Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Round 2-12 (Zuimelhof)

Zuimelhof Family
Previously at the Zuimelhof Family: recently arrived in Veronaville, Carla and Dave started work at the hospital, while their daughters Nora and Dora try to mingle with other young folks of their age - especially Dora has made quite a few friends already through the rounds, whereas the more reserved Nora did strike an unlikely friendship with Cornwall Capp, among others.

Dora was the first one to get up, trying to get ready for school.

Dora wasn't hungry though, so it was just her parents and Nora having breakfast together. Sorry Carla, you can talk about it all you want but there's no soup for you.

Everyone getting off to their duties...

And as Nora makes some extra money selling cookies, Dave gets approached by the same corrupt offer that Carla was approached with last round.

What worked out for Carla worked out for Dave as well, earning him some charisma.

Nora, as a teenager, got home first, and immediately grabbed her phone...

... to invite over Miranda Capp to hang out.

The two chatted in the garden a bit as Dora got home, bringing along Quince Summerdream for the afternoon.

Not long after Nora fulfilled her want to befriend Miranda.

And after that her parents got home from work - And Carla got promoted! (And wanted to earn a skill point - considering her promotion requirements Cleaning it shall be.)

Dave meanwhile is glad to see his daughter - what a good bumbling father.

Dora then received a phone call from Hal Capp - and even though it wasnt a long one she did make best friends with Hal along the way.

The teens and kids eventually had a blast doing the smustle together in Nora's room.

After Quince left for home due to the time, Nora took on the cooking as Dave went on a walk and Carla worked on some cleaning books.

After dining...

... Nora said goodbye to Miranda, followed...

... by her father helping her do her homework as Dora is asleep already.

After finishing it, Nora is exhausted too and ready to go to bed - and also wants a kitten!

It's late but Carla fulfilled her want to gain the skill point as well - which means she should go to bed AT ONCE, it's getting late and you have work tomorrow, ma'am!

The next morning Dora rolled a want to get her homework done - and so she does last minute.

Followed by a want to do make friends with Quince, which she does over the phone!

After all said and done everyone made it to work nonetheless, even though Carla had to go on an empty stomach...

And of course she got this chance card - (I lost the print screen of it but copied the text from the wiki):

"During an emergency appendectomy, Carla begins to feel slightly faint. She's been in surgery all day and has neglected to eat anything. The procedure is almost finished, but the final steps require a great deal of concentration, and there aren't any other surgeons available. She could finish the surgery quickly, or hand over the procedure to the resident assisting her."

Nailed it! Right as Nora got home from school... Shame that Carla already maxed her logic skill and doesn't need body for her work... though they might come in handy for Veronaville life in general.

... Why, you might ask?...

... Just the local culture.

Benedick eventually managed to get out of there as more fights broke out, and started chatting with Nora as they hit the arcade.

Isabella being a badass fighter once again - I have to admit that I am rooting for her all the time 😁

Having some good chemistry with Benedick, Nora tried to ask him on a date... sadly that went a bit too early.

After saying hi to Puck Nora left for home again.

Havign the want to earn a skill Nora goes for mechanical, as Dora comes home.

And right as the girls' parents come home, Nora has earned the point - just in time for what I am about to do.

The whole family gathers outside...

... and heads off for the Veronaville Market.

Where they go for the want all four of them have locked by now - to get a pet!

Welcome to the family, Agora Zuimelhof!

As Dave guys and purchases a collar, a teen townie decides to charm Nora... who isn't charmed by the gesture.

On the way back home Agora has joined the family portrait.

First things first: buying pet supplies for the little kitty-cat.

And as Nora's college notifications distract her from her cooking which makes her burn the food, Dave immediately tries to earn his way through a pet's love - which is through the stomach!

Once he brings out the toys, it works!

Dora is getting tired of burned chops.

Nora is the next one to give attention to Agora.

And soon the two of them are friends too!

With all that said and done, the Zuimelhof family goes to sleep.

The next morning, Dora spends time with Agora as Nora goes for the cooking and Carla goes for the reading.

Dora is next to befriend the cat.

After finishing her breakfast, Nora called up Benedick to make friends with him, and they made it to that point right as the school bus arrives.

With Carla and Dave off to work as well it's working time once more!

As usual, Nora got home first, and for today she has once again locked in on getting her Very First Kiss, and I think the right candidate has popped on the horizon by now.

And the best place to meet that person is on the other side of the town. Luckily Nora's last name makes her neutral and free to cross both sides without too much trouble.

Even though the first conversation went a bit rough, the two of them pick it up from there.

What went a bit less well though... Carmen Patch at it AGAIN! Also Benedick's sister Beatrice is there...

As for our lovebirds though.. on Benedick's side it's lovebirds that is.

More fighting keeps happening in the background, but that doesn't to bother the daters here - as Nora got the hearts for Benedick now... 

Followed by that Very First Kiss!

... and beyond.

All the lovey dovey stuff brought the two to becoming Best Friends.

Which is where they called it a day.

Back to the home turf!

Where Puck calls Nora as Dora comes home.

Benedick tries to sneak in a rose bouquet for Nora but gets caught by her parents coming home - which includes Carla getting promoted again! She's now 1 cleaning skill point away from reaching the top of her career - and her new job has her scheduled right now!

As Dora goes out to welcome her parents back home, Nora hits the mechanical books once again... Also the house got some extra items and decor, just look at the new television!

... and soon she has fulfilled that want!

Carla has returned home - no promotion, but with some extra money, 

Carla works on her want to earn a fourth Body skill point, as Dave rakes the leave and Nora does the cooking.

With the weekend ahead of her, Carla invites over her friend Samantha Ottomas for dinner - and she invites a friend of hers along for the visit as well...

... Who turns out to be her mother-in-law Dora Ottomas - and together they enjoy some dinner together! They better not know that Nora is having a phone call with the daughter of the woman Samantha's husband is having an affair with...


That was really complicated.

Benedick came back with a gift and - WHOA IT IS A DANCE SPHERE HOW DID HE AFFORD IT?

Thanks for the free cash!

The next morning Nora wants to earn another skill point, again!

She's working on another mechanical point as Dora and Agora enjoy The Adventures Of The Old Gnomekicker!

Nora got that point just in time for school!

And with Dave off to work, Carla has the whole house to herself!... So she slept in.

By the time Carla got up and ready, Nora was at home already - and brought a townie classmate named Keith Cormier back home.

Then Dora got home, with top tier notes! ... Shame Carla is too focused on her book to cheer her daughter on. 

Then Doctor Dave got home - and found himself back in kindergarten. 

Nora rolled the want to befriend Keith, who happened to be right in front of her.

Dora rolled the want to bestfriend Quince, who happened to be one phone call away from her.

Carla got a Eureka moment and fulfilled her want to master the cleaning skill - which means that she should be eligible for a promotion!

Next Nora's crush Benedick called... and he wanted to talk to Dora instead. Oof...

Not sure if Nora was aware of Benedick's presence there or not, but once it was time to kick out Keith for the night... OOF.

She's not even a Romance Sim, she's Family!

Carla was still up rolled the want to try out the telescope - and found out that Science is her one true hobby!

She and Dave celebrated this fact with some couple love.

The new Winter has made Dora eager to see snow - sorry girl, you have to wait until the next round to do so as the time for this round is up.

Will Carla reach the top of her career? Will Nora stay true to Benedick? And what about the girls' imminent birthdays?

To be continued

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