Saturday, 30 July 2022

Round 2 Uni - 1 (Tybalt Capp)

Verona University League

The ancient university laid further down South the Verona channel, where only the brightest and most promising students are accepted to be educated about the world. 

Yet just like the village nearby is split into different styles based on what side of the river you hail from, the Verona University League is split into two as well - and with both Capps and Monty's attending, their mentalities are brought along too.

The faculty is VERY strict - a full study entails 4 years of 2 days per year each, 1 second chance for failing a final exam, and in contrary to Veronaville the hour counter keeps on rolling on community lots at campus.

Tybalt Capp
On the second day of the Capp household, Tybalt moved to College. Upon arrival he immediately moved into the dorms. Being out on his own now, away from his little sisters who are too busy wooing Monty's, Tybalt is proud to bring back the Capp standards into the big world!

Tybalt aged up! Sadly, being orphaned meant for him that no parents were there to bring him off.

Tybalt, being very athletic, will reside in the Stadium Dorm - which can house 6 students.
Downstairs are a hallway with a small study area, the cafeteria, an easel and the toilets.

Up the stairs we have a lounge area, 6 dorm rooms, and the bathroom/shower facilities.

As Tybalt claimed his dorm room door, he was thinking of how badly he wanted to slam it in Romeo Monty's face.

As he waited for the rest of the dorm to fill up, Tybalt did some dancing and realised that he is really into music. 

Having his mind set on finally getting his first kiss, Tybalt tried to meet some of the 'broads' residing in his dorm room. Making a bad first impression though filled his mind with thoughts of Romeo, the natural smoothie from the clan that has caused Tybalt so much personal harm.

After not being successful with meeting, Tybalt decides he might get a better shot at the Lounge.

After arriving there, he has to leave at once to attend his college seminar - and there he realised he wanted to major in Politics.

With not many interesting people at the Lounge, Tybalt moves his presence to the Library...

... to officially declare Politics.

After doing so he rolls the want to dabble in group research - which comes in handy at the library.

But after that he feels it's time for him to find a date. He tried to chat up the cheerleader, but she went off really fast, which filled Tybalt's mind with jealous and hateful thoughts about Romeo.

After that he chatted a bit with Sierra Kauker. So far off to a good start...

But Sierra was seriously turned off by Tybalt's luscious red locks.

After that Tybalt gave Carla Carr a chance.

She likes what she sees in Tybalt - an opportunity!

But for now it was time for Tybalt to return to his dorm to refresh a little.

There he struck a conversation with Amy Platz, one of his fellow dormmates - who scores more bolts than Carla!

She is into redheads too!

Before more can grow out of the conversation, Tybalt has class yet again - where he met his professor.

Being tired from his first day, he relaxes a bit and then goes to bed.

The next morning Tybalt has rolled a want to befriend Amy!

The perfect opportunity to ask her on a date...

... which she accepts! All seems to go well...

... So well, that when all is said and done their lips move together and lock! Everyone is happy! Everyone except for the grumpy old dorm cook over there...

After his first date Tybalt focuses on his wants - which mostly involve him making friends - so calling them up it is!

After that he wants to learn a skill point - in Tybalt's case mechanical might come in handy.

Not soon after Tybalt gets the dreaded notification that his first exam is coming up...

While mentally preparing for the event, his cousin Desdemona calls for a chat. Tybalt garners strength for the upcoming events by talking about his pride for his family clan...

... and it pays off! Tybalt has officially entered his Sophomore year!

After a good rest...

... Tybalt decides to treat himself on a shopping trip.

BADASS jewelry? Check.

BADASS outfit? Check.

BADASS Makeover?



Check check double Check!

Having gained some more confidence out of his new BADASS appearance, Tybalt meets some new people at the back of the shop, when suddenly a familiar face appears, also harbouring thoughts of hatred towards the younger sibling of his arch nemesis who happens to be in a forbidden relationship with his own younger sibling.

(Yep, at the start of this university round I already aged Mercutio up to a young adult so that he and Tybalt could potentially meet in this round)

Mercutio, in a fit of foolishness, decides to attack the BADASS confident guy who has kicked his ass several times...

And actually defeats him!?

Tybalt, having his bADaSs cOnFIdEncE shattered, decides to butt off...

... and just buy a cellphone - AT LAST.

After that he goes back home.

After using the bathrooms and harassiing the dorm cook to make him some pancakes, Tybalt had a personal dance party in his towel when suddenly a llama runs in

Tybalt decides to exchange some travel stories with him.

After which he has a towel romance session with Amy.

Tybalt gets off to his college class feeling really satisfied with life.

The college directory has different plans though and for some probably convoluted reason Tybalt's second exam was planned at 5am. 

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Tybalt pulled through and declined an offer to change his aspiration.

Tybalt officially made it to Junior Year and is taking a shower after he has realised the steep skill level he has to reach in order to be eligible to pass this year.

Will Tybalt be able to either pull 3 mechanical skill points or 5 creativity skill points out of his pocket in the next 2 days? We'll find out the next round - as with 2 years finished it is time for us to move to the next household, who happens to be Tybalt's nemesis Mercutio!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...