Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Round 1-3 (Summerdream Family)


Summerdream Family
The Summerdreams' kindly nature and zest for life have cast a romantic spell over Veronaville's youth. But will there be any magic left for Puck?

After residing in Moonlight Falls for most of their adult lives, Titania Summerdream and her partner Oberon Gossamer moved to Veronaville, and adopted their beloved children Puck and Bottom there. 
So far they have established themselves as the neutral household inbetween the feuding Capp and Monty clans, and their charm could be the thing to heal the feud.
Will their fairy magic bring the town together, or will their spell backfire?

As always, let's first take a look at their LTWs and personalities

Titania Summerdream
Graduate 3 children from college! Titania only has 2, and a want to adopt another child, so that's going to be locked in!

Oberon Gossamer
And I feel that with that LTW we can better lock in the want to max out his creativity. 

Puck Summerdream
In contrary to Mercutio, being part of the neutral house is going to help Puck as he is free to befriend anyone without his last name complicating things. Though will his interest in Hermia force him to choose a side?

Bottom Summerdream
Aah, a child. No aspiration yet, though I did make a calculator in advance to decide which aspiration a teenage Sim will receive, and which secondary aspiration they will receive later on in life. 

How it works: 
- Enter the personality points your Sim has
- Enter the interest points your Sim has
- If applicable, enter which bloodline they belong to
- The highest-scoring aspiration will be their primary one
- The second highest will be their secondary, if it's within 100 points from the first.

As for the final scripted event, there's a party going on at the Summerdream house, and all the Capp and Monty teens are invited! Puck's crush Hermia is among the partygoers, and Oberon and Titania have plans as well...

As a diehard Hermia-Puck shipper this is one of my favourite scenes in video game history <3

Sadly the Monty boys, who both have crushes on her, don't really agree with my sentiments.

In the meanwhile, Titania is making the phone call to the adoption agency :3

They approve and the child will be delivered tomorrow at 10. Which, unless the season changes really late, will be next round. As for this round, Hermia and Puck make their relationship official.

Meanwhile Mercutio is trying to wave away his angry thoughts about Puck XD

Titania is doing her own proposal to Oberon!

... and not soon after...

... the two lovebirds tied the knot!

... oof. 

... At least the guests were amused by the party - even Tybalt restrained himself from any Monty-bashing.

Afterwards Puck made best friends with his father, which nets him even more aspiration points

"... I have seen things I will never unsee..."

At least he didn't witness this.

Instead Puck studied his mechanical skill, which might make him more eligible for promotion today.

But before we can learn if that succeeds we'll have to play the other families first, as autumn has begun at the Summerdream house. Next time we will play the first day of Goneril Capp's household, 

To be continued

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