?

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...