Saturday, 1 October 2022

Round 3-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp
Previously at Goneril Capp's: The affair with Peter Ottomas has officially broken up Goneril's family! With her ex-husband Albany and oldest daughter Miranda sent to the flop house and the rest of her offspring being taken in by her aging father, Goneril has her old house all to herself and has a clean slate to pursue the life she herself wants.

And what Goneril wants is have Peter for herself! Just how far will she go to win the conquest?

She has made up a scheme already...

First, both Peter and Samantha are invited over, under the pretense Goneril wants to talk some things through with them...

Once they're inside Goneril immediately goes for the second phase.

Samantha's brain doesn't even know anymore whether it should be furious or bewildered.

Peter doesn't seem to mind being slapped in the face though - it even seems to turn him on?

After officially convincing Peter to side with Goneril, Samantha's brain settles on being furious.

With the buttons between the two pushed sufficiently, Peter and Samantha officially break things up.

Peter then walks off to watch some sports on TV with a smile - a smile that is a façade to his truer inner feelings on what just happened...

Goneril meanwhile gleefully goes to rub in some more salt into the wound for Samantha.

Samantha droops off as Goneril celebrates her victory for now...

With all the drama settled for now, Peter realises he needs to go to work!

Which leaves Goneril to tend the house to herself, eager to do things with Peter... For now however groceries need to be done.

And at the Veronaville Market...

,,, Goneril does just that.

Being at the market now Goneril realises that she could use some extra jewelry for herself.

After putting on her new bracelet Goneril noticed an old friend...

... their conversation went really well, according to Goneril.

Outside Goneril noticed another old friend - an actual friend that is.

An invitation back home...

... and Priya and Goneril are back home for a good lunch together.

Concerning Goneril's complete and utter lack of cooking skills their lunch consisted of gelatin.

After catching up on things together, Goneril and Priya said their goodbyes.

Goneril played chess til Peter got home.

He joined her at the table until...

... it was time to call some relatives over for the New Year's Bash, which gives a good opportunity for their children from their previous marriages to meet up.

Peter tried on the necklace Goneril bought him.

Meanwhile his ex-wife crashes in after kicking over the trash can - she must've heard from her kids about the festivities for the evening!

Surprised by this unexpected entrance, Peter burns the food for the party...

He's quick to shoo her and his nemesis Demi Love out - no fighting at this party!

Goneril tries to introduce herself to her new mother-in-law.

Afterwards she fell asleep in the food however. 

Samantha keeps stalking around creepily as the kids mostly stick to their own siblings.

OH WOW?!!?

This party REALLY seems to be going nowhere...

... let's hope Father Time can fix things up a bit.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!...... . . . . . .  .  .  .

That hasn't done much to fix the mood.

Goneril decides that only one final effort may lift the spirits a bit to save the party.

... The in-law parents to be had other plans however...


At least Dora got the opperhand in the last round as everyone is heading out.

... the next morning! Goneril AND Peter have the day off.

Which means that after getting some chores done...

... it's time for the two to spend some much-needed quality time together.

It goes from dancing...

... to steamy makeout sessions...

... and beyond...

... and even more beyond...

The two had a wonderful time together!

Around that time Consort walked by again - and Peter seized the opportunity to fix his first impression and get in better graces with his father-in-law.

Peter using his cooking skills to whip out a good salad does wonders.

The efforts seem to pay off well!

Today was more of a success for the household!

But then of course Samantha comes by and kicks the can.

The next day it's back to work they go!

The two of them made some good buck.

And after a good dinner...

The two went to the Veronaville Market once again...

... where they spent their well-earned money on new clothes - both regular and... special ones.

Goneril is rocking that new dress for her regular wear!

Antonio is less than impressed though, and goes on the offense.

Peter is prompted by this to show how a real elegant lady should be treated.

As Antonio doesn't seem to get the message, Peter rubs it in the hard way.

Not wanting to bother too much with that dumb Antonio, the two go home again.

Goneril goes and hits the chess table - where she earns a logic point.

But the night is falling once again - which prompts them to go to bed.

A new dawn breaks - and someone kicked over the trash can AGAIN... - just as the porch of the house has been redone, too!

And once again it is off to work...

... and back home in the afternoon!

With the new money they made Goneril gets herself a new car!

The two of them use it for a very special trip...

... I wonder what could be done at the Church?...

It's empty for now...

But soon all the relatives are here!

They watch in (sometimes reluctant) cheer as they see Goneril and Peter tie the knot, becoming Mrs and Mr Capp in the process.

The entire family applauds!

... after which Consort and Dora pick up their feud once again... - the couple didn't even get to cut the cake!

At least Regan is kind enough to bring a toast to the newlyweds! What a good sister she is.

Next it's time to cut the cake!


With most of the guests leaving prematurely, Goneril and Peter leave homewards, too.

Back home they get a little... frisky in the car. Must be the fresh car smell setting the mood.

With the knot recently tied, the newlyweds pine for more quality time together.

And that's exactly what they're chasing after.

And of course they involve the car again, too.

Goneril was VERY satisfied.

... Who is LESS satisfied with the recent events is Samantha Ottomas - and this time Peter caught her in the act of vandalising the property and is about to teach her a lesson!

... Except, Samantha taught Peter a lesson instead.

After his walk of shame back inside, Goneril awaits her fresh new husband for one more woohoo that night - but this time she may have ulterior intentions...

Afterwards they sleep through the night - and the next morning the dawn of spring blossoms in the skylight, which is a sign that we have to move on to the next household - which will be Antonio Monty's!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...