Saturday, 9 July 2022

Round 2-11 (Ramaswami)

Ramaswami Family
Previously at the Ramaswami family: The newlyweds Priya and Sanjay moved in their new house in Veronaville to start their lives together, and have done so far on a quiet, peaceful note so far. They have made a few friends and worked on their careers, and so far those seem to be their plans for the upcoming days as well... 

Priya woke up first, with wants to work on her relationships, throw a party and work on a skill. 

Working on charisma it is, as Sanjay does some household chores.

Right before Priya has to go off to work the two of them have a bonding moment together.

With Priya gone, Sanjay has the house to himself all day and uses this free time to work on his charisma...

... and then invite Cyd Roseland over.

Not soon after Cyd and Sanjay are best friends.

Up next: Making best friends with Kent as part of the 5 Best Friends wantinviting Antonio Monty over to make friends with him.

Sanjay tells Antonio about his musical ambitions...

... and as Priya gets home, Antonio is officially a family friend - as Gretchen is lost as a friend.

Priya gets back to her own charisma practise as Sanjay cleans up the hou--- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BED?

Priya gets that skill point, and Sanjay is working on a new want to gain a skill point.

And he does it!

Priya gives Patric Vu a call so that she can befriend him - and her good first impression on him is paying off!

Not soon after they're friends, too!

... So, here's where my game got buggy for a bit. I bought a new double bed, but for some reason both Priya and Sanjay dropped any actions with it... And buying these bunk beds was the only way they would actually go and sleep... It looks wonky, but its the only thing working :/

The next morning...

Sanjay kisses Priya goodbye to work, after she earned a cookign skill point - and rolled the want to get to level 4.

Having some time alone before he has to go to work, Sanjay decides to go to the Stratford Strip to meet someone new...

... Where Carmen Patch strikes once again.

Sanjay eventually strikes a conversation with Titania Summerdream - a good contact to have if conquering the social scene matters to you - like for Popularity Sim Sanjay.

Not soon after Sanjay goes home - to wash up and have some lunch.

And then it's off to work he goes.

Priya got home - with some extra cash and a promotion!

Still having the want to befriend Goneril, she invites her over.... 


Real smooth, Goneril.

After politely calling Coneril out for her bs, Priya keeps chatting on the phone and they eventually become friends anyways - right as Sanjay got home with a promotion :D

And Sanjay rolls new wants for skill points yet again!

It works off!

I googled what caused the bug that stopped my Sims from sleeping in a bed, and I figured out it was caused by a mod I recently installed that tries to revive bed ownership mechanics. I deleted that mod and as a result the beds are working once again. Woop!

The next morning, Priya cooks breakfast for her and her husband...

... and as they're eating the carpool for Sanjay has arrived - he's on the daytime shift now.

Later that morning Priya's carpool arrives as well, which means it'll be a few hours until someone comes home.

... That is, unless a chance card requires my attention...

... And Sanjay gets promoted because of it.

Welcome back home once again, Sanjay. Now pay your bills!

He's back on the afternoon shift, but happens to have the day off today - and immediately calls over Titania.

Oberon is brought along for the occasion as well.

The group has a movie afternoon together.

Goneril calls in the afternoon - sorry, but she's not home yet.

After Priya comes back home, Kent is the one to call and asking for Sanjay.

Priya goes and meets the Summerdreams...

As Sanjay fulfills his want to make best friends with Kent.

Priya just rolled the want to have a party! And now might be the right time to really get socialising.

So far things are going well...

... okay, things are NOT going well.

As Priya tries to distract Antonio, Oberon decides to REALLY push the boundaries of the Ramaswami's hospitality by takign a bath!

And then Titania goes as far as to crawl in THEIR BED!

Sanjay's want to befriend Oberon has to be put on the backburner as Oberon joined his 'lovely' wife in the bed.

Despite Kent and Goneril both gunning for Antonio and vice versa, the Ramaswamis kept them apart enough so that the party could be considered a moderate success.

And then Sanjay and Priya got to sleep in THEIR bed.

The next day...

... the bathtub broke. Goob job Sanjay. :c

After cleaning up the mess while being home alone...

... Sanjay took it upon himself to repair the thing.

And he has just enough time to take out the trash before he goes off to work himself.

... Oh, another chance event!

... Wowie, such luck.

That's literally his third promotion this round!

Being back to the morning shift Sanjay rings up Titania once he's done with work. 

They're friends by the time Priya is almost done with the cooking.

After dinner, Priya gives Oberon a call.

And soon after they're friends, too.

Priya watches some television to boost her cooking skills.

And then it's time for both her and Sanjay to sleep once again.

The next morning, Winter has fallen upon the Ramaswami house, which means it's time once more to move on in the rotation. Will the winter just bring more friendship building and career climbing to the Ramaswamis? Or will life throw some new challenges at them?

And what will Fall have in order for the Zuimelhof family? And after that, how will Tybalt and Mercutio start off their college years?

To be continued

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